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After using idea for 3 or 4 years, there are some common plugins that can actually improve the efficiency of programming, allowing you to type less code and have more free time to do some things on your own. I hope this article will help you

New development tool IDEA most commonly used plug-in sharing, including translation, automatic generation of GetSet, Maven, Mybatis enhancement, API enhancement plug-in, need can be collected, to avoid the next place.

1, the Translation

IDEA has used the best translation software, select the word to translate right click translation. You can also translate comments in the source code. At the same time, there is a translation icon in the upper right corner of the installation, click and input text. This software is highly recommended

2, GenerateAllSetter

In code, we often need to assign values to all attributes of an object. Hitting set methods one by one is cumbersome and easy to forget a field. This plug-in can generate all set methods, and you can choose to assign default values or no values.

To use: Select the created object, press Alt + Enter to display the following option, select assign default value or no assign value

3, Maven Help

One-click to view Maven dependencies, view conflicting dependencies, and one-click to exclude dependencies

Usage: Click on the POM.xml file and select Dependency Analyzer at the bottom of the right window to see the specific conflicting packages

4, Free MyBatis plugin/MyBatisX

If you are using Mybatis children’s shoes can try these two plug-ins, the function is similar, is the Mybatis enhancement plug-in of IDEA. Mapper.xml file can be generated, and you can quickly jump from code mapper to mapper.xml file

Usage: Click the left arrow to jump

5, Grep Console

Let the console print different colors for different types of logs, for example to easily see the error log if there are errors. Of course, you can customize the colors for different types of logs.

6, RestfulToolkit

This plug-in is very powerful and provides the following functions

1. Go directly to the corresponding method definition according to the URL (Ctrl \ or Ctrl Alt N); 2. Provide a Services tree display window; 3. A simple HTTP request tool; 4. Add useful function on request method: copy to generate URL; , copy method parameters… 5. Other features: Add Convert to JSON function on Java class, format JSON data (Windows: Ctrl + Enter; Mac: Command + Enter).

I often use shortcut keys according to the interface address query method, of course, you can also use the way of IDEA: Shift + Shift window input address query, but this method has a disadvantage is slow

Function 2. Right-click to copy the relative and absolute addresses of interfaces

Function of the threeIf you need to provide JSON parameters when sending a request using postMan, this tool provides the ability to copy class variables into JSON instead of typing them one by one in postMan.

IDE Eval Reset

JieIDEA, delay your IDEA trial time, although it is a month, but nothing is affected. Very nice.

You can search for the installation in the Marketplace, or pay attention to the public account [CoderQi] reply [IDEA broken broken], get the JAR package and drag into IDEA to install it.

Automatic start method: Click help- “Eval Reset -” to select Auto


This plugin allows you to manually create an ignore file in your idea. You can search for it and click to select it. I usually choose JetBrains, Example User Template, Java and Maven