E-trust has been awarded the Swan Award for three consecutive years due to its continuous innovation of products and improvement of user experience, as well as its determination to differentiate its operations in the mobile social networking field.

Chat bai, bask in bai, touch bai help easy letter open differentiation chapter

In August, E-Trust launched version 6.0, which newly integrated the random video social play “Dabei” and set two modes of “accidental encounter” and “fun play” to provide users with more efficient and intuitive video social experience. The user enters the “encounter” section, can touch the “person” in seconds, and chat randomly for 60 seconds; The “fun” module is more abundant, adding interactive mini-games such as “Guessing words” and “King of Karaoke” to ease the awkward conversation between the two parties at the first meeting. Moreover, the video chatting time is increased to 300s, extending the interaction time. There are also functions such as sending flowers and beautify your face to increase your likability, extending your chat time again or adding friends to your social network.

The unique instant video social mode of E-trust bid farewell to the single mode of text, text and voice, so as to make the social mode more diversified, enrich the interactive experience of users, so that users can feel the fun of instant dating. At the same time, it also plays a good role in promoting the transition of e-trust products, that is, from flat social form to three-dimensional social form.

The social relationship chain of Yixin is different from the social relationship between acquaintances of wechat and strangers of Momo, but a weak social relationship between familiar and unfamiliar. Flat social forms such as single text, text and voice will weaken this weak social relationship, which can neither lift up the heat of both parties nor bring them closer.

Since it is a social APP, if users are not active enough, it will certainly be detrimental to the development of the platform, and it will be even more difficult to make the platform profitable. It is reported that the number of registered users of Yixin exceeds 200 million. According to the public data of Yixin, active users account for 30%, but sources say the actual active user rate of Yixin is less than 10%, only between 6% and 8%.

At the early stage, E-messenger was mainly focused on instant messaging, with users enjoying free ultra-long call duration, multiple free text messages, voice messages and other functions. This advantage allowed e-messenger to increase the number of users in a short period of time, but did not last long. The reason was that the weak social attributes could not increase user stickiness and retain users. After that, Yixin continued to improve and innovate, and launched social networking methods such as chatting bai, Posting bai and group community.

Chatbot is a topic to attract the attention and discussion of Yixin users. The topic can be hot topics, users’ mood at a certain moment, hometown dialect, etc., which is not only close to users’ living and working environment, but also can arouse the resonance of users. As the name implies, sun Bai is to post photos, which can be their own or others’, can be funny or cute, and can be elegant and tall. This form can satisfy users’ desire for self-expression and satisfaction of attracting attention. Compared with the star and product of microblog, Chatting and Posting of Yixin are more popular and can better meet the social needs of the public.

In addition easecredit group of community is also a major bright spot, has the same type, humorous type, like-minded, conversations, complaints, etc., the type is various, members of the group in addition to sports of all kinds of chat, can also dress up your community, such as love to eat love travel users can post the pics in the community hair photos hair tips, etc., both diversity and simplicity.

From topic chat bai, sun according to bask in touch bai bai to random video type, we never stop the pace of innovation, always cleave to differentiate products operating line, but always failed to keep the hot fire stance, because WeChat the competitors are too strong, or because too fierce competition of mobile social field, or because easecredit itself has defects?

Internal troubles and external troubles prevent easy letter from moving forward

Easy trust has been lukewarm, investigating its reasons for the following.

From the point of view of the product itself, although it has been very innovative, but there are still many problems.

First, the user experience is inadequate. Since the product is not mature at the beginning, users have a lot of inconvenience when using it. Such as tedious interface menu is not liked by users in the early stage, some functions still have defects, free SMS, call, message and other use scope is not clear, some users will not understand the use of the instructions are worried about pit, so users dare not easily use this quality function, also hindered the expansion pace of Eastrust to a certain extent.

Second, the distribution of netease’s other products is excessive. Users give easy letter the main definition is a collection of WeChat, weibo, netease’s products in a social APP, admittedly with easecredit social attributes for all kinds of products in netease dispersing pertains is an advantage of low cost, can help increase of users, netease other products but too dispersing pertains netease product can bring bundled to the user experience, and damage the user’s use of liberty, It may even drive users away. However, netease’s access to the whole platform is mostly from netease’s original users, so it is difficult to find users in other fields, which is not conducive to the long-term development of eastrust.

From the perspective of mobile social networking, the competition is fierce, Tencent’s dominant position is hard to shake, and Eastrust is faced with numerous challenges.

First, the large scale of mobile social networking is an advantage, but there are many social apps and the competition is fierce. According to the 2017 China Mobile Social User Insight Report released by IResearch, the monthly number of mobile social apps in China was close to 590 million in May 2017. Iresearch found that 36.7% of users have three mobile social applications at the same time, 30.3% of users have two, 12.5% of users have four, 6.1% of users have more than five, and only 5.4% of users only use one social application, showing how fierce the competition is.

In addition, wechat is still the dominant player in the social field, as it has been deeply engaged in the social field for many years. In terms of user base, monthly active users, user stickiness and functions, wechat is far superior to e-Messenger and other mobile social apps. According to the 2017 wechat Users & Ecology Research Report, wechat has 889 million monthly active users worldwide as of December 2016.

Second, social software gameplay tends to become homogenous. The instant video “Bump” function launched by Easecredit is not unique to Easecredit. TiKi, Kuaishou and Momo have all applied social play with little difference. The social mode of instant video is generally recognized as “magic”. Meeting a stranger in a very short time and being able to see the face of the stranger directly is a new way of playing that is both interesting and can arouse users’ curiosity, thus arousing users’ frequency of using software and increasing their activity and stickiness.

This kind of gameplay is easy to excite young people, but the enthusiasm of video socializing among strangers may be overrated, and the market remains to be seen whether users will really like it, or whether it will be used in the long term. Two completely unknown people face each other’s appearance as soon as they meet, which will bring a certain degree of psychological pressure to both sides in this era of looking at faces. Although the “touch bai” mode of YI Xin optimizes the facial effect presented, the inability to see the actual appearance of each other will also add a sense of disappointment to each other. After all, acquaintance social networking is more suitable for users’ social needs, and wechat status is the best proof.

First, there are still problems with the product itself. First, in the competitive market environment, whether the instant video social mode can take up the big beam still needs to be tested by the market and other challenges. Eastrust has a long way to go.

Advantage can solve easy letter internal troubles and external troubles

If We want to have a place in the field of mobile social networking, we can make full use of our own advantages, and multi-dimensional user expansion will help ease into the distance.

First, give full play to advantages and tap the potential of “social + instant messaging” mode. Since E-Trust is jointly promoted by China Telecom and netease, both sides have their own advantages. China Telecom has powerful mobile communication resources, and Netease’s resources and technologies in various fields should be fully utilized.

Currently easecredit new users free duration is only 180 minutes, including easy letter special line, people calls and international roaming etc., the length is too short can’t fully satisfy customers’ demand, if users want to overtime we earn the collectibles have long use exchange, the user use played a significant role in easecredit other functions, but users will insist for a long time are full of uncertainty. In terms of instant messaging, Yi Xin can actually emulate Xiaomi’s phone refueling package, which allows users to purchase voice time at a very affordable price. It is also a feasible solution to increase user frequency, engagement and revenue generation.

Second, make good use of netease’s powerful game gene, push the mode of “instant video + online game”. Although it remains to be seen whether real-time video social networking can truly win the favor of users, there is no doubt that it will be popular among the young generation. As long as the continuous optimization of real-time video social networking experience will win the favor of users. For example, by launching online games, users can increase the communication time, relieve the awkward atmosphere at the beginning of the meeting, further open up the conversation, promote communication, and promote the deepening of social relations. For users who do not like to play games, random topic recommendations can be added, so that each other can choose to talk about, to avoid the embarrassment of having nothing to talk about and lack of communication skills. In addition, rewards such as sending flowers can also increase the income of the platform.

The random matching mode is not limited to the opposite sex, the user information can be used for data analysis of same-sex matching, or good match with the same interests, different interests good match and other forms of matching, so that the second touch “predestined relationship” more interesting.

Together, easy to believe in initial growth situation is not good, and there are many problems, also face multiple challenges, appears before the road all the way, but easy to believe if you can play its strengths, such as “social + im”, “real-time video + online game mode” to strengthen, also to develop more market share, in the field of mobile instant social to grab a seat.

Liu Kuang, meditation on the Internet, wechat official account: Liukuang110