For me, 2018 is a year of greatest growth. I have significantly improved my professional skills, way of thinking and psychological quality. However, the more people know, the more things they don’t know, so I have to work hard!

At the end of the year, as the team was sorting out the portfolio, I also sorted out the personal part. It was not perfect, but I worked hard.

(The cover and banner images are provided by other team members)

In the short term, I did not want to be fixed in a certain style, so I tried a lot. 19 years wanted to work more on 3D.

emm…. See!

As for my major, THE further I go, the more basic I will be. Therefore, I will focus on some basic courses to share with you in the hope of helping those in need.

All of a sudden, I have worked for more than 4 years, and I have experienced some things. No matter what is good or bad, when I look back, it is actually good, because every step is not in vain.

Thank you very much for paying attention to my friends all the time. Just for your continuous attention, I also want to do things with my heart, ha ha!

Happy New Year to you all, 19 years of everything!

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