
Pytest is a top-level Python testing framework for test automation for all kinds of software testing. Open source and easy to learn, this tool can be used by QA teams, development teams as well as individual practice teams and open source projects. Useful features like ‘assertion rewriting’, most projects on the Internet, including projects like Dropbox and Mozilla, have switched from UnitTest (Pyunit) to PyTest. Let’s take a closer look at what makes this Python framework special.

  • Prerequisites?

You don’t need anything complicated except Pythonpytest.


In the Python testing community, before PyTest came along, developers included their tests in large classes. Pytest revolutionized, however, because it made it possible to write test suites in a more compact way than before.

  • Other testing tools require the developer or tester to use a debugger or examine the log and detect the source of a particular value. Pytest helps you write test cases, enabling you to store all values in a test case that eventually informs you which values fail and which values are asserted.
  • Tests are easier to write and understand because you don’t need as much code.
  • Fixtures are functions you can use by adding parameters to test functions.
  • The PyTest developers have released some useful plug-ins to make the framework extensible. For example, Pytest-Xdist can be used to perform parallel tests without having to use different test runners. Unit tests can also be parameterized without copying any code.
  • Provide special routines for developers to make test case writing easier and less error-prone. The code is also shorter and easier to understand.


The fact that PyTest uses a special routine means that you have to compromise on compatibility. You will be able to write test cases easily, but you will not be able to use these test cases with any other testing framework.

It is better than UnitTest for writing functional test cases and developing complex frameworks, but if your goal is to develop a simple Framework, its advantages are somewhat similar to those of the Robot Framework.

UnitTest, also known as PyUnit

Unittest, or PyUnit, is a standard test automation framework for unit tests that come with Python. It is highly inspired by JUnit. The assertion methods and all cleanup and setup routines are provided by the base class TestCase. The name of each method in the TestCase subclass begins with “test”. This allows them to be run as test cases. You can use the Load method and the TestSuite class to group and load tests. You can use them together to build custom test runners. Just like Selenium Testing with JUnit, UnitTest can use unitTest-SML reports and generate XML reports.


Using Unittest as part of the Python standard library has several advantages.

  • The developer does not need to install any additional modules.
  • Unittest is a derivative of xUnit and works similarly to other xUnit frameworks. It is also easy for people without a strong Python background to use.
  • You can run individual test cases in a simpler way. All you need to do is specify the name on the terminal. The output is also concise, making the framework more flexible when executing test cases.
  • The test report is generated in milliseconds.


  • Typically, snake_case is used to name Python code. But since the framework was inspired by Junit, the traditional camelCase naming method still exists. It can be messy.
  • The purpose of testing code sometimes becomes unclear because it supports too much abstraction.
  • More code is required.

Although UnitTest is the default test automation framework, its working principles and naming conventions are slightly different from standard Python code, and it requires too much code, making it a less preferred Framework for Python test automation.


We all know about behavior-driven development, the latest agile based approach to software development that encourages collaboration among developers, business participants, and quality analysts. Behave is another top-level Python testing framework that allows the team to perform BDD tests without any complications. The properties of the framework are very similar to SpecFlow and Cucumbe. Test cases are written in a simple, readable language and pasted into the code during execution. Behaviors are designed by behavior specifications, and these steps are then reused by other test scenarios.


  • System behavior is expressed in semi-formal languages and domain vocabularies to maintain consistent behavior across the organization.
  • Are coordinating development teams working on different modules with similar functionality.
  • A building block can always execute a variety of test cases.
  • There is reasoning and thinking in the details, which leads to better product specifications.
  • Because the format of the specification is similar, stakeholders or managers have better clarity about the output of QAs and Devs.


  • Only available for black box testing.

Behave (Python framework) works best for black box testing. Web testing is a good example because use cases can be described in simple language. However, behavior is not a good choice for integration or unit testing, because the level of detail only complicates complex test scenarios. Pytest-bdd is recommended by developers and testers. It is an alternative to behavior because it uses all the advantages of PyTest and implements it to test behavior-driven scenarios.


Lettuce is another easy to use behavior driver automation tool based on Cucumber and Python. Lettuce’s main goal is to focus on the common task of behavior-driven development to make the process simpler and more fun.


  • Well, just like any other BDD testing framework, Lettuce enables developers to create multiple scenarios and describe these functions in simple natural language.
  • The Dev and QA teams are properly coordinated because the specification formats are similar.
  • For black-box testing, the oracle is very useful for running behaviour-driven test cases.


There is only one drawback to using Lettuce as a Python framework. In order to successfully perform behavior-driven testing, there needs to be communication between the development team, QA, and stakeholders. Absence or communication gaps will blur the process and questions can be asked from any team.

There is no better alternative to Pytest-BDD. All the power of PyTest, such as compact, easy-to-understand code, is implemented in this framework, combined with the level of detail that drives behavior testing.

Robot Framework

The Robot Framework is one of the most important Python testing frameworks for test-driven and acceptance testing development. Although it was developed in Python, it also runs on.NET based IronPython and Java-based Jython.


  • Using a keyword-driven test approach makes automation easier by helping testers easily create readable test cases.
  • You can easily use the test data syntax.
  • It consists of common tools and test libraries, with a large ecosystem that can use each element in a single project.
  • The framework is highly extensible because it has many apis.
  • The Robot framework helps you run parallel tests through Selenium Grid. However, this feature is not built in.


  • Creating custom HTML reports is tricky. However, you can still render short reports in xUnit format using the Robot framework.
  • Shortcomings of parallel testing.
  • For those familiar with Python, it is difficult to use some python features, and developing test libraries complicates simple problems, making maintenance costs high. But it is still suitable for beginners to use simply.

If you are new to the automation field and have less development experience, using Robot as a top-level Python testing framework is easier to use than PyTest or PyUnit because it has a rich build library and involves using an easier test-oriented DSL. However, if you want to develop a complex automation framework, it is best to switch to PyTest or any other framework that involves Python code.


In the above article, we discussed the top five Python frameworks for test automation based on different testing processes. Although pyTest, the Robot framework, unitTest are used for functional and unit tests, Lettuce and Behave only apply to behavior-driven tests. Based on the features described, we can conclude that PyTest is the best for functional testing. However, if you are new to Python-based automated testing, the Robot Framework is a great tool to get started with. Although it has limited features, it allows you to easily get ahead on the track. Both Lettuce and Behave are equally good for Python-based BDD tests, but if you already have pytest experience, it’s best to use Pytest-bDD.

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