
Ali Cloud email push is one of the mail services purchased by our company. Our company’s enterprise 📮 also uses Ali Cloud service. But this thing doesn’t work that well

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You can see that the failure rate is really high, as high as over 40%


Why did it fail?? I did some research on the journal

About the error content:

err_msg=554 RCPT ([email protected]) dosn't exist&failed_type=SmtpNxBox err_msg=554 RCPT ([email protected]) Dosn't exist&Failed _type=SmtpNxBox 550 5.4.1 Recipient Address Rejected: Access denied. AS(201806281) [BN8NAM11FT034.eop-nam11.prod.protection.outlook.com]&failed_type=SmtpZPermErr 554 RCPT ([email protected]) dosn't exist&failed_type=SmtpNxBox err_msg=400 the mta server of unexpected closed&failed_type=SmtpTempErr err_msg=400 the mta server of unexpected closed&failed_type=SmtpTempErr err_msg=400 the mta server of unexpected closed&failed_type=SmtpTempErr err_msg=400 the mta server of unexpected closed&failed_type=SmtpTempErrCopy the code

According to the technical documentation of Ali Cloud, the above error message is translated as

1. The email address does not exist 2. The recipient address is rejected 3.Copy the code

As far as I am concerned, the same email was sent in large quantities, and some errors occurred (address does not exist, rejection, etc.), so Ali Cloud subsequently interrupted my delivery.

Ali Cloud staff said that the frequency was too frequent, so they adjusted the frequency limit for us. How much is specific limitation of course, somebody else says is commercial secret, do not give an answer.


When sending an email, you can appropriately let the thread sleep for a while, after all, the email is not synchronous feedback, can be slightly asynchronous delay processing