Autowired This is a spring annotation


@resource This is a Java native annotation


@autoWired is injected by type by default, but can be injected by name in conjunction with @qualifier

@Resource is injected according to the name property inside

For interface-oriented programming, an interface and an implementation class are indistinguishable.

This error will be reported if you do not specify two implementation classes

Org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. BeanCreationException bean creation failed

expected single matching bean but found 2: personServiceImpl1,personServiceImpl2

You can write one instance of a Service interface and two serviceImpl implementation classes

public interface PersonService {public List<Person> listPerson();
Copy the code
public class PersonServiceImpl1 implements PersonService{
    private PersonMapper mapper;

    public List<Person> listPerson() {
        returnmapper.listPerson(); }}Copy the code
public class PersonServiceImpl2 implements PersonService{
    private PersonMapper mapper;

    public List<Person> listPerson() {
        returnmapper.listPerson(); }}Copy the code

Controller layer to make injection calls

public class PersonController {
    private PersonService service;
    private PersonService service2;
    public void listPerson(){
        List<Person> list = service.listPerson();
    public void listPerson2(){ List<Person> list = service2.listPerson(); System.out.println(list); }}Copy the code