Cold, background management framework Pig author. JAVA engineer, architect of Beijing Yunyun Huitong,
“High yield and Better sow”The blogger. Graduated from a bachelor’s degree in 2017, I grew from an ordinary engineer in the company to an architect in charge of technical line. I am a young man who likes pair programming.

Background management framework Pig:

It is a RBAC permission management system based on Spring Cloud Finchley and Spring Security OAuth2. It has gained 6.1K star in Code Cloud and become the No.2 hot open source project in code Cloud 2018.

What was your major in college?

Software engineering. Professional courses are still very standard: C, data structure, network, JavaEE, introduction to software engineering, etc., but I learn really not how, C failed ~ really feel humiliated at that time ~! Other subjects are quite good ~, for the back to find a job to provide a very good foundation, now good regret did not learn C ~!

How did you first get into open source projects?

I first got into open source projects to finish my homework. When I was studying, there would be a big assignment at the end of each semester. – Complete the management system, for example. I started out with the open source project Jeesite to complete a simple educational administration system. At the beginning, it was very simple. Later, it relied on Jfinal-Weixin to integrate the public account and then combined with the crawler to make a relatively perfect educational affairs public account. It is doing well in school and has also achieved good results in national competitions.

Under what circumstances did Pig begin?

In early 2015, when H5 was popular, we started to move into microservices and their OAuth2.0 practices in order to provide support for multi-terminal devices. To be honest, a lot of mistakes have been made. In the process of sharing OAuth series of blog posts, Pig is just the supporting sample code in the blog posts. There is no front-end display, only restful interface. It wasn’t until late 2017 that I put a skin on Pig (front end) and that’s how the front end separation project was developed. After two years of going from zero to one, I continued to add features and share some of the company’s Spring Cloud practices. I never thought people would like Pig so much.

How did Avue author Li Pengwei and the current core members of the team join Pig?

The front end has always been my weakness, after the release of several versions, invited our company’s front end architect Li Pengwei to join, simply put our company’s front end technology open source together, Avue was born, and then wukong Bike architect Li Xunhuan provided ES, Pinpoint the technical support, With the increasing requirements of technology and users, more and more brothers have been forced to join pig.

Avue was written by Li Pengwei

Former Wukong Bike architect Li Xunhuan

How did Pig go from being an open source project maintained by individual developers to a team-based brand?

After the code cloud issued Pig GVP certificate, in order to promote and satisfy my own vanity, the development team and I made official website at the first time, and then put the certificate and other materials on the official website for publicity. The current PV is around 10000. Documents directly hosted in the cloud, team maintenance ~.

How does Pig collect and process user feedback when working together as a team?

The code cloud Issue provides a good collection channel, and we provide standard templates for users. When a student raises a question, the code cloud official account will timely remind, so that the team can deal with the problem in the first time! The community is also a good channel, but it is more about sharing technical points beyond pig, and people can progress through discussions. From my personal point of view, I strongly recommend Issue, because Issue can help us solve users’ problems and transfer and reuse knowledge at the same time.

How did you make Pig the second most popular open source project in Code Cloud 2018?

Thank you so much for your support! Achieving such a result without special promotion confirms the saying: you work hard and leave the rest to the will of God. In 2018, while relying on the flow of code Cloud platform, I continued to share more technology about Spring Cloud, which also brought a certain amount of attention ~. More importantly, “micro services” is now a hot topic, so that Pig can fly.

What are Pig’s technical and strategic plans for 2019?

At the beginning of Pig’s creation, we focused on big and comprehensive solutions and ignored practical problems, so getting as many students into Spring Cloud as possible is our biggest goal for 2019. First, we will focus on slimming down, fully updated, compatible with the latest Spring Cloud GA release; Then reduce the introduction of middleware, because each introduction of middleware is a challenge to the technology stack, system high availability; At the same time, we plan to improve the coverage of documents and videos, comprehensively output the principle and use skills of all function points, promote and broadcast through multiple channels, and strive to make this pig a network celebrity this year.

You made the leap from fresh graduate to architect in just one year. What has impressed you most during this transition?

The most intuitive feeling is fat, ha ha ~ weight increased from 140 catties to 160 catties. But really, the overall ability has improved a lot. As engineers face machines all day long, other abilities are easily weakened, such as communication and coordination skills, and social relations will become monotonous. Then, the ability to quickly locate problems developed in the process of doing open source projects has provided me with good help in my current work. Of course, I highly encourage you to discuss not only technical issues, but also effective communication issues, so I recommend you to show your code in the code cloud!

Can you give some valuable advice to programmers who are just starting out on campus?

Programmers who have just stepped into the society should adjust their mentality and take the initiative to solve modestly. They should not ask for advice because they are timid. While school is process-oriented, the workplace is results-oriented. Program ape is very busy, also more stuffy coquettish, you do not ask, generally will not take the initiative to teach you, of course, except program yuan. You don’t have to talk about it to get in the loop, because code is a common topic for programmers, and asking questions is the best topic.

Moreover, just entered the workplace, may be because of their own technical stack is not enough, the old driver said a variety of nouns, this is normal phenomenon ~. No matter how good your professional courses are, there is still a big gap between the knowledge in books and the practical application. For example, when I was in school, the teacher taught Struts2, but I found springMVC was used in the enterprise. If you write a CRUD for the shelf in the enterprise from scratch, you can quickly move the brick. After work, you can study the related framework, and there are basically no too many problems.

In terms of personal career development, do you prefer technical specialization or transformational management?

Emmm, to be honest, I’m more of a specialist. But there may be more managerial work at this stage. Of course, I also enjoy the pleasure brought by helping team members to solve problems, and I am more proud of the team’s progress. The premise of technical management is that outside the line does not command inside the line, the code must not be lost, and I must not become the person in charge of PPT. I hope I can grow up to be a person in charge with skills, management and humanity.

What are you responsible for at present in Beijing Yunyunhuitong?

Now I am mainly responsible for the technical support and architecture design of various product lines. The company is very supportive of our open source projects. The core architecture of PIG has a good effect on the application of current internal projects such as order collection and hardware background support.

As a young technical manager, could you share your management experience?

In general, repetition is used to improve efficiency. It is relatively backward, but there are a few key points that I use a lot:

  • Plan early and summarize late. It is suggested that individuals do not have to completely prioritize in accordance with the four quadrants, just need to clear up the tasks to be done and to be done every day, do not appear unclear tasks.
  • Focus on the results, focus on the process. Don’t be a hands-off manager. Everyone sees the same task differently. Communicate twice in the morning and evening every day to confirm the completion of requirements and avoid inconsistent requirements and progress.

How do you arrange your work and life?

In fact, I am a typical fat house character 😝, life is relatively simple, will be fully engaged in the work, the class will also write code, repeatedly thinking about the simplicity of the code. Often do the dishes, relax the brain, I have a lot of new ideas are produced when doing the dishes, cooking and doing project is essentially the same, the code as ingredients, mix the right to present a delicious food, I will try to make every meal I do can be good, so I will try to make our products can bring more comfortable and friendly to the user experience.

How do you recharge your batteries after work?

I usually off the class like to open black with friends, Demacia beg to take ah! Of course, I’m a terrible cook. Also often read the OSC blog and software update news, especially about the open source technology iteration information, when there is doubt of professional knowledge will be inertial to get to the bottom of the matter, Clone down source code debug, look at the source code than reading the document more direct ~. I also like to read some non-technical books, haha ~ mainly because the company benefits are good, books can be purchased freely, since the release of pig, more and more feel that the establishment of a learning organization in today’s software market competition is particularly important.

What is the biggest takeaway from Pig?

Technically speaking, I really improved my professional ability, especially my ability to quickly locate and solve problems. However, from the point of view of life, the biggest harvest is to get to know a group of like-minded good brothers. The road of open source is quite difficult, and MY heart is always grateful to the good brothers who come to Beijing to write code with me at a long distance. Looking back at the past two years and now, brothers always support each other without any exception, no matter they give painstaking solutions in technology or share their work experience with each other. Pig let me see the best form of friendship. The success of a team is not only from efficient cooperation, but also from sharing weather and rain together.

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