Webfunny provides a professional exception monitoring service. Our plugin provides a full range of exception monitoring services to help developers locate front-end exceptions in the first place. It is specially developed for front-end usage scenarios to adapt to more high-concurrency scenarios.

Also, Webfunny can be deployed anywhere, monitoring data can be recycled, and monitoring logs stored in a local database without risk; Webfunny helps developers quickly reproduce bugs and fix them more efficiently

What’s New:



  • 1. Optimized the style of the overview page, adjusted the dimension of the time filter, and added the world map
  • 2. Strengthened the security of the user system (anti-blasting)
  • 3. Change the activation code detection mode to check the configuration file and database
  • 4. Fixed a small problem with the probe
  • Note:
  • 5. The maximum number of projects created by the sponsored version has been changed to 6.

Update Guidelines:

  • 1. Obtain the latest github code (current tag: v2.3.8.1)
  • 2. Update probe probe code (optional)

About Webfunny

Webfunny focuses on real-time monitoring of wechat applets, H5 front-end, PC front-end online applications, real-time monitoring of front-end web pages, front-end data analysis, error statistical analysis monitoring and BUG early warning, alarm the first time, quickly fix bugs! Support private deployment, container deployment, can support tens of millions of PV daily live!! Paying customers include yiyao, Wansai, Yibao payment and many other brand enterprises.