I control the next tool. I usually pay attention to collecting all kinds of tools that bring convenience to our life and production. After all, life is short. The following introduces some of the Windows system found some useful tools, and a brush with the main features, detailed usage can be searched, the relevant posts are quite a lot, each of the introduction of words that would be too long ~

This article is part of a series of articles on “Those Usable Tools for > :

  1. Recommend a few very easy to use tools under Windows
  2. Make comfortable moving brick environment, these are the desktop that I want to recommend most
  3. Full of dry goods! Introducing some very good Mac software (the first bullet)
  4. Full of dry goods! Introducing some very good Mac software (second bullet)
  5. Full of dry goods! Introducing some very good Mac software (third bullet)

1. Listary

Listary has to be the first one. After using Everything, I think Listary is the better one. It can not only in the local very fast search, but also open the website, search in the search engine, anytime and anywhere to open the shortcut menu, file quick location, quickly open the CMD window and other excellent functions, light weight, simple, anytime and anywhere;

For example, Enter CMD to open the CMD window, Enter CMDA to open the CMD window using the administrator permissions, Enter WYYYY to open the netease cloud music, focus on a file when the Enter directly open, Ctrl + Enter is to open the file folder;

It is worth mentioning that the search keyword function allows us to easily open the corresponding website or search with the search engine, such as input GG my deposit? You can simply open the default browser and search in the Google search. You can also customize other keywords by changing the keyword in the search link to {query} ~

2. Ditto

Ditto is a free and open source clipboard management tool for Windows. As a CTRL, CTRL, CTRL, and V engineer, you can copy and paste a lot of other people’s code.

Use the shortcut key to open clipboard history, then Ctrl/Shift to select the content you want to paste, Enter to optionally paste multiple lines of content; In addition clipboard history can also be searched, quickly find copy content;

With only a few shortcut keys, you can easily operate the clipping board, bringing great happiness ~

3. Winsnap

See the screenshot above did not, next to all very SAO bag shadow, how to do it? Don’t need all kinds of fancy image processing software, use WinSnap, it can automatically help you in the screenshot when the background shadow, and then help you automatically copy to the clipboard;

It can be captured in full screen, app, window, object, etc. What’s more, it can select and capture multiple objects at the same time while taking a screenshot, holding down Ctrl or Shift to select multiple Windows or objects… This is better. Try it?

4. Cmder

Cder is a beautiful and practical command line tool, it supports most Linux commands, support SSH to connect to Linux, but also in its window to create new CMD and powershell, more play you come to battle ~

It is convenient to set alias in the installation directory \config\user-aliases.cmd, such as common Git operations:

ga=git add $*
gb=git branch $*
gc=git commit $*
gch=git checkout $*
gd=git diff $*
gl=git log $*
gs=git status $*

You can also configure the CDER to the right-click menu to open the CDER in the current directory. The method is to add this address to the PATH environment variable of the system, such as my D: CDER, and then right click on the CDER. Exe property – compatibility – to run this program as an administrator. Open up cmder. exe again and type in cmder. exe /REGISTER ALL

Set LANG= zh_CN.utf8. Set LANG= zh_CN.utf8. Set LANG= zh_CN.utf8.

5. Typora

I have used many Markdown editors before, and finally I chose Typora. Different from mainstream editors, Typora combines editing and preview together, which is simple and elegant, and there is no need to switch between editing and preview. Markdown syntax is displayed only when the focus is moved in.

In addition, Typora also supports LaTeX, [TOC] dynamic directories, drag and drop images to automatically generate local preview links, custom themes and other convenient features.

6. Quick Look

QuickLook is a quick overview tool downloaded from the Microsoft Store. Sometimes it takes half a day to open a PDF, video or other related programs. With QuickLook, just select the target file and press the space to preview it quickly. Supports image, video, audio, compressed package, PDF, text files, Markdown, HTML and other formats;

Use it to look at some code or other, and you don’t even need to sublime.vscode to start it up, which is great for just a quick overview of the scene.

7. Myper Splash

Myper Splash is also a high-quality wallpaper library that can be downloaded from Microsoft Store. All the wallpapers are from Unsplash website without copyright and can be used for free. With simple and beautiful UI/UX design, you can experience the feeling of love at first sight.

In addition, MyPersplash can be set to automatically change the wallpaper or lock screen every day. When you come to the office every morning and light up the screen, you can see Awesome lock screen or wallpaper, which will help you start your day in a good mood.

8. GifCam / ScreenToGif

There are two free screen recording tools for GIFs. They are small and beautiful GIFCAM and ScreenToGIF, which are open source and powerful.

GIFCAM compact and convenient, if you want to quickly record the screen to share, then it is the best choice, you can choose the screen frame rate, the recording process can adjust the window size and position, can also pause and continue, enough to meet most of the use of the scene;

Sceentogif has a more powerful editing function, which allows you to independently manipulate the recorded frames, delete, speed up, or modify them. Try it

9. Free Download Manage

Free Download Manage (FDM) is a Free Download tool. If you have had enough of the advertising and speed limits of some domestic software, then FDM is a good choice. Besides, multi-threading, breakpoint continuation, task planning and other features make FDM worth promoting.

10. Sourcetree

SourceTree is a free, cross-platform Git client management tool for those who are tired of typing Git commands.

SourceTree can greatly simplify your code operation, especially for those who are not familiar with Git commands; Users who are familiar with Git can also use it to improve efficiency and reduce errors.

PS: Welcome everyone to pay attention to my official account [front end afternoon tea], refueling with ~

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