Springboot implementation to build personal blog (front and back end separation, attached source code)

Blog site address:www.lqnb.xyz

Blog version SpringBoot2.1.17 +mybatis-plus, this version GitHub address: github.com/memo012/ac-… Springboot1.5.17 +mybatis, this version of GitHub address: github.com/memo012/peo…


As you can see, I am the humble web site maintenance man, an ordinary school sophomore, wrong, should say is going to be a junior, alas, alas, university has passed half, think about your trouble, head will be Fried, should not only deal with academic problems, again want to face a internship job, preparing work, what I can do? Carry it!! As is known to all, of the university of professional knowledge (core) reserved to junior students, junior, are both looking for a job, and to strengthen their own professional knowledge level, afflictive, xin kui when I was in the first half of sophomore year to join a lab, slowly find their own direction in the lab, thank you very much for the lab, let me find the direction, to make own life have an orientation, No longer so confused, so helpless. Speaking of the laboratory, I would like to thank my boss (Xin Ge), whose specific name will not be said. He helped us a lot. He revealed to us what he saw, what he felt and what he knew about the industry, so that we could understand the industry in advance and know our position more clearly. Ok, that’s it!!

Technical ability

I am a background developer (Java), not so understanding of the front desk, just can build out, the effect, I have done my prehistorical power, build this level, I hope not to be surprised.

Project introduction

  1. Blog project for beginners of Spring Boot is a good practice project, that is, not easy, not complex, experience the feeling of doing the project.
  2. This project is an open source project, the code has been uploaded to my GitHub github.com/memo012/ac-… Welcome star.
  3. The basic functions of the website have been completed and will be updated and modified continuously.
  4. Add caching to articles, comments, and more to improve performance.
  5. Deploy using nginx reverse proxy.

Technology show


Project construction: Maven Web framework: Spring Boot Security framework: Shiro Data persistence layer: Mybatis -Plus or MyBatis Search engine: elasticSearch Cache: Redis database: Mysql page: PageHelper plug-in

The front desk

Front-end framework: Layui framework Amazeui framework front-end template: Thymeleaf

The deployment of

Docker image server: Tencent Cloud (centos7)

Some small frames, I will not enumerate

The page display

About Me Page

Edit page

Personal center

Background Management Interface

Project profile

The project requirements

Blog project is a good project experience for spring Boot beginners. They build a project from scratch and start from scratch to experience the integrity of the project, exercise their ability to do the project and develop in an all-round way.

Business design

Package upload deployment

  • Jar package deployment, daemon deployment,nohup java -jar blog.jar >temp.txt &


Encountered difficulties in development

  • The front end, of course, helped me solve a lot of pediatric problems, thanks to the two of us.
  • Using Shiro to do the security framework, I have known it before and I feel there is no problem, but when I use it in the project, I am stunned and can only learn it again. I find that the front and back end separation must use session to manage personal information, which takes a long time here, but the effort pays off, victory.
  • Packaging deployment, before I only did the deployment background (in the form of WAR package), did not really mean deployment of a real project, think that is not too difficult, often think that is not difficult, to the end is to spend a lot of time to do, very grateful to my boss (Xin Ge), give me guidance, let me avoid detdettions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the project

  • The detailed division of back-end code is conducive to the understanding and maintenance of the project.
  • Add caching to articles, comments, and more to improve performance.
  • Because the project uses two foreground frameworks, the code is confusing, but it does not affect reading the source code.

Finally want to say

Endure what others cannot endure endure what others cannot enjoy

On the website

  • In open source style, I have uploaded the code to GitHub (github.com/memo012/ac-…). , you can download and learn by yourself
  • If the guest officer thinks it’s good, just give it a STAR.

The public,

Hope everyone pays much attention to, inside issue dry goods irregularly