Problem 1.

Executing a parcel build error:

/ Users/username/Documents/LearningMaterials/HTML/GuideBoard/SRC/main js: Invalid Version: undefined

2. Cause of the problem

Parcel 1.12.4 issue can be resolved by switching to 1.12.3

ParcelJS bundling error-favicon. ico: Invalid Version: undefined

3. Solutions

  1. Uninstall the parcel – bundler
yarn global remove parcel-bundler
Copy the code
  1. Install version 1.12.3
Yarn global add [email protected]Copy the code
  1. Change the package.json version in the project to 1.12.3
"DevDependencies ": {"parcel-bundler": "^1.12.3"}Copy the code

Check what is installed in YARN globally

/ user/chenyushu/config/yarn/global/package. The json