Redis, as a memory-based cache system, has been known for its high performance. Because of no context switch and no lock operation, the read speed can reach 110,000 times /s and the write speed can reach 81,000 times /s even in the case of single thread processing. However, the single-threaded design also poses some problems for Redis:

  • Only one CPU core can be used.
  • Deleting a key that is too large (e.g., a Set with millions of objects) can block the server for several seconds.
  • QPS is difficult to improve.

In view of the above problems, Redis introduced Lazy Free and multi-threaded IO in version 4.0 and 6.0 respectively, gradually transiting to multi-threading, which will be described in detail below.

Single thread principle

Redis is said to be single-threaded, so how does single-threaded manifest? How to support concurrent client requests? To understand these issues, take a look at how Redis works.

The Redis server is an event driver, and the server needs to handle two types of events:

  • File events: Redis servers connect to clients (or other Redis servers) through sockets, and file events are abstractions of socket operations by the server. The communication between the server and the client will generate corresponding file events, and the server completes a series of network communication operations by listening and processing these events

  • Accept, read, write, close, etc. Time events: The Redis server abstracts the actions (such as the serverCron function) that need to be performed at a given point in time, such as expired key cleanup, service state statistics, etc.

As shown in the figure above, Redis abstracts file events and time events. The time trainer listens for the I/O event list. Once a file event is ready, Redis processes the file event first, then the time event.

Redis handles all of these events in a single-threaded manner, so Redis is single-threaded.

In addition, as shown in the figure below, Redis developed its own I/O event processor, namely file event processor, based on Reactor model. In the I/O event processing, Redis adopted I/O multiplexing technology, monitored multiple sockets at the same time, and associated different event processing functions for sockets. Multi-client concurrent processing is realized through one thread.

Because of this design, lock operation is avoided in data processing, which not only makes the implementation simple enough, but also ensures its high performance.

Of course, Redis single-threaded only refers to its event handling, in fact, Redis is not single-threaded, such as RDB file generation, fork a child process to implement, of course, this is not the topic of this article.

Lazy Free mechanism

As you can see, Redis processes client commands in a single thread and is fast without responding to other client requests, but if the client sends a command to Redis that takes a long time

For example, if you delete a Set key containing millions of objects, or perform flushdb, flushall, the Redis server reloads a large amount of memory, causing the server to freeze for several seconds, which can be a disaster for a heavily loaded cache system.

To address this problem, Redis 4.0 introduced Lazy Free, which asynchronizes slow operations, a step toward multi-threading event processing.

As the author explains in his blog, the slow operation can be solved by incremental processing, that is, adding a time event, such as deleting a Set key with millions of objects, removing only a portion of the large key at a time, and eventually deleting the large key. However, this scenario may result in the collection not being as fast as the creation and eventually running out of memory.

Therefore, the final implementation of Redis is to asynchronize the deletion operation of the big key, using non-blocking deletion (corresponding to the command UNLINK), and the space reclamation of the big key is delivered to a separate thread. The main thread only removes the relationship, so that it can quickly return to continue processing other events and avoid long-time blocking of the server.

Take delete (DEL command) as an example to see how Redis is implemented. Here is the entry to the delete function, where lazyfree_lazy_user_del is the default behavior of whether to change the DEL command. Once enabled, DEL will be executed as UNLINK.

`void delCommand(client *c) {` `delGenericCommand(c,server.lazyfree_lazy_user_del); ` `}` `/* This command implements DEL and LAZYDEL. */` `void delGenericCommand(client *c, int lazy) {` `int numdel = 0, j; ` `for (j = 1; j < c->argc; j++) {` `expireIfNeeded(c->db,c->argv[j]); Is DEL executed in lazy mode according to the configuration int deleted = lazy? dbAsyncDelete(c->db,c->argv[j]) :` `dbSyncDelete(c->db,c->argv[j]); ` `if (deleted) {` `signalModifiedKey(c,c->db,c->argv[j]); ` `notifyKeyspaceEvent(NOTIFY_GENERIC,` `"del",c->argv[j],c->db->id); ` `server.dirty++; ` `numdel++; ` `}` `}` `addReplyLongLong(c,numdel); ` ` `} ` ` `Copy the code

Synchronous deletion is as simple as deleting keys and values. If there is an inner reference, it will be recursively deleted.

Let’s take a look at asynchronous deletion. When Redis reclaims objects, it will calculate the recovery benefit first. Only when the recovery benefit exceeds a certain value, it will encapsulate it as a Job and add it to the asynchronous processing queue.

It is also easy to calculate the collection revenue, such as String, the collection revenue value is 1, and Set, the collection revenue is the number of elements in the collection.

`/* Delete a key, value, and associated expiration entry if any, from the DB.` `* If there are enough allocations to free the value object may be put into` `* a lazy free list instead of being freed synchronously. The lazy free list` `* will be reclaimed in a different bio.c thread. */` `#define LAZYFREE_THRESHOLD 64` `int dbAsyncDelete(redisDb *db, robj *key) {` `/* Deleting an entry from the expires dict will not free the sds of` `* the key, because it is shared with the main dictionary. */` `if (dictSize(db->expires) > 0) dictDelete(db->expires,key->ptr); ` `/* If the value is composed of a few allocations, to free in a lazy way` `* is actually just slower... So under a certain limit we just free` `* the object synchronously. */` `dictEntry *de = dictUnlink(db->dict,key->ptr); ` `if (de) {` `robj *val = dictGetVal(de); Size_t free_effort = lazyfreeGetFreeEffort(val); ` `/* If releasing the object is too much work, do it in the background` `* by adding the object to the lazy free list.` `* Note that if the object is shared, to reclaim it now it is not` `* possible. This rarely happens, however sometimes the implementation` `* of parts of the Redis core may call incrRefCount() to protect` `* objects, and then call dbDelete(). In this case we'll fall` `* through and reach the dictFreeUnlinkedEntry() call, That will be * * equivalent to just calling decrRefCount(). */ '// If (free_effort > LAZYFREE_THRESHOLD && val->refcount == 1) {' atomicIncr(lazyfree_objects,1); ` `bioCreateBackgroundJob(BIO_LAZY_FREE,val,NULL,NULL); ` `dictSetVal(db->dict,de,NULL); ` `}` `}` `/* Release the key-val pair, or just the key if we set the val` `* field to NULL in order to lazy free it later. */` `if (de) {` `dictFreeUnlinkedEntry(db->dict,de); ` `if (server.cluster_enabled) slotToKeyDel(key->ptr); ` `return 1; ` `} else {` `return 0; ` `} ` ` `} ` ` `Copy the code

Redis implements lazy for Slow operations by implementing a threaded lazy free to avoid server blocking in FLUSHALL, FLUSHDB, and flush key deletes.

Of course, this feature not only introduces lazy free threads, but also improves the storage structure of the Redis aggregate type.

Redis uses many shared objects internally, such as client output caches.

Of course, Redis does not use locking to avoid thread collisions, which can lead to performance degradation. Instead, it removes the shared object and directly adopts data copy, as shown below, different implementations of ZSet node value in 3.x and 6.x.

'// version 3.2.5 ZSet node implementation, Value define robj *obj ' '/* ZSETs use a specialized version of Skiplists */' 'typedef struct zskiplistNode {'' robj *obj; ` `double score; ` `struct zskiplistNode *backward; ` `struct zskiplistLevel {` `struct zskiplistNode *forward; ` `unsigned int span; ` `} level[]; ` `} zskiplistNode; '// ZSet node implementation in version 6.0.10, Value defined as SDS ele '/* ZSETs use a specialized version of Skiplists */' typedef struct zskiplistNode {' 'SDS ele; ` `double score; ` `struct zskiplistNode *backward; ` `struct zskiplistLevel {` `struct zskiplistNode *forward; ` `unsigned long span; ` `} level[]; ` ``} zskiplistNode; ` ` `Copy the code

Removing shared objects not only enables lazy free, but also makes it possible for Redis to make a leap into multi-threading, as the authors describe:

Now that values of aggregated data types are fully unshared, and client output buffers don’t contain shared objects as well, there is a lot to exploit. For example it is finally possible to implement threaded I/O in Redis, so that different clients are served by different threads. This means that we’ll have a global lock only when accessing the database, but the clients read/write syscalls and even the parsing of the command the client is sending, can happen in different threads.

Multithreaded I/O and its limitations

Redis introduced Lazy Free in version 4.0. Since then, Redis has had a Lazy Free thread dedicated to collecting large keys. It also removed the aggregate type of shared objects, making it possible for multi-threading.

Realize the principle of

As previously stated, Redis’ performance bottleneck is not in CPU, but in memory and network.

So the 6.0 release of multi-threading does not change event handling to multithreading, but on the I/O, in addition, if the event processing into a multi-threaded, lock not only leads to competition, and there will be frequent context switching, which USES piecewise lock to reduce competition, also there will be major changes to Redis kernel, performance does not necessarily have improved significantly.

As shown in red, Redis implements multi-threading, using multiple cores to share the I/O read and write load. In event handling thread every time get readable events, all ready to read events will be assigned to the I/O thread, and wait for, after all I/O thread to read operation, the event processing thread starts executing task processing, at the end of the handle, also will write events assigned to I/O thread, waiting for all the I/O thread to finish write operations.

Taking read event processing as an example, let’s look at the task allocation process of event processing thread:

`int handleClientsWithPendingReadsUsingThreads(void) {` `... ` `/* Distribute the clients across N different lists. */` `listIter li; ` `listNode *ln; ` `listRewind(server.clients_pending_read,&li); ` `int item_id = 0; While ((ln = listNext(&li))) {' 'client *c = listNodeValue(ln); ` `int target_id = item_id % server.io_threads_num; ` `listAddNodeTail(io_threads_list[target_id],c); ` `item_id++; ` `} ` `... */ * Wait for all the other threads to end their work. */ 'while(1) {'' unsigned long pending = 0; ` `for (int j = 1; j < server.io_threads_num; j++)` `pending += io_threads_pending[j]; ` `if (pending == 0) break; ` `} ` `... ` `return processed; ` ` `} ` ` `Copy the code

I/O thread processing flow:

`void *IOThreadMain(void *myid) {` `... ` `while(1) {` `... While ((ln = listNext(&li))) {' 'client *c = listNodeValue(ln); If (io_threads_op == IO_THREADS_OP_WRITE) {writeToClient(c,0); ` `} else if (io_threads_op == IO_THREADS_OP_READ) {` `readQueryFromClient(c->conn); ` `} else {` `serverPanic("io_threads_op value is unknown"); ` `}` `}` `listEmpty(io_threads_list[id]); ` `io_threads_pending[id] = 0; ` `if (tio_debug) printf("[%ld] Done\n", id); ` `} ` ` `} ` ` `Copy the code


From the above implementation, the 6.0 version of multithreading is not a thorough multithreading, I/O thread can only perform read or write operations at the same time, during the event processing thread has been in a waiting state, not pipelined model, there is a lot of rotation waiting overhead.

Tair multithreading implementation principle

Tair’s multithreading implementation is more elegant than version 6.0’s multithreading implementation. As shown in the figure below, Tair’s Main Thread is responsible for client connection establishment, IO Thread is responsible for request reading, response sending, command parsing, etc. Worker Thread is dedicated to event processing.

IO threads read and parse user requests, and then put the parsing results in the form of commands in the queue and send them to Worker Threads for processing. The Worker Thread generates a response after the command processing is complete and sends it to the IO Thread through another queue.

In order to improve the parallelism of threads, lockless queues and pipes are used to exchange data between IO threads and Worker threads, thus achieving better overall performance.


Redis 4.0 introduced Lazy Free threads, which solved problems such as server blocking caused by large key deletion. In version 6.0, it introduced I/O threads, which officially implemented multi-threading, but compared with Tair, it is not very elegant, and the performance improvement is not much. According to the pressure test, the performance of multi-threaded version is twice that of single-threaded version. The Tair multithreaded version is three times as good as the single-threaded version.

Redis has two types of threading: I/O threading and Slow Commands threading.

I/O threading is not going to happen in Redis AFAIK, because after much consideration I think it’s a lot of complexity without a good reason. Many Redis setups are network or memory bound actually. Additionally I really believe in a share-nothing setup, so the way I want to scale Redis is by improving the support for multiple Redis instances to be executed in the same host, especially via Redis Cluster.

What instead I really want a lot is slow operations threading, and with the Redis modules system we already are in the right direction. However in the future (not sure if in Redis 6 or 7) we’ll get key-level locking in the module system so that threads can completely acquire control of a key to process slow operations. Now modules can implement commands and can create a reply for the client in a completely separated way, but still to access the shared data set a global lock is needed: this will go away.

The Redis authors preferred a clustered approach to I/O threading, especially in the context of the native Redis Cluster Proxy released in version 6.0, which made clustering easier to use.

In addition, the author prefers to slow operations threading (such as Lazy Free released in version 4.0) to solve the multithreading problem. In the subsequent version, whether IO Thread will be more perfect, using Module to realize the optimization of slow operation, it is really worth looking forward to.

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