Separation of front and rear ends of Halo project.

At this time, the back-end project will be deployed to Ali Cloud, and the front-end project will be uploaded to Github.

CDN acceleration in Mainland China via JSdeliVR.

This method can skip aliyun network speed limit. Speed up Halo access


Modify the project root path env file as follows:


PUBLIC_PATH= the code
  1. Package halo-admin as Dist folder via Gradle:jsdelivr
  2. Push the Dist folder to Github via IDEA
  3. Halo project was deployed to Ali CLoud using Alibaba CLoud Tools in one click
  4. Clear the browser cache and visit the home page.

One-click deployment operation diagram

Jsdelivr package diagram:

Cao Chen’s thinking notes

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Sharing is also an attitude to life sharing what you think, what you get.

Write By CaoChen

My name is [Cao Chen]. This wechat public account summerhins aims to improve myself, mainly covering learning methods, attention, habits and so on. At the same time, I share various reading notes and movie reviews from time to time.

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