“This is the 13th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. See details: The Last Gwen Challenge 2021”.


Hi, I’m L Rabrami, and today’s Super Architect series is about DevOps, an engineering guide for beginners.

The growth of DevOps is closely related to agile development, and even more closely related to microservices. Developers should therefore have DevOPs-related capabilities, and they should keep up with technological changes.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a mix of development and operations that combines people from a distributed stack, tools for creating efficient applications, and development processes to speed the delivery of high-quality products.

By integrating people, tools, and processes, DevOps enables rapid development and delivery by adding a series of incremental features to the product.

How does DevOps work?

The DevOps model brings together development and operations teams to work together to bridge the gap between “isolated” processes. Sometimes, people across these processes work in a joint team to develop and deliver faster to achieve business goals.

Simply put, a team of developers who have the skills to work together throughout the development lifecycle from coding and deploying (using a variety of tools and applications) to maintaining applications to deploy products more quickly.

Incremental features have been added to the application to keep it up to date with the latest trends in customer satisfaction.

DevOps uses a variety of DevOps tools to combine the major parts of application creation (that is, development, quality, deployment, security) into a single process to speed up application delivery.

Enterprise model

Software terms have gone from supporting an enterprise’s online presence to becoming a critical aspect of the enterprise. In such markets, applications need to keep up with the latest requirements and adapt dynamically to trends to drive business and achieve customer satisfaction.

The DevOps model provides this flexibility to deploy business-ready applications more quickly and to add or update applications based on customer requirements. By closing the gap between the various parts of the application development process, DevOps can quickly deploy high-performance, rapidly enhanced, and secure applications.

Adapting DevOps with the right tools and the right mindset is critical to successfully implementing and leveraging the DevOps model.

Benefits of DevOps in engineering teams


Product delivery is faster due to multiple skills working together in the same process. It is easier to add updates and features to keep up with market standards and maintain quality and customer satisfaction.

Fast delivery

New features are likely to be released faster due to faster delivery. As a result, bugs can now be fixed, features added/updated, and added to the product based on market demand and customer feedback, enabling efficient delivery of applications in a competitive market.


Because of faster Delivery, DevOps practices like Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) allow software reliability, or new features that ensure quality, to be quickly added to applications, At the same time, users continue to experience a smooth and superior experience.

The size of the

Because of fast delivery and reliability, add to your application to allow it to scale according to business needs without compromising the user experience.

Improve collaboration

This improves collaboration as developers and operations teams share responsibility for faster delivery. Teams can add and improvise based on shared responsibilities. This also reduces the wait time between switching and dependencies.


DevOps provides a series of security and compliance testing/management tools so that you can improve your application without sacrificing security.

Practice the conversation

DevOps is an evolving model that ADAPTS to the needs of an organization based on a set of policies. Agile thinking supports DevOps and iterative development models. Some DevOps models are Agile, Scrum, Kanban, etc.

Continuous integration

Constantly making changes to the code base and adding new code based on new requirements, customer feedback, and so on. Automates builds and tests to ensure changes meet required standards and comply with previous functionality. Continuous integration ensures that all developers have access to the code base and that new changes are rolled out regularly for easy refactoring as needed.

Continuous delivery

As the code base is updated, builds and checks are performed to check that it is working properly. The code is then moved to a pre-production environment and tested until it is ready for production. As a result, production-ready code always exists on the team and new updates are often added.

Micro service

Microservices architecture breaks down individual applications into small services that interact with each other over a secure network. Each service runs its processes independently, while communicating with other microservices to accomplish larger tasks. Because each microservice can be deployed independently, updates can be rolled out faster and bugs can be identified and fixed more easily.

Infrastructure is code

Infrastructure as Code allows users to manage and enforce Infrastructure in the form of scripts or Code that can be managed like any Code change. Version control, frequent updates, and recovery are some characteristics of IaC practices.

Monitoring and recording

As applications are used 24/7 around the world, it becomes even more important to proactively monitor applications for user activity, functional differences, and unexpected errors. With logging and monitoring, teams can set alerts for specific errors, manage infrastructure and software work, and pinpoint errors and errors more quickly.

Communication and Collaboration

DevOps culture encourages communication and collaboration by bringing together people from different development and operational workflows. Communicating requirements and challenges across teams and collaborating effectively to solve and deploy them is part of the DevOps team model. The appropriate tools needed to communicate between teams will be used to achieve this goal.

The conversation tool chain

A toolchain is a set of tools used in the programming world to achieve business goals. DevOps also uses such programming tools to enable collaboration and coordination between developers and operations engineers. Using them, teams can program, test, and deploy applications more quickly. These tools can be used for a variety of purposes, from communications and versioning to automation pipelines for quality checks and deployment.


Planning is the first step in any project. Identifying business plans and requirements and then breaking them down for adoption by the development team is part of the planning process.

Some tools for planning include -git, Jira, and so on.


After planning, this is part of the implementation phase, where the actual development of the software is implemented based on the design.

Tools for coding include – GitHub, GitLab, Atlassian, Bitbucket, etc.


Unlike earlier when developers had to run the build manually and check the code to run, automated builds are configured and run at this stage. Checks such as code quality can also be added to the build along with synchronous deployment.

Tools used in this stage include – Docker, Jenkins, Gradle, Maven, etc.


Testing is an integral part of the development process. At this stage, test the code either manually or through automation.

The tools involved in this phase include – JUnit, Selenium, TestNG, Soap, and more.

The deployment of

This phase involves deploying the software into production through automated distribution. Deployment builds are scheduled, coordinated, and then run to complete the process.

The tools used in this stage include Jenkins, Kubernetes, Docker, etc.


Software management in production belongs to this phase.

Tools that support this phase include Ansible, Powershell, Puppet, and more.


When deploying an application, it is important to monitor the application at this stage to catch any errors or errors that may occur. You can quickly isolate any errors or problems using a variety of monitoring tools.

Tools used in this phase include -grafana, Splunk, Datalog, Wireshark, and more.

DevOps moves to the left

In any normal development cycle, changes are made to different modules, which are then put together and tested to achieve complex business goals. But in this process, integration testing is performed at a later stage and problems may be detected when the software is brought together. As a result, errors, errors, and other cross-platform dependency issues are detected at a later stage, and the process is then rushed to meet the set deadlines.

The principle of “moving left” in DevOps is to move testing primarily to integration testing in the early stages of development and add it to the testing as requirements are implemented.

This requires a cultural change in business thinking where code is the main priority. Many organizations are adopting this approach now because problems are detected at an earlier stage, saving a lot of time on later maintenance.

Test-driven development in Agile focuses on testing and writing test cases against requirements, and then adding code to support it. Similarly, the left-shift principle focuses on integration testing early in the development life cycle to achieve composition goals.

The difference between DevOps and SRE

SRE or site reliability engineering focuses on automating or completing tasks that are typically done by developers or operations engineers who use a set of tools or software to automate tasks. This brings together most of the operations performed, eliminating the need for separate administrative parts of the project and bringing together the modules in software development.

SRE focuses on automated operations, while DevOps focuses on bringing development and operations teams together. Both teams are aware of the requirements and changes made by the other team, thus bridging the gap between the different processes and timings required to coordinate information and synchronize release cycles.

DevOps and SRE share a common goal of eliminating traditional separation and consolidating dependent processes into a single process. However, DevOps and SRE achieve this goal in different ways.

Enterprise glossary

  • Agile: an approach to software development based on repeated cycles of planning, development, testing, and deployment.
  • Automation: Configure processes/tasks to run themselves instead of being executed manually.
  • Deployment: In the development paradigm, deployment refers to planning, developing/configuring, testing, and then running the changes in a specific environment for use by users.
  • Integration: Integration refers to the combination of various modules to operate as a system.
  • Release: A release is a regular update or the latest version provided to end users.
  • Refactoring: Changing or updating existing functionality or code to make improvements or add new updates.
  • Isolated: Isolated or separated from other peers.
  • Versioning: Versioning is assigning unique names/numbers to different versions of the same product.


DevOps has become very popular in recent years. As agile organizations move to the cloud for all their needs, DevOps is gaining more attention as a means to achieve faster deployments. Security is also a major concern of organizations that adopt DevOps, leading to the term DevSecOps.

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