EuiAdmin is based on Vue+Element and other components jointly developed a free open source background, you can download and experience through (, after the free open source platform, you can directly use free.

Free open source background is mainly to reduce the time of developers, can quickly build a background management system, to provide a simple learning environment for everyone.


Bright spot

1. Support background customization

2. Multi-page customization

TinyMce rich text support

4. The left menu shrinks and stretches

5. Echarts chart support


Major JavaScript libraries

Vue+ element-UI +vue-router+vue-cookies+ Echarts, with four JavaScript libraries you can use the background easier and faster.


EuiAdmin photo collections

The login

Integrated login + registration + password retrieval

The home page

The rich text

Integrated with Vue’s strongest Tinymce rich text editor, you can meet basic text editing

Rich animation

Animate helps EuiAdmin grow with animation. You can Animate the EuiAdmin by placing the content of the “animation class name” into the desired class

Users form

All data are generated from JavaScript data. Any similarity is accidental. Supports page and item switching

Echarts chart

Common Site Settings – Site Settings

Advanced Customization

You can customize the site base color, menu color, etc


How to get

You can visit, log in to the background, and click “get source code”. If you can’t download it after clicking, please copy the link to Xunlei to download it.


After the language

EuiAdmin helps open source projects grow better. If you want to run EuiAdmin, you need to build the basic vuecli environment on your computer (Node.js +vuecli).