
This component is written in combination with the UView framework, mainly combined with the u-loadmore component inside, which can configure the color and background color of the pull-down refresh loading ring, and the diagram when there is no data temporarily, etc., the prominent feature is to set the height of the component, suitable for bang-screen iPhone, and support nesting in a variety of boxes.

IPhone even if we do not enable the native pull-up refresh, pull-up load, the default can also be pull-down and pull-up action, we can disable “(disableScroll”: true) in the configuration file.

"globalStyle": {
    "disableScroll": true ,
    "navigationStyle": "custom".// Hide the system navigation
    "navigationBarTextStyle": "white" 
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Component final implementation renderings

Understand the structure of the entire page and calculate the height of the scroll components accurately

Detailed configuration items

    // The type of temporary data is to display different temporary data images according to different scenes.
    _type: {default:' '.type:String
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For example, there is nodata temporarily in the list (_type:nodata)

No data temporarily in the message list (_type:nomsg)

    // The height except for the title bar and status bar
    otherHeight: {
            default: 0.type: Number
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OtherHeight Specifies the height of a page

Components use

  1. Create the Components folder in the root directory and define the global components. The recommended component name is XXX – function.vue, for example, safe-scrollbox.vue
  2. Register as global component (page.json)
"easycom": {
    "autoscan": true.// Whether to enable automatic scanning. After automatic scanning is enabled, components that conform to the components/ component name/component name. vue directory structure will be automatically scanned
    "safe-(.*)": "@/components/safe-$1.vue".// Matches the vue file in the component name/component name in the Components directory
    "^u-(.*)": "@/uview-ui/components/u-$1/u-$1.vue"
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  1. In-page use
<safe-scrollbox @lowerFun="lowerFun" @refreshFun="refreshFun" :otherHeight="otherHeight"
    _type="nodata" :list="sealListArr" :status="loadStatus" :isRefresh="isRefresh" bgColor="#fff">
    <view class="seal-list-container" slot="contBox">
            <sealList @showActionBox="showActionBox" :list="sealListArr" :loadings="loadings"></sealList>
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Component complete code

	<! -- Scroll the outer box of the component -->
	<view class="">
		<! -- Scroll area -->
		<scroll-view class="scroll-component" :scroll-top="scrollTop" scroll-y="true"
			:style="{ height: `calc(100vh - ${statusBarHeight}px - ${navbarHeight}px - ${otherHeight}rpx - env(safe-area-inset-bottom) )`, }"
			@scrolltoupper="upper" @scrolltolower="lower"
			<! -- Drop down refresh prompt -->
			<u-loadmore status="loading" bgColor="#fff" v-if="triggered" :icon-color="activeColor" :color="activeColor" :load-text="refreshText" margin-top="30" margin-bottom="30"/>
			<slot name="contBox"> </slot>
			<! -- No data at present -->
			<view class="no-data-box" v-if="_type&&list.length==0">
				<image src=".. /static/imgs/nodata.png" v-if="_type=='nodata'" mode="aspectFit"></image>
				<image src=".. /static/imgs/nofile.png" v-if="_type=='nofile'" mode="aspectFit"></image>
				<image src=".. /static/imgs/nomsg.png" v-if="_type=='nomsg'" mode="aspectFit"></image>
				<image src=".. /static/imgs/nospace.png" v-if="_type=='nospace'" mode="aspectFit"></image>
				<image src=".. /static/imgs/nofile.png" v-if="_type=='nofile'" mode="aspectFit"></image>
			<! -- Pull load -->
			<u-loadmore :status="status" :load-text="loadText" margin-top="30" margin-bottom="30"/>
		<! -- Back to top -->
		 <view @tap="goTop" class="go-top" v-if="old.scrollTop>500">
			  <u-icon name="arrow-upward" color="# 909399" size="56"></u-icon>
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import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
export default {
	props: {
		// This array combines transient data types to control the display and hiding of transient data modules
		list: {
			default: [].type: Array
		// Type of no data temporarily
		_type: {
			default: ' '.type: String
		// LoadMore indicates that loadmore can continue to load nomore without loading more data
		status: {
			default: 'loadmore'.type: String
		// In combination with this control, the display of the loading circle is hidden when the refresh is pulled down
		isRefresh: {
			default: false.type: Boolean
		// The height except for the title bar and status bar
		otherHeight: {
			default: 0.type: Number
		// The background color of the loading ring when the dropdown is loaded
		bgColor: {
			default: ' '.type: String
		// Loading, pull-up loading, there is no more data prompt text
		loadText: {
			default: {
				loadmore: 'Gently pull up for more data'.loading: 'Trying to load... '.nomore: 'No more data at present'
			type: Object}},computed: {
		triggered() {
			return this.isRefresh;
		...mapGetters(['activeColor'.'statusBarHeight'.'navbarHeight'.'skeletonColor'])},data() {
		return {
			old: {
				scrollTop: 0
			scrollTop: 0.refreshText: {
				loading: 'Getting the latest data... '
			} // Refresh the copy
	methods: {
		onPulling() {
			/ / the drop-down
			// this.triggered = true; // Make it true and then false to close
		// The custom drop-down refresh control is pulled down
		refresh(e) {},
		// Refresh the reset
		restore() {
			// this.triggered = 'restore'; // Need to reset
		// Refresh terminates
		onAbort() {
			// console.log("onAbort");
		upper: function(e) {
		// Pull up load
		lower: function(e) {
			// console.log(' pull up load ')
			// console.log(e)
			// this.status='loading'
		scroll: function(e) {
			this.old.scrollTop = e.detail.scrollTop;
		goTop: function(e) {
			this.scrollTop = this.old.scrollTop;
			this.$nextTick(() = > {
				this.scrollTop = 0; }); }}};Copy the code
.scroll-component {
	width: 750rpx;
	overflow-y: scroll;
/deep/ .u-loading-circle {
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
	height: 80rpx;
	width: 750rpx;
.go-top {
	position: fixed;
	bottom: 208rpx;
	right: 0;
	z-index: 2;
	background-color: red;
	width: 100rpx;
	height: 100rpx;
	display: flex;
	justify-content: center;
	align-items: center;
	background: # 606266;
	border-radius: 50%;
.no-data-box {
	width: 750rpx;
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
	padding-top: 20%;
	margin-bottom: 10%;
	image {
		max-width: 600rpx; }}Copy the code