\ Qquad recently open Visual Studio to write code, IDE always inexplicably stuck and then flash back, today open task manager to see the reason, found that The memory occupied by Visual Studio kept rising, dozens of MB per second up, soon to 2000MB, and then stuck. \qquad: Git for Windows uses up a large amount of memory. When I update Visual Studio a few days ago, I try to kill the process, but when I kill it, it immediately reappears automatically. Although it can temporarily solve the problem of occupying a large amount of memory, but the symptoms are not the root cause. So I decided to go into the compiler and find the reason in the compiler. \qquad Click options in tools

\qquad Go to source manager and check the plug-in selection.

\qquad sets the current source code management plug-in to none. When you exit the IDE and re-enter, Git for Windows will not appear again.