Automated testing

Automated testing has become a recognized field of software testing. As the name implies, automated testing involves executing test cases with minimal human intervention using automated tools, then comparing the various results and generating test reports.

Automated testing is an important part of every agile team to accommodate the needs of fast but high-quality software projects. Testers and quality assurance engineers have saved a lot of time and effort due to developments in the field.

Automate testing from scratch

There are four steps to getting started on your test automation journey. These are:

  1. Define automation scope
  2. Select the automated test tool
  3. Planning, design and development
  4. Execute test cases and generate reports

Define automation scope

It is important to fully understand the testing status of the team, the amount of test data and the execution environment. This step determines the general scope of the software to be tested. It can be defined based on the following:

  • Technical feasibility
  • Complexity of test cases
  • The most important features and functions being implemented
  • Test component reuse

Select the automated test tool

Despite these advantages, test automation does not work for every project. While many quality assurance teams benefit greatly from automation, some companies waste time, effort, and money implementing automated tools.

First, the process of choosing the right tool can take a lot of time and effort, but in the long run it is critical to effective automated testing. Go to How to select the correct automated test tool.

Planning, design and development

When creating and planning an automated test strategy, you must consider the goals of the test process, the framework design and functionality, and the schedule for writing scripts and executing test cases.

Execute test cases and generate reports

This step handles the execution of automated test scripts, which are scripts that are run with the help of input test data. Test execution can be performed directly with the automated test tool or through the administrative tool, which then invokes the automated tool.

When this process is complete, the test report provides a consolidated summary of the tests performed on the project to date.

Automated test execution for beginners

The success of automated testing depends largely on the execution strategy and how the quality control team implements it. Before writing the first script in an automated test, here’s what every test automation beginner should know:

Determine the execution environment

The question then arises: What is an execution environment? This is the most critical question before you create your first test case. The term execution environment refers to all the components that work together with the application code to make up a complete and working system: hardware, network, operating system, software environment, etc.

The execution environment is the most critical aspect of the testing process. Specifically, it includes hardware and software configuration, operating system setup, test terminals, and other support for performing tests.

Integrated automated test framework

Before proceeding, it is worth noting that the tools used must be integrated with the testing framework. The tools that must be selected from the previous phase should already be part of the framework. Consider whether there are compatibility problems between software tools.

Automated script

Test engineers prefer to write automated scripts that apply to most test cases at the beginning of the testing process. Then, during the execution phase, the script is finalized through an iterative process in a highly collaborative setting hosted on the cloud.

Executive automation

In the early stages of the automation journey, you need to focus on quality rather than the amount of test automation you create. Create a small number of functional automated test cases, rather than a large number that must then be discarded or reprocessed.

Automated test report

What is automated test reporting

Reporting after testing is performed is about recording test results. The report combines summary stakeholder reports with detailed reports that have been stored and provided to developers as feedback.

The significance of automated test reporting

Test automation reporting is an important part of the automation framework. When executing automated test suites, test reports are the best entry point for later BUG analysis and guide the team through the process of releasing the product.

Efficient test report

A clear and comprehensive report can help us draw meaningful conclusions related to product development. So how can we effectively report our tests?

Writing effective test cases and detailed test reports is another way to perform tasks quickly. The use of the words detailed and fast in this sentence may sound contradictory, but detailed reporting requires a one-time effort. With the right tools and good usage habits, you can quickly access the necessary log content, user data, and error messages.

Each tool has a different report format; However, in either format, certain metrics are essential:

  • Total number of scripts and running results
  • List all test case execution results in tabular form
  • Test results summary statistics, key information listed
  • Important points in the execution process
  • Run environment, name, and version


In summary, executing automated test cases and managing test reports is not as painful as most novices imagine. Sophisticated testing strategies and tools are required to maximize the value of automated testing in testing.

Refer to the article

  • Barriers to automated testing
  • The problem with automated testing
  • 7 Steps to becoming a Good Automation Test Engineer
  • How do I choose the right test automation tool
  • How can you achieve value from test automation
  • A complete guide to automated Testing Frameworks
  • Best Practices for test automation

FunTester.Tencent Cloud Author of the Year,Boss direct hire contract author.Official GDevOps media partner, non-famous test development, welcome to follow.

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