On June 24, Microsoft officially announced Windows 11, the new version of its Windows operating system, and launched a new Microsoft Store. Microsoft said it has redesigned the Microsoft Store to provide more content for users, maintain a simple user experience and provide faster response times. According to Microsoft’s official statement, the HTML component has been removed from the Microsoft Store.

In Windows 10, the front end of the Microsoft Store is built on HTML/CSS (Web Components). For example, the product page is based entirely on HTML, but this greatly slows down the response time and thus affects the user experience, especially when the Get or Install buttons are clicked. The biggest problem with Microsoft Stores right now is that they often don’t work properly. For example, downloading large apps often fails without explanation in the error code.

In the new version of Windows 11, Microsoft will replace the existing Store with a new version of the Microsoft Store, written in XAML/C#, that will be entirely Universal Windows Platform (” UWP “) applications. The new version of the Microsoft Store has significantly improved performance and no longer fails to download large apps and games. Large games will also be faster to download using the new Microsoft Store, an anonymous source confirmed.

In addition, Microsoft wants the Microsoft Store to be more open to developers. To this end, the company has taken two main measures:

  • Supports more types of Apps, such as Win32,.NET, UWP, Xamarin, Electron, React Native, Java, and even Progressive Web Apps for different frameworks and packaging technologies.
  • Flexibility and selectivity of the commercial platform: Developers can use Microsoft’s payment mechanism to list apps and games on the Microsoft Store, with Microsoft taking a 15% and 12% cut, respectively. In addition, as of July 28, Microsoft will allow developers to bypass its payment mechanism, with Microsoft taking a zero cut.

Microsoft Teams and Visual Studio are expected to hit the Microsoft Store by the end of this year. In addition, the new Microsoft Store will include Adobe Creative Cloud, Disney+, TikTok, Zoom and other apps.

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