Why write unit tests

  • Advantages: Unit tests reduce bug rates and improve code quality. You can also familiarize yourself with the business through unit tests.
  • Company requirements: Some companies may also mandate the percentage of single test coverage required for each code addition or change to be eligible for a code merge request.

Choose which unit test framework

At present, junit4+Mock (Mockito, JMock, EasyMock, PowerMock) is a common Java unit test tool. Why was PowerMock chosen? When doing unit testing, we find that the method we are testing has many external dependencies or calls to other services (sending mail, network communication, SOA calls). And we have no control over these externally dependent objects. To solve this problem, we need to use mocks to simulate these externally dependent objects and thus control them. We only care if our own business logic is correct. This is where PowerMock comes in. It can mock not only external dependencies, but also private methods, final methods, and so on.

What is a powerMocker

PowerMock is a framework that extends other mock libraries, such as EasyMock, with more powerful capabilities. PowerMock uses custom class loaders and bytecode operations to simulate static methods, constructors, final classes and methods, private methods, remove static initializers, and more. By using a custom classloader, you do not need to make any changes to the IDE or continuous integration server, thus simplifying the adoption process. Developers familiar with the supported simulation frameworks will find PowerMock easy to use because the entire expected API is the same, both for static methods and constructors. PowerMock is designed to extend an existing API with a small number of methods and annotations to enable additional functionality.

Commonly used annotations

  • @runWith (PowerMockRunner.class) tells JUnit to use PowerMockRunner to test
  • PrepareForTest({demodao.class}) All classes to be tested are listed here. This applies to classes that simulate final or have final, private, static, or native methods
  • @PowerMockIgnore({“javax.management.“, “javax.net.ssl.“}) to resolve a ClassLoader error after using powerMock
  • @ SuppressStaticInitializationFor don’t let the static load code Other more annotations can refer to: github.com/powermock/p…

How to start

JUnit 4.4 or later
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PowerMock sample

This is a class that needs to be mocked and it has private methods, static methods, and so on and so forth and I’ll show you how to mock each method.

/ * * * *@Date: 2020/3/31
 * @Description: * /
public class DemoDao {
    public String mockPublicMethod(String type) throws Throwable {
        throw  new Throwable();
    public final String mockFinalMethod(String type) throws Throwable {
        throw  new Throwable();
    public static String mockStaticMethod(String type) throws Throwable {
        throw  newThrowable(); }}/ * * *@Date: 2020/3/31 name *@Description: * /
public class DemoService extends AbstractDemo{

    private DemoDao demoDao;

    public String mockPublicMethod(a) throws Throwable {
        return demoDao.mockPublicMethod("demo");

    public String mockFinalMethod(a) throws Throwable {
        return demoDao.mockFinalMethod("demo");

    public String mockStaticMethod(a) throws Throwable {
        return DemoDao.mockStaticMethod("demo");

    private String callPrivateMethod(String type) {
        return type;

    public String mockPublicMethodCallPrivateMethod(String type) throws Throwable {
        return callPrivateMethodThrowable(type);

    private String callPrivateMethodThrowable(String type) throws Throwable {
        throw new Throwable();

    public String mockExtendMethod(String type) throws Throwable {
       return getExtendMethod();

    public static String UUID = "uuid";

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Mock common public methods
   / * * *@Date: 2020/4/24 all *@Description: * /
   public class DemoServiceTest {
       private DemoService demoService;
       private DemoDao demoDao;
    /** * mock normal method *@throws Throwable
       public void mockPublicMethod(a) throws Throwable {
           String type = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
           String result = demoService.mockPublicMethod();
           Assert.assertEquals(type, result);
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The mock Final method

It’s the same as a normal method, except that it requires a PrepareForTest annotation on the class

    public class DemoServiceTest {
        private DemoService demoService;
        private DemoDao demoDao;
      /** * Mock Final@throws Throwable
         public void mockFinalMethod(a) throws Throwable {
             String type = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
             String result = demoService.mockFinalMethod();
             Assert.assertEquals(type, result);
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Mock static methods (using PowerMockito.mockStatic) are also decorated with the PrepareForTest annotation for the mock class.
  public class DemoServiceTest {
      private DemoService demoService;
      private DemoDao demoDao;
      /** * Mock static method *@throws Throwable
      public void mockStaticMethod(a) throws Throwable {
          String type = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
          String result = demoService.mockStaticMethod();
          Assert.assertEquals(type, result);
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Calling private methods
    /** * Call private method **@throws Throwable
     /** * Call private method **@throws Throwable
       public void callPrivateMethod(a) throws Throwable {
           // The first way
           String type = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
           Method method = PowerMockito.method(DemoService.class, "callPrivateMethod", String.class);
           String result = (String) method.invoke(demoService, type);
           Assert.assertEquals(type, result);
           // The second way
           String result1 = Whitebox.invokeMethod(demoService, "callPrivateMethod", type);
           Assert.assertEquals(type, result1);
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Mock private methods (The mock class is also decorated with PrepareForTest annotations.)
    /** * Mock private methods@throws Throwable
    public void mockPrivateMethod(a) throws Throwable {
        String type = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        // This sentence is important
        demoService = PowerMockito.spy(demoService);
        String result = demoService.mockPublicMethodCallPrivateMethod(type);
        Assert.assertEquals(type, result);
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Mock superclass method
     /** * Mock superclass method **@throws Throwable
      public void mockExtendMethod(a) throws Throwable {
          String type = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
          // Requires the methods of the mock superclass
          Method method = PowerMockito.method(AbstractDemo.class, "getExtendMethod");
          // InvocationHandler
          PowerMockito.replace(method).with((proxy, method1, args) -> type);
          String result = demoService.mockExtendMethod(type);
          Assert.assertEquals(type, result);
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Mock constructors
     public DemoService(a) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
    public void mockConstructorMethod(a) throws Throwable {
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The mock field
        /** * Mock field */
        public void mockFiled(a){
            String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            Whitebox.setInternalState(DemoService.class, "UUID",uuid);
            Assert.assertEquals(DemoService.UUID, uuid);
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The end of the

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