Bib files are used in Latex to add references

Copy the content to a. Bib file.

Change the document suffix to xx.bib and place it in the current path (that is, in the.tex folder).

Writing Tex files

Once you’ve written this, save it, and add the following two lines to your Tex document:

\ bibliographystyle {BST file xx. BST}

Bibliography {your bib file name xx.bib}

Use \cite{id} when quoting in the body of a.tex file. Id is the unique ID described above. (BST file has not been used, do not understand at present. Future reference: (…). )

4 compilations (Windows and MAC)

  1. Latex xx. Tex: Compiles Tex files, producing aux files if there are no errors (xx. Tex is the main file).
  2. Xxxx. Tex: To compile a Tex file, an AUX file will be generated if there are no errors. The AUX file contains the information referenced by xxxx. Tex.
  3. Latex xx.tex: Recompile the references into the document.
  4. Latex xx. Tex: Compile three times to compile cross-references correctly

1. The Windows

Shift + right click to open Powershell window:


Open it directly with Texshop, and you can choose different compilation methods:


Methods of use of BibTeX