In project writing, it is common to use “where 1=1” in code. Why is this?


  • Where 1=1
  • Do not use where 1=1 in multi-condition query confusion
  • Benefits of using where 1=1
  • Disadvantages of using where 1=1

Where 1=1

For example, there is a scenario where the DB database has a blog table (blog), and you want to query all the records in the blog table, then you can operate in two ways. Where (1=1) where (1=1)

  • Where keyword nothing
select * from blog;
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  • Where 1=1
select * from blog where 1 = 1;
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There is no difference between the results of the two SQL statement queries. So why add “1=1” after the WHERE keyword?

We know that 1=1 means true, eternal truth. A T0 error can be created if used improperly. For example, when writing SQL statements to perform a WHERE query with the OR operator will get unexpected results, the results will make you shiver. Don’t believe me, read on:

For example, when we want to delete the record with the blog ID called “202102111501”, we can write:

delete from blog where blogId = "202102111501"
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If you add or 1=1 after the where statement, what will happen?

delete from blog where blogId = "202102111501" or 1 = 1
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Or 1=1 will delete all entries in the table if the blog ID is 202102111501. Then you’re in trouble.

Do not bother where 1=1 in multi-condition query

For example, if you want to view a comment record in the current blog, then according to the usual dynamic query statement structure, the code is as follows:

String sql="select * from blog where";
if ( condition 1) {
  sql = sql + " blogID = 202102111501";
if (condition 2) {
  sql = sql + " and commentID = 150101";
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If both if statements above are true, then the final dynamic SQL statement is:

select * from table_name where blogID = 202102111501 and commentID = 150101;
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You can see that this is a complete and correct SQL query statement that executes correctly.

If both of the above if statements are false, then the final dynamic SQL statement is:

select * from table_name where;
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The SQL statement is an error and cannot be executed because it does not have a condition after the WHERE keyword.

Benefits of using where 1=1

If we add 1=1 to the where condition, let’s see what it looks like:

String sql="select * from blog where 1=1";
if ( condition 1) {
  sql = sql + " and blogID = 202102111501";
if (condition 2) {
  sql = sql + " and commentID = 150101";
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When both condition 1 and condition 2 are true, the SQL code executed above is as follows:

select * from blog where 1=1 and blogID = "202102111501" and commentID = 150101;
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You can see that this is a complete and correct SQL query statement that executes correctly.

If both of the above if statements are false, then the final dynamic SQL statement is:

select * from table_name where 1=1;
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SQL =”select * from table” SQL =”select * from table”

When 1=1 is added after the WHERE keyword, all data in the table will be returned if no fields are selected. If a single query is made based on a field, then the condition is queried at that time.

In fact, the application of WHERE 1=1 is not an advanced application, nor is it a so-called intelligent construction. It is simply a way to construct a correctly running dynamic SQL statement in order to satisfy the various factors of uncertainty in a multi-condition query page.

Disadvantages of using where 1=1

When we write SQL, add 1=1 after although can guarantee the syntax will not error!

select * from table_name where 1=1;
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However, since there is no field named 1 in the table, this SQL statement is equivalent to select * from table. This SQL statement is obviously a full table scan, requiring a large amount of IO operations, and the larger the data volume, the slower it is.

So when querying where1=1 you need to add other conditions after it and index them appropriately, you can be much more efficient.

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