Recently, two dogs also had the honor to participate in the company organized fraud training, the police little brother warned you in the training:

  • Develop good Internet habits
  • Do not easily enter personal information online
  • Do not trust suspected fraud, do not disclose, do not transfer
  • Raise safety awareness
  • Protect your pocketbook

Why don’t you just type in your personal information online? We all know that the Internet helps us get information anytime and anywhere and communicate without limit. This is convenient, but it also gives criminals a variety of ways to collect sensitive data from users. The most common phishing sites are fraudulent sites similar to established companies that trick users into logging in and filling in private data. There are also innocuous sites that take advantage of users’ and servers’ data flows that are not secure enough to tamper with the data streams to steal personal information.

Facing the first way, we need to keep up our spirits, refuse to stray into the site, identify the domain name and carefully fill in the information. However, the second method can ensure the security of data transmission through the use of standard SSL certificates to prevent user data from being infiltrated.

What is an SSL Certificate

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) stands for Secure Sockets Protocol, a Secure protocol that provides security and data integrity for network communications. SSL certificates are often used as binding proof of identity and contain information that allows browsers and servers to establish encryption.

The SSL certificate itself is a data record that contains the name of the issuer, the serial number, the fingerprint used for encryption, and a lot of other information. If the website wants to use SSL Certificates for encryption, it needs to be installed on the server of the site.

The validity of the SSL certificate

Having an SSL certificate deployed on a Web site server is not a one-time thing, because SSL certificates are not valid forever. Starting from 1 September 2020, most CA authorities will only issue SSL certificates with a validity period of one year. Although the shorter certificate validity period leads to the higher management cost of certificates and private keys, it can ensure that technicians adopt SSL certificates with the latest encryption standards to protect the security of the website and reduce the risk of certificate theft.

The type of SSL certificate

Of course, the differences between SSL are not limited to the time of validity and the issuing institution. The most important factor affecting the security of an SSL certificate is the way it is validated. SSL Certificates can be divided into three types based on the method of authentication, each of which differs not only in the method of authentication but also in the associated costs.

Domain Name SSL Certificate (DV SSL)

That is, the CA only carries out online checks on the owner of the domain name, usually verifying the contents of a specified file under the domain name, or verifying a TXT record associated with the domain name. Such as access to | HTTPS] [HTTP: / /… /test.txt, file content: 2016082xxxxx39w7b20nelfa; Or add a TXT record: — > TXT — > 20170xxxxxqmkiby43hpvy8

Because the validation process can be fully automated, many people consider it unsafe. As a result, some browsers tag DV SSL certificates separately to indicate a lower security standard than other certificates.

Enterprise SSL Certificate (OV SSL)

OV SSL is an official certificate that requires the purchaser to submit organizational information and authorization letters, etc. Before issuing an SSL certificate, a certificate authority not only verifies domain name ownership, but also verifies the validity of the information. SSL Certificates can only be issued if they are verified. OV SSL Certificates provide increased security for Internet users.

Enhanced SSL Certificate (EV SSL)

Although it is also based on SSL/TLS security protocol, the verification process is more specific and detailed with more verification steps. EV SSL Certificates provide the highest level of security. With this type of certificate, you need to check the domain and organization associated with it, as well as the applicant himself. It also checks whether the applicant actually works for the organization or company and is entitled to apply for a certificate.

It is very different from a normal SSL certificate. The address bar of a secure browser will turn green and refuse to be displayed if it is an untrusted SSL certificate. If it is a phishing site, the address bar will turn red to alert the user.

How to encrypt SSL Certificates

Typically for encrypted transmission of data, we need a key to encrypt something, and we need the exact same key to decrypt the message again. However, this approach does not make sense on the Internet, because users often connect with people or organizations they have never communicated with before. Therefore, a key cannot be delivered without first sending an unencrypted key over a publicly accessible medium.

The encryption of SSL certificates is somewhat different from the above. It is based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and public key encryption. This method contains two different encryption keys: a private key for encryption and a public key for decryption.

The two keys are different, but related. If you want to encrypt information with a particular public key, you can only decrypt it using the private key attached to the public key. If the client verifies that the public key matches the private key, a secure connection is made. This is called “asymmetric encryption”.

How do I identify SSL Certificates

Now that you know how SSL Certificates are encrypted, let’s look at how to see if an SSL Certificate is deployed on your Web site.

It’s really easy, just look at the browser address bar. There are two things you can do to determine whether the URL is encrypted:

One is a “lock” symbol indicating that the site the user is visiting has a valid certificate. Click the “lock” mark, you can also view many website security information, such as the certificate issuer and the encrypted valid information used, through the pop-up window;

The second is whether the address begins with “https://”. Compared to normal HTTP, the additional “S” stands for “secure” and indicates that SSL/TLS encryption has been added to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

If your site is not using a validated SSL certificate, “lock” or “https://” will not appear in the address bar. Besides…

Just because a site is not using SSL certificates does not necessarily mean that the site is a fraudulent site. However, using these sites carries a higher risk of personal data theft by third parties than using sites with SSL certificates.

Therefore, SSL Certificates are indispensable to websites. SSL Certificates Service provides SSL Certificates subscription, management, deployment and other functions. Cooperating with international top CA institutions, the certificate type is rich, the operation process is simple and convenient, and provides users with a one-stop HTTPS security solution. Recently, pat cloud launched a new “2 year renewal certificate”, composed of two one-year certificate. When the previous certificate is about to expire (the remaining 25 days), the system will automatically apply for a new certificate for you. Need small partners to pay close attention to see yo ~

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