BEIJING, May 27, 2021 — Build 2021, Microsoft’s annual developer conference, will be broadcast live online, Microsoft focuses on Azure cloud Platform, developer community, identity authentication and security, Microsoft 365 productivity Platform, Power Platform low code development Platform, Windows development and other tools, products and platforms closely related to the global developer ecosystem. The launch of nearly 100 new features and services will help developers around the world create value and creativity in a more efficient, flexible, secure and scalable way, and inject innovation into the rebooting and digital transformation of the world.

Over the past year, the world has undergone unprecedented changes. Developers around the world, as the heroes behind the scenes of pervasive technological innovation, have played a vital role in helping industries recover, accelerate transformation, and support resilience and confidence for people around the world. In the face of the challenges and opportunities of the post-epidemic era, developers will have a greater role to play as creators of the digital world in the future.

Microsoft’s developer DNA keeps it focused on the evolving and diverse needs of developers. Microsoft offers a wealth of development tools, from the Visual Studio family, the GitHub open source community, the.NET framework, to the full Microsoft Intelligent Cloud Matrix: Azure, Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, and Power Platform, in addition to end-to-end security barriers including identity, data security, and access management. Services to the global “fortune 500” companies 95% of Microsoft’s cloud, not only provides a fully functional technology platform for developers, but also can provide a global service network, and truly enterprise security compliance, ensure that for the application of developers and solution, provides the first-class development, deployment and operational platform.

From Windows to Teams, we are improving the innovation efficiency of developers across the board

Microsoft owns Visual Studio, a development tool popular with developers around the world, and GitHub, an open source development community that gathers programming talent from around the world. Microsoft’s goal is to ensure that developers can write code in their favorite languages, open source frameworks, and tools, publish applications to the cloud from anywhere, collaborate with each other in a secure way, and quickly integrate different components using low-code tools.

With more than 25 million monthly active users worldwide, Visual Studio continues to be the most popular development tool for professional developers. Microsoft has released the latest update to Visual Studio 2019, which includes new features for.NET and C++ development and upgraded Git tools, support for creating GitHub Action workflows directly from the IDE development environment. Container development tools have been improved and specifically optimized for cloud development with Azure integration. For more details on the innovative features, check out the Visual Studio blog.

Visual Studio blog link:…

The upcoming version of the Visual Studio 2022 Roadmap is now available. Visual Studio 2022 will use a 64-bit architecture to provide a new look and feel, optimized for large projects and complex solutions in terms of scalability and performance. The official public preview will be available soon. In order to make the development environment as good as possible, Microsoft welcomes feedback from the developer community so that we can make improvements and adjustments accordingly.

Developer Community Links:…

In the pursuit of greater productivity, developers often manually set up the development environment to ensure that everything they need is within easy reach. In seconds, GitHub Codespaces can turn any code repository into a fully customizable development environment in the cloud. Developers can customize the environment to their needs, depending on how much computing power they need. Sign up for a trial now to learn more.

Registration link:…

With more than 145 million daily active users worldwide, Microsoft Teams is becoming an indispensable digital collaboration platform for many enterprises, especially its built-in applications and business processes, which are increasingly being used by users to collaborate with each other. As the need for real-time synchronous and asynchronous collaboration grows, developers can address this need by developing collaborative applications that run in Teams. Team’s new conferencing feature allows developers to customize and extend conferencing modes such as Shared Stage and Together. The Microsoft Teams toolkit also adds new features that are easy to develop, such as single-line authorization, Azure Functions integration, Microsoft Graph data connectors, and more. For more details on the Teams features, check out the Microsoft 365 blog.

Microsoft 365 blog link:…

With more than 1.3 billion devices running Windows around the world, Windows remains the platform of choice for developing modern applications. Microsoft has released a series of development tools to help improve the satisfaction and productivity of Windows developers. Windows Linux Subsystem (WSL) adds support for graphical Linux applications, allowing developers to run all Linux tools and processes on Windows PCs. Windows can now seamlessly integrate workflow, Linux, and GPU-accelerated machine learning training into any graphical application. For more news on Windows development:…

Promote the GitHub experience and make it safe for developers around the world to collaborate on programming

Remote collaboration and hybrid office are leading the transformation of modern work civilization around the world, among which, collaboration and security are becoming the top concern. Leading companies choose to develop with the best open source components and apply the practices of open source collaboration within their organizations to quickly build the flexibility that is essential for software development today. Microsoft’s goal is to help developers write code, collaborate with each other, and deploy applications safely anywhere in the world — and provide enterprise-class security all the way. GitHub’s best practices for helping 65 million developers collaborate on development can easily be applied to any development team and enterprise.

The seamless development and operations platform will help developers drive innovation more smoothly. Thanks to the integration of Visual Studio, GitHub and Azure, developers can write code in a cloud development environment from anywhere in the world. Development tools allow scattered team members to collaborate smoothly with each other and deliver and deploy applications safely from anywhere. The key to ensuring the security of the entire collaborative development process is to work closely with the development and security teams.

To help create a clear new mechanism of accountability and collaboration between development and security operations teams, Microsoft has launched a container scanning service that incorporates Azure Security Center and GitHub. This service allows the security operations team to track the scan results of the build and register containers and identify potential problems early through tracking the entire process. In the following blog post, you can learn how to start DevSecops development security operations in collaborative mode on GitHub and Azure.

Blog link:


Microsoft, GitHub, Accenture and ThoughtWorks have announced the formation of the Green Software Foundation. As part of the Linux Foundation, the Green Software Foundation is committed to encouraging the software industry to practice sustainable social responsibility and reduce the carbon emissions associated with software development. The goal is to reduce the carbon emissions of the software industry by 45 percent by 2030, in line with the Paris Agreement. The foundation welcomes any software company that supports sustainable development. For more information about the foundation, visit its official website.

Official website link:


Let the old application on the cloud, let the cloud application landing, for innovative applications to expand a broader field of use

Microsoft’s Azure Smart Cloud offers a wealth of services to help developers build, deploy, and scale applications more quickly. The end-to-end platform allows developers to focus on application development without worrying about the underlying services. At Build, Microsoft unveiled a series of Azure innovations to help developers modernize existing applications or Build entirely cloud-based native apps from scratch.

Modernizing applications is one of the most common reasons for an enterprise to move to the cloud, and Azure offers a rich path to application modernization — from virtual machines, container services, managed databases, to fully hosted PaaS level platform services. The launch of a number of new services will make it easier for businesses to modernize their existing Java applications in the cloud. Microsoft Build of OpenJDK is a free open source development package that is now available on Azure and Azure Stacks, with commercial support. Red Hat JBoss EAP is now available in Azure Virtual Machine Services, which allows developers to Scale their applications using VM Scale Sets. IBM WebSphere also provides virtual machine services, with automated solution templates to simplify deployment. For more innovative features that Azure brings to Java, see:…

More and more customers are looking to accelerate innovation through cloud-native technology, available for Kubernetes clusters, and the launch of public previews of Azure applications that can run in cloud environments via Azure Arc. The popular Azure application services, including Azure Application Services, Azure Functions, Azure Logic Applications, Azure API Management, and Azure Event Grid, can now run in local environments, edge environments, Or AWS, Google and other cloud services, as long as the Kubernetes cluster can be connected through Azure Arc, can deploy Azure application services. For users who need to host the Kubernetes control plane, Microsoft has also introduced the AKS on Azure Stack HCI Super Fusion solution. For more information on running cloud native applications in more environments, see:…

To help developers easily build high-performance applications of any size, Microsoft has released a number of innovative features for Azure Cosmos DB, including Cosmos DB Serverless, which is now commercially available. Microsoft launches new service categories: Azure Apps AI Services combines existing Azure Cognitive Services, task-specific AI services, and business logic to help developers build AI solutions more quickly for common applications such as document processing, customer service, or extracting ideas from content. For more cloud-native innovations to help developers harness data and artificial intelligence, see:…

The traditional “code first” development model is often difficult to respond quickly to changing needs, so many professional developers want code tools to be integrated with low-code tools like Power Apps to speed up workflows and delivery. In order to give full play to the combined advantages of Visual Studio family and Power Platform, Microsoft has introduced several extended features: The Visual Studio for Power Platform extension allows developers to deploy Power Platform connectors while publishing APIs in Azure API management services, eliminating development barriers and obstacles. VS Code for Power Platform Extensions provides a native extension to distribute Power Platform CLI directly from VS Code. You can set up a portal through VS Code and CLI. This includes help and tips for completing the code and customizing the portal using IntelliSense. For more information on related extensions, please refer to:…

Powered by GPT-3, the world’s largest natural language model, Power FX now allows anyone to build applications in natural language without any programming knowledge. This upgrade to Power FX brings a completely intuitive programming experience assisted by artificial intelligence, allowing developers — or anyone else — to build apps much faster. Power FX can now also be used to build model-driven applications by adding support for Model Driven Yergin and Dataaverse Calculations. For more information:….

In today’s rapidly changing world and ever-changing needs, a new generation of developers needs a new generation of perspectives, methods, and tools to drive innovation, accelerate growth, and lead change. Microsoft’s mission is to empower every developer in the world to use their best tools, languages and platforms to be creative, talented and create the future by constantly updating and improving their development tools, services and intelligent cloud platform. For more details and videos on Build 2021, check out the official website.

Build website: