This is the 31st day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August

In this article we will look at Router methods, which we use a lot and need to know how to use them.

The Router method

Routing, add or delete


Add a new route record as a child route of an existing route. If a route has a name and already has a route with the same name, it deletes the previous route first.

Let’s create a route instance:

const router = createRouter({
    history: createWebHashHistory(),
    linkActiveClass: "Laughing"
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The addRoute is used as follows:

const route={ path: '/about'.name: 'about'.component: () = > import('.. /views/About.vue') }
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Note that if the route name is repeated, the previous route will be overwritten.

Of course, we can also add nested routines to existing routes as follows:

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By analogy with addRoute, this method deletes an existing route by name. The name of the route is used as the first parameter.

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The code above removes the route name===about.

Navigation guard


Adds a navigation guard that is executed before any navigation, also known as the front guard. Returns a function to delete the registered guard as follows:

router.beforeEach(guard= >{
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Of course we can also use it like this:

router.beforeEach((to, from, failure) = > {
    console.log(to, from, failure)
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To is the route to the destination, from is the last route, and failure indicates whether there is a failure. We can do a few things based on registered guards.


Add a navigation hook that executes after each navigation, also known as a rear guard. Returns a function that removes the registered hook, analogous to using beforeEach.


Add a navigation guard, executed just before the navigation is about to be parsed. In this state, all components have been retrieved and other navigators have succeeded. Returns a function to delete the registered guard as follows:

router.beforeResolve((to, from) = > {
    console.log(to, from)})Copy the code

Other operating


Allows you to move forward or backward in history. A parameter of type Number, relative to the historical position you want to move to on the current page, as follows:

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If possible, retrace history by calling history.back(). Equivalent to router.go(-1).


If possible, advance through history by calling history.forward(). Equivalent to router. Go (1).


To get a complete list of all routing records, use:

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To check whether a route with the specified name exists, run the following command:

router.hasRoute('home')  //true
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When the router completes the initial navigation, it returns a Promise, which means it has resolved all the asynchronous input hooks and asynchronous components associated with the initial route. , use as follows:

router.isReady()  //Promise
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Add an error handler that is called every time an uncaught error occurs during navigation. There are some things we can do when routing is wrong, using the following:

router.onError((error,to,from) = >{
    console.log(error,to,from)})Copy the code


Navigate programmatically to a new URL by pushing an entry in the history stack. It can be interpreted as the route switching method, which is as follows:

router.push('/home') or router. Push ({path: '/home'}) or the router. Push ({name: 'home'})
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Navigate programmatically to a new URL by replacing the current entry in the history stack. It is essentially a switching route, using a method similar to push.


Returns the normalized version of the routing address. It also includes an href attribute containing any existing base. The usage method is as follows:

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  1. In real development, we usually use navigators for permission management or special operations.

  2. In practice, the API we use most often is push, so you should master it and use it according to your needs.

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