Most Android developers now use Android Studio for development (don’t tell me you’re still using Eclipse, just be happy). Using the Android Studio plugin can greatly improve our productivity.

1. .ignore

When we were working on git projects, not all files were committed, such as build folders, local configuration files, etc., but they were accidentally added every time we added or committed. This is what we do with.gitignore to mask files that we don’t want to commit in.gitignore files. The. Ignore plugin provides a much easier interface, and you can see that files that are blocked in Android Studio are grayed out.

2. GsonFormat

Simply copy and paste the JSON string, and the corresponding Java entity class is generated immediately and automatically.

3. CodeGlance

If you’ve ever used SublimeText, you’ll be familiar with the fact that a scrollable thumbnail of the code is displayed on the right side of the file to make scrolling through the code easier.

4. 360 FireLine

This plugin can help you find potential security issues in your code, memory leaks, and more. The security check is derived from years of business practice of 360 products, and the accuracy and accuracy of memory leak check are far higher than those of similar products.