
Since I have written the mid-year summary of 2020, the second opportunity to write essays will be given to the year-end summary of 2020.

First of all, I came from Hunan province in 1997. I have 2 and a half years of experience in the front end. I am 23 years old and currently working in Chengdu.

In fact, on the whole, I am not satisfied with my performance this year. While 2020 is indeed a magical year, I hope none of us will blame our problems partly on superstition. The purpose of this summary is to reflect on what you did and what you learned this year. Without further ado, I summarize it in the following three aspects.

To lose weight

Losing weight is something I never thought I had to do with myself. In the past few years, I have been hovering 120-130, but this year my weight has reached 160. Perhaps because of the epidemic and the inevitable overtime work and lack of exercise at home, I feel that this weight is beyond my range. So I started my weight loss plan in June when I did not work overtime this year.


From the previous fuzzy concept of carbohydrate, fat, protein and other elements, to the weight loss month, I will strictly check the composition table of every food, I feel I have discovered a new continent, in order to maximize the effect of weight loss, my diet during weight loss month is roughlyBreakfast: whole wheat bread + skim milk or eggs, lunch is normal, dinner: a cup of sugar-free cereal and boiled corn, eggs and so on. (PERSONALLY, I don’t think wholemeal bread and sugar-free cereal taste so bad, because they’re healthy foods, so get used to them.)


Actually reduce weight the most effective still want to move. Because it is very difficult for me to keep running, my calf will be very painful after running for a while, and the specific reason is not clear. So during the weight loss month, WHEN I came home from work every day, I followed the HIIT exercise method on the Internet (those who are not clear can baidu), plus 50 bobbi jumps every day. It took me about half an hour to do a meal, and I took a bath after sweating a lot, which made me feel comfortable. In fact, I don’t think it is necessary to go to the gym to lose weight. As long as you want to lose weight, you can exercise everywhere, and the feeling of sweating will make you feel very cool. Hang in there.


From the beginning of weight loss, I will weigh every day, look at the indicators, record and compare every day, after a month of weight loss plan down, I also reached their small goal, from nearly 160 to 140+, as a office worker is still very gratifying.

Front end small white with Himalaya radio

I started to be a Himalayan anchor in March this year, sharing some basic ideas of explaining the front end questions and high-quality teaching videos. About this thing from why to do, to how to do, and then to harvest and summary I have in this year’s mid-essay activity a little too much. If you’re interested, you can go over hereJuejin. Cn/post / 685003…

To my shame, this anchor has not been updated for a while. In addition to the fact that the project is really pressed for time, I seem to find some of my own problems, some interview questions and ideas seem to be not clear to me, and even have some fear to share emotions. So I’m taking a break and rethinking what I’m going to do next. Thank you and apologize for your support. Next year I will regroup and continue to share.

UniApp and personal applet

Before have done their own individual small programs, but they are all written by native code, in the second half of this year I also started to contact DCLOUD uniapp framework, because I am go vue technology stack so more comfortable to use, so to me before some reconstruction on the procedures of individual small, also in self-study python to write some back-end code. In this year, double division a bought three years of Tencent cloud server, after completing the server migration will be on the shelf below a few personal small program, although are relatively simple, but for their own or a little harvest.

Personal choice

In fact, this year has been entangled in the brain is their own where to go. I have been in Chengdu for six and a half years, four years in college and two and a half years in work, which will soon be the front end of the three years of work experience. Now there are three options, I don’t know if anyone is as confused as I am.

1. Buy a house and settle down in Chengdu (the relationship circle and relatively familiar).

2. Return to Changsha for development (close to home, housing price is relatively cheap, salary is not too different from Chengdu).

3. Try Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou (you can get a raise)

Although tangled, but I know some way, at that point in time the answer will come out.


For 2020, I want to get there sooner rather than later.

Things often go wrong, but you can say nothing to others.

For 2021, I hope

Take care of your own business, whether it’s at work or in your personal life. Be kind to yourself.

2. Change your impetuous mentality and calm down to learn. After all, there is nothing you can’t learn in this society as long as you want to learn.

3. Keep your job and look for opportunities to develop a sideline. Be financially independent and want to be free.

Health is the most important thing.

5. Finding a girlfriend is important.

Finally, thanks to the Nuggets. Thanks to the front end of the big guns. Thank everyone around you, and thank yourself.

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