MyEclipse is a further extension of the open source tool Eclispse and is the most affordable and comprehensive SUITE of J2EE IDES and Web development tools available today. MyEclipse is available for all of your UML, AJAX, Web, Web Services, J2EE, JSP, XML, Struts, JSF, Java Persistence, EJB, extended database support, and application server integration needs.

Following the release of CI 2019.4.0 in the first half of the year, MyEclipse 2019.12.5 is now available. The latest release is built on the 2019-09 version of Eclipse and contains many core fixes and enhancements. Read on for more details.

There is no CI or Stable

This release is not marked with CI or Stable. The development team felt that the naming of “CI” could lead to different interpretations of the release’s quality and stability, and decided to discontinue its use. MyEclipse CI is now MyEclipse, and you can treat it like any stable version of the product.


Right now, MyEclipse supports WildFly 17 and 18. Note: If you have not specified a custom JDK/JRE for your connector, this update will automatically switch to running with Java 13. If the server cannot be started due to Java incompatibility, specify another JRE/JDK on the server configuration page. When you configure a new connector, the server UI also warns you of known Java version incompatibilities.


  • The EJB deployment

If you use EJB 2.0 and the EJB Deploy feature, there are some bugs that prevent it from working unless you start MyEclipse with Java 8. Now that it’s available out of the box in Java 13, you don’t need to change the JVM anymore.

  • The WAS 9.0.5

Although earlier versions of WebSphere 9 worked, WebSphere 9.0.5 could not be launched from within MyEclipse due to an SSL error. Now that these issues have been resolved, you can use the latest version of WebSphere in this release.

Java to enhance

There’s no denying that in this version of MyEclipse, you’ll benefit from a number of Java enhancements.

  • Chain Completion

Developers’ favorite feature is content-assisted chain completion suggestions. Chain templates support traversing accessible fields, local variables, and methods to generate call chains whose return types are compatible with the expected types.

  • Java Formatter

Formatting blank lines into proper format is always a challenge. Now, Java Formatter has a number of Settings that help you format your code the way you want it. Many other formatting Settings have been added since 2019.04.

When you use it, you’ll also find other interesting Java enhancements – expressions in the variable view, synchronization between standard output and error output in the console, and a new advanced module dependency tag in the Java Build path.

Quick search

Alone, search isn’t exciting, but if you see what quick search can do, you’ll keep using it! Myeclipse Chinese now searches all files in your workspace by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Alt + L and displays a preview of matching text.

Bug fix

  • A bug in Matisse that prevented the proper creation of new Swing components using wizards has been fixed.

  • If you try to run MyEclipse with Java 12 or later, you will face licensing and activation issues – now fixed.

  • If you use MyEclipse dark themes, the colors (code and visual) in the SQL editor will be harder to read – the colors in these editors are now more suitable for dark themes.

  • The latest versions of Windows Defender have been known to proactively scan Eclipse-based installations, resulting in significant delays in MyEclipse startup times. And there may be further delays when MyEclipse runs, because it may also start scanning your workspace. MyEclipse will automatically recommend excluding the key folder from Windows Defender to avoid this problem.