About medical beauty, many people first think of South Korea and Japan, in fact in the consumer upgrades, “she economy” rise, stars, and the Chinese and foreign plastic variety of positive publicity under the action of various factors, such as Chinese consumers of cosmetic consumption idea has gradually changes, medical beauty consumption are also increasing, of which 80, 90, after is becoming the fastest growing consumer groups.

Data show that in 2017, the growth rate of Chinese medical aesthetics exceeded 40%, and the total number of medical aesthetics cases exceeded 10 million. China has surpassed Brazil and officially become the second largest market of medical aesthetics in the world, second only to the United States. China Beauty Association predicts that in 2019, China’s medical beauty market will exceed one trillion yuan and become the fourth largest service industry after real estate, automobile and tourism.

Consumer demand for medical beauty is high, but the traditional medical beauty market has many pain points

Domestic consumers have increased acceptance of medical beauty, and plastic surgery consumption is also increasing, but there are many pain points in the domestic traditional medical beauty market, which makes consumers’ medical beauty experience can not be effectively guaranteed for a long time, hindering the pace of medical beauty market forward.

First of all, different from traditional medical institutions, 80% of the medical beauty market share is in the hands of private and private hospitals, so “seeing a doctor in a top-three hospital” is not applicable to medical beauty consumption. As an industry with high unit price and low penetration rate, traditional medical beauty institutions attach great importance to brand exposure and word-of-mouth communication, so they rely heavily on marketing channels.

Search engine bidding ranking, outdoor advertising and offline intermediary bringing customers are important means to attract regular medical beauty organizations. However, these marketing methods are all very expensive, with the cost of acquiring customers being about 3,000 yuan per person. According to insiders, medical beauty organizations invest as much as 4 billion yuan in bidding ranking of a certain search engine alone every year.

However, the traditional marketing method can only be one-way communication, with short effect and low promotion efficiency. The high marketing investment also fails to bring much profit. Data show that 60-70% of the profits of medical beauty institutions flow to advertisers, while the profits of hospitals are meager. As a result, the unit price of traditional medical beauty institutions remains high, and doctors face performance pressure.

Secondly, Professor Tan Yunhai once mentioned that enterprise cognition is not equal to the real needs of users, and there is a problem of cognitive asymmetry between traditional medical beauty institutions and users. Traditional medical beauty institutions rely on single-direction marketing and do not obtain market feedback in a timely manner. In addition, the samples of individual hospitals are not sufficient, so traditional medical beauty institutions are often unable to grasp the current consumers’ aesthetic standards in a timely manner, and it is difficult to discern the potential aesthetic trend, which ultimately affects the re-purchase rate and word-of-mouth establishment of medical institutions.

Finally, the problem of uneven distribution of medical resources also occurs in the medical beauty industry. Excellent physician resources are concentrated in first-tier cities, and a few famous doctors are in short supply, but hospitals or doctors that are very good at a single field are rarely visited. The serious resource tilt has been a problem that the medical beauty industry has not been able to solve for a long time.

In addition, due to the lack of supervision of the medical beauty industry in the past, there were a large number of unlicensed medical beauty organizations. Due to the information asymmetry between doctors and patients, these informal medical beauty organizations robbed most of the customer resources through false publicity, excessive marketing and other means, making the domestic medical beauty industry questioned by consumers.

New oxygen enables offline medical beauty institutions to resolve pain points in the industry

Traditional medical beauty institutions have high cost of acquiring customers, inadequate grasp of market demand and unequal distribution of medical resources. After the emergence of new Oxygen and other mobile medical beauty platforms, a turning point has been made. New Oxygen can be said to be the Tmall of the medical beauty industry. It is reported that the transaction volume of New Oxygen in 2016 was 2 billion yuan, driving the output value of 6 billion yuan. It is also the first mobile medical beauty platform in the industry to achieve an annual profit. In the form of social networking + content + e-commerce, it provides a marketing platform for traditional medical beauty institutions, allowing hospitals to directly face consumers and medical device manufacturers to directly face hospitals. At the same time, it improves user experience and medical beauty institutions’ efficiency of attracting customers and service ability, effectively solving the pain points of the industry.

First, when consumers choose medical beauty institutions, they are easy to be fooled by illegal medical beauty institutions and need relevant information to assist decision-making. In the recovery period after plastic surgery, consumers need someone else’s recovery process as a comparison to build confidence or identify problems. In order to set up the medical beauty industry optimal evaluation way, auxiliary user decision, launched the “diary” beautiful new oxygen function encourages users to record plastic recovery process, rational plastic, the public is always around, cultivate aesthetic direction of exposure, such as industry insider users to create content, thus set up domestic medical beauty industry reputation system.

The word-of-mouth system not only helps consumers to solve their doubts, correctly understand plastic surgery and improve their decision-making ability, but also helps regular medical beauty institutions to manage users’ word-of-mouth on the Internet and reduce marketing costs through word-of-mouth effect. The reduction of marketing costs means that medical beauty institutions have more funds to invest in medical services. Excellent doctors in various fields have improved their popularity with the help of medical beauty platforms, which also greatly optimizes the uneven distribution of medical resources.

Second, up to now, the platform has accumulated 6,600 regular medical and beauty institutions, 15,000 licensed doctors and 3.2 million plastic surgery diaries written by 20 million users. Through big data, New Oxygen classifies a large amount of historical data accumulated on the platform and launches the “New Oxygen Encyclopedia”.

Quantification of data: On the one hand, more than 95% of the regular medical beauty institutions in The country are labeled as doctors’ services, so that medical beauty consumption is more transparent and consumers can get safer and more professional medical beauty experience; On the other hand, Xinoxygen can also analyze user needs, screen products and predict future consumption trends for medical beauty institutions through big data, so as to help medical beauty institutions improve communication efficiency, adjust supply and establish brands, so as to solve the problem of cognitive asymmetry between medical beauty institutions and the market. Of course, not only medical institutions, but also medical device manufacturers can carry out precise marketing with the help of Medical beauty platforms such as Xinoxygen.

Thirdly, in view of the uneven distribution of medical services in the medical beauty industry and the shortage of famous doctors, New Oxygen has recently added the live interview service. Different from the general live interview, the live interview emphasizes the professionalism of doctors. Medical beauty institutions not only solve the problem of finding famous doctors by using strong interactive forms such as live broadcasting, but also enable hospitals to enhance their popularity and find customers through high-frequency interaction, thus increasing the transaction rate and repurchase rate.

New Oxygen and other mobile medical beauty platforms set up direct communication channels between doctors and consumers and medical device suppliers through de-intermediation and transparent services, and help traditional medical beauty institutions and upstream medical device suppliers reduce marketing costs through big data precision marketing.

Enabling offline medical beauty also brings new incremental market for new Oxygen, so that it can keep the barrier advantage in the homogeneous market and walk in the forefront of the industry. The model of New Oxygen is well recognized by investors at home and abroad. Ying Wei, partner of CDH Investment, said: “In our observation and research on Xiyouyimei APP, we found that New Oxygen has obvious advantages over its competitors and is far ahead in many operational indicators. In addition, the founder has a keen sense of the Internet and a deep understanding of business models. The team is also very strategic and capable of execution. We are very optimistic about the investment opportunities in the new economy and new markets, and New Oxygen is the representative enterprise in the new economy, especially in the consumption upgrade. In the medical beauty competition, new Oxygen can solve more valuable pain points in the industry, and also penetrate into more medical beauty health links, becoming the most influential industry leader.”

Data show that with the help of new oxygen platform marketing, the marketing cost of offline medical beauty institutions has been reduced to 10%, and the per capita customer cost is less than 300 yuan per person. Mobile medical beauty platform has replaced search engine bidding ranking and become an important downstream channel for most formal medical institutions.

China’s medical beauty market will become professional and routine

Guo Ruyi, founding partner of Thai Joint Venture, said that the demand for medical beauty brought by domestic consumption upgrading is growing rapidly, but there are many offline supply side clinics, weak brands and uneven services. Meanwhile, online users have a long decision-making process, low consumption frequency, but high consumption amount, and there are opportunities for platform channels. New Oxygen has seized the opportunity to guide the flow with high-quality content, transform the transaction with brand and trust system, optimize the service with user-centered standard and gradually transform the supply chain upstream, creating great commercial value and thus obtaining a good level of commercial realization and profitability.

The emergence of mobile medical beauty platform provides a new marketing approach for the traditional medical beauty industry and solves the problems of high marketing costs, opaque consumption and unequal resource allocation in the medical beauty industry. Under the leadership of innovative platforms like Xinoxygen, China’s medical beauty market is moving toward specialization and the era of repeated consumption of medical beauty is coming.

First, in May this year, the National Health and Family Planning Commission issued the Notice on launching a Special Action to Crack down on illegal medical cosmetology, and the medical beauty market entered a standardized development period. The medical beauty platform is connected with the doctor qualification examination channel of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, and the professional qualification of the admitted doctors is checked strictly, and the business development personnel are sent to inspect the qualifications of hospitals and doctors, which also promotes the standardization of the medical beauty industry

Secondly, the high-profit items in the medical beauty industry are surgical and plastic surgery projects. The medical beauty platform can improve consumers’ acceptance of medical beauty safety through frequent consumption items and cultivate long-tail consumers for the surgical and plastic surgery market. Consumers generally try to buy medical beauty from micro-plastic surgery projects with high safety, and the demand for non-surgical medical beauty is increasing year by year. According to ISAPS data and public information from Industrial Securities Research Institute, the number of non-surgical projects worldwide in 2016 was 13.21 million, with a year-on-year growth of 9.6%. The medical beauty platform is dominated by non-surgical medical items such as micro-plastic surgery. According to statistics, non-surgical plastic surgery on the new oxygen platform has reached 70%.

In addition to micro-plastic surgery and other medical beauty items, life beauty is also a high frequency consumption. Due to the “medical beauty for life, life beauty for medical”, the two markets of medical beauty and health beauty are gradually merging. Through the cultivation of the two high-frequency consumer markets, the penetration rate of medical beauty industry is gradually increasing, and it will usher in the era of repeated consumption, and medical beauty will gradually become a daily occurrence.

Third, the application of artificial intelligence in the medical field is still relatively small, but it is the direction of future development. Mobile medical beauty by big data platform, on the one hand, can be a beautiful quantitative non-standardized products, make beauty medical institutions can timely access to market feedback, grasp the market demand change, to assist the doctor diagnosis and treatment of aesthetics, also can use artificial intelligence to replace the doctor q&a, reduce the repeated work, improve the efficiency of the doctor’s work; On the other hand, the seamless connection between hospitals and medical device suppliers and consumers has greatly reduced the cost of acquiring customers in the medical beauty market, and medical beauty institutions can focus on improving medical services.

At the same time, mobile medical beauty platforms transparent medical treatment system, such as new oxygen cloud clinics, establishing standardized service system for the center with the doctor, can be assigned to the traditional beauty medical institutions, the flow line to line, make health care more efficient, can not only improve the profits of the income level of doctors, hospitals, and puts forward higher requirements of the professional qualification of the industry, reverse industry standardization, specialization development.

Liu Kuang, meditation on the Internet, wechat official account: Liukuang110