Cool autumn, double section will come. On the occasion of the most beautiful season in Beijing, I would like to extend my sincere greetings and best wishes to CtrlCV Production and Research Department of Geek Time on behalf of all the workers of rare earth gold digging products and design and r&d team! Thank you for your pixel salute to nuggets browser plug-in in a short period of time. Meanwhile, I would like to apply for two Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes for CtrlCV Production and Research Department of your company’s management team. I suggest that one of them is your brand orange and the other is Nuggets’ brand blue, so as to satisfy their worship of Nuggets!

All of this started with a post. At noon, the author was still immersed in the happy memories of going to Universal Studios over the weekend and working hard. Suddenly, the boss threw a link —

Extra! Extra! Time out the plug-in 😎 geek, wow ~ geek time also introduced a browser plug-in, as niche field product shape, the plug-in has been lack of industry attention, so when I learned that have the same way when the heart is always happy excited, so I end foaming temperature began to seriously read the Chinese wolfberry, more read more exciting, more see more, Now my eyes are sky and sky, stars and sea! That’s right! Such excellent product features should not only be available in the Nuggets browser add-on, waiting 500 years for the same way!

So I threw down the thermos cup, picked up the keyboard and decided to apply for a double moon cake award for CtrlCV Production and Research Department of Geek time. In order to apply for a reward based on reason, the author, in a rigorous and pragmatic attitude, sorted out the major CV achievements of CtrlCV Production and Research Department of Geek time as follows:

1, pixel level pay tribute to nuggets browser plug-in “aggregation search” function

If listed a list of application developers the most commonly used tools, search engines will dwell among them, the different search engines in search of different types of content has its own advantages, thus providing an “aggregate search” entry is one of effective means for the developers to work, so we in June 2021 the new launched “aggregate search” function. After the release, our lovely users in the community “boiling point” section of the post to praise our change:

Contrast the two pictures below, the above is the nuggets plug-in “aggregate search”, the following is the aggregation of geek time search, a look at carefully, li kui was lying below a phoney, it is a pity that we recently launched the TAB key to quickly switch the function of the engine, it must be the all of a sudden, the expensive department “research” CtrlCV production department has not yet had time to follow up, But such an excellent team will certainly follow in the near future, come on

2, pixel level tribute nuggets browser plug-in “fast navigation” function

In the nuggets browser plug-in “tool mode” under the search box, there is a very popular user function, is the “shortcut navigation”, users can add the daily use of the URL here, every time open the plug-in will be able to quickly access, this time Li GUI ran to the right of Li Kui, is really very sly, not believe you see ↓

3, “Japanese move” type tribute nuggets plug-in “quick tool” function

Confucius said: “to do a good job must first sharpen his”, in the nuggets browser plug-in “tool model”, page on the right side there is a “quick tools” section, this feature is designed to aggregate some developers common use of small tools, to meet the demand of developers in daily work, at the moment phoney also sad Mimi prone on the right side, courage, not letter you see left

Through the comparison of the above pictures, the author can responsibly say that the major achievements of THE GEEK time “CtrlCV Production and Research Department” win in the “bold pattern is small, live rough not to go to the brain”, many places only copy the surface of things, but did not understand the meaning behind, here I do not point out to leave space for its growth. But this “Japanese-style move” type of salute for your company to the maximum limit to save the design resources and scarce mental resources, is worth the whole company report commendation.

This is the first criminal operation of “CtrlCV Production and Research Department” found by the author. As the author who changed from technology to product at the beginning, the author must explain objectively that under the circumstances of tight time, heavy task and great pressure, the geek time “CtrlCV production and Research Department” completes the task successfully and successfully combines with idol products, and must reward two boxes of moon cakes.

Finally, the author want to say is, as mentioned above I have just turned from technology products, the nuggets browser plug-in is I took over and revised design of the first product, the expensive department “research CtrlCV production department” is work of the author’s great affirmation and encouragement, I will continue to refuel, effort for your company at the end of the year “research” CtrlCV production department to apply for double year-end bonuses, For geeks time CtrlCV production and research department of nuggets browser plug-in affirmation, I sincerely thank you.

I wish geek time “CtrlCV Production and Research Department” happy year of the Ox and the year of the dog.

Product manager for Nuggets Browser plug-ins

September 13, 2021

Wait, there’s one more thing I want to say: developers are the purest, most pragmatic group in my eyes, and they spend their youth and passion every day quietly pushing the industry forward. Malicious plagiarism, copyright and technology circles in recent years frequent the phenomenon of being invaded, led to the infringement, the legitimate rights and interests of many developers, in turn, forcing them to take legal weapon to protect themselves, as a industry practitioners, in the calling for everyone together for this industry evergreen positive force, don’t hurt the simple groups, because they really, really good hard! Each hair is not easy to keep 😭

In addition, thank you for your continued support of the Nuggets community. We look forward to downloading the Nuggets plugin ( It’s already here, and let us know in the comments what your favorite and most anticipated nuggets plugin features are. By September 16, 23:59:59, the top three winners will be given a copy of the surrounding nuggets

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