Today, programming school recommends an interesting programming practice platform, which differs from other platforms in that it turns programming practice into a game. CodinGame, an innovative coding learning platform built by a French startup, recently raised $1.6 million in funding.

As the platform’s name suggests, CodinGame is about games — not game development, not gamification, just simple games. The logic behind each exercise on the platform is linked to an actual game, giving you real-time visual feedback and an actual reward for completing the exercise.

The target users of the platform are those who have a certain programming foundation like me. I suggest you have a try. Of course, it also provides a corresponding level of advanced practice for experienced programmers. Interested friends, you can go to the platform registration experience.

According to the company’s co-founder and CEO, they chose this approach based on their belief that learning can be a great motivator if combined with games.

For each exercise, you can choose your favorite from over 20 programming languages, such as Python, Ruby, Java, Scala, and more. The company is aimed at people who already know some of the basics of programming, but it also offers a matching challenge for experienced programmers.

In particular, multiplayer has recently become popular among programmers. In multiplayer, you learn the basics of ARTIFICIAL intelligence, pitting yourself against others to see whose code is more efficient.

CoinGame supports 23 different programming languages, and you can choose your own familiar language for each game exercise. On The CodinGame platform, each exercise is browser-based, providing an integrated web development environment that allows you to compile code in real time and see changes in the game in real time without refreshing the web page. So far, CodinGame has attracted 230,000 subscribers.

The company had already raised $500,000 from angel investors. Their competitors include CodeFights, also an innovative programming practice platform, and traditional programming learning sites like Treehosue and Code School.

P.S. Domestic IT online learning websites, like foreign traditional programming websites, mainly rely on video tutorials. There is no such platform as CodinGame. So to go to this website I recommend practice, need to have a certain Level of English. However, I believe that soon, the domestic may also appear similar platform.