The spring of 2020 is destined to be an unusual spring. The so-called programmers who don’t want to be anchors are not good teachers. In this spring, two dog son officially made his debut as a beautiful voice ubiquitous teacher anchor. You may ask, how did you become a teacher anchor as a programmer?

It all starts with a bat, and of course it’s a long story and we’ll keep it short. In a word, because of the new coronavirus problem that everyone knows now, Ergouzi’s cousin puppy received a message before: in response to the notice issued by the Ministry of Education on January 27th, the spring semester of 2020 will be postponed. This can let the dog hit happy bad, every day at home with friends to eat chicken glory. As a good teammate for the glory of the pup smashing chicken, Golden Thighs. Two dogs in the pit after a plate and a plate of heavy draw a conclusion: again bitter can not bitter children, poor education can not poor! Even if now everyone home can not go to school, two dog son as a programmer should also solve this problem, let the dog hit can real-time education, good good study every day up.

Traditional education versus online education

Because of the epidemic reason the dog hit this year did not go home for the New Year, so two dogs apart how to give my cousin class? Two dog son sitting on the toilet while open video conference to think, the line of sight moved to see the “online education” four characters, online and education exactly how together, two dog son can have a good look.

Attend classes at any time, regardless of distance

First of all, two dog son think of their own when the class, accept is face to face education, that is, teachers and students must appear in the same place at the same time classroom teaching. Although the teacher is the leading role, the classroom has become the indispensable center of teaching. It can be said that there is no way to have classes without the classroom.

With online education, there is no need to worry about this problem. With the Internet and information technology, teaching and learning interaction can be effective all the time even when teachers and students are separated. Especially suitable for epidemic or emergency situations, free of distance restrictions, so that students and teachers can also be separated in the normal transmission of knowledge.

Bring your own video not to fall knowledge

Next two dog son think of go to school together, the students listen to the teacher, while also low head crazy notes, for fear that a hand is slow down on the blackboard. Teachers may also worry that they will not be able to finish the lesson and answer the questions one by one.

After using online education, the live broadcast can be recorded screen, in case of something missed can also be repeated to watch. Blackboard writing can also be screenshot down slowly finishing, careful study. They can also be paired with pre-made videos where each question can be explained in detail.

Suspended without suspension

Like traditional education, online education can let the teacher see each student’s expression through the camera, so as to judge whether the student is paying attention to the teacher, and at the same time can give detailed answers to their own teaching content. Students can also see each other online, and online classes continue to create a strong learning atmosphere, with classes suspended.

The pain points of online education

Looked at this way, online education seems perfect. But after all, education for the two dog son or carefully looked at the possible problems, this is really to two dog son found several.

1. Live delay

Instead of being taught face-to-face in the same location, online education uses live streaming to ensure that teachers and students are separated from each other. This requires the live broadcast delay must be small, otherwise in case the delay is very large, here two dogs have finished speaking math began to speak English, there cousin just listened to binary equation and then asked two dogs, the two dogs are not to speak math in English. This does not study well the cousin must be more reluctant to listen to.

2. Content protection

No matter two dog son is recorded video to cousin, or live to cousin lecture. Content is on the network, after all, on the network to worry about whether the content will be stolen, whether the content can be saved safe. After all, the lecture excited up to control the expression is not good, in case the cousin take to do the expression package, the two dogs may have to perform a man’s singles.

3, live broadcast to recording long time, poor quality

Two dog son live lecture finished class, if my cousin think two dog son speak too perfect hope to be able to turn into a real-time view of the recording. Then there will be a long time to replay, cousin may have to wait for several hours to see the live video video, and even the video quality may be very poor, the cousin is certainly not willing to watch the second time.

How to build online classes quickly

Think for so long, two dog son decided to sort out the train of thought, and then find a cloud platform to meet the requirements to complete the feat. Let’s start with the demand for online education:

  • Online education mainly includes on-demand or live streaming, and the video cloud platform must be able to satisfy at least two of these requirements.
  • VOD involves uploading, backup and transcoding in order to adapt the video to different terminals, so the video cloud platform at least needs basic audio and video processing functions.
  • Both on-demand and live broadcasting need to be accelerated, anti-theft and content copyright protection, so the platform needs to have the most CDN and anti-theft functions.
  • Online live streaming education also involves low delay and recording of live streaming.

Where are the platforms that can meet all of these needs? Two dog son first thought is intimate small cotton-padded jacket and clap cloud. There is.

Youpai cloud has perfect online education solutions, from file uploading, content storage, audio and video processing, content distribution, security protection and other aspects of online education users to provide one-stop services. Aiming at various educational scenarios such as early childhood education, online classroom, universities, enterprise learning centers, adult professional skills training, etc., the company provides professional online education tools, as well as services such as live class, Lianmai interaction, copyright protection, etc., to accelerate the launch of business.

But what about teachers who don’t understand technology at all? Two dog son found on the live broadcast. For teachers without technology, live streaming can set up online classes with zero threshold. As long as you connect the device, you can start live streaming with one button. Besides, there is no need to download any APP. In addition, storage and editing, online interaction, beauty reward and other functional modes can be directly used only when opened in the background, which can be described as a complete set of functions and simple operation.

Two dogs can finally let the dog hit stop school, a think of the dog hit stuffy sigh, two dogs can not help but laugh.

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