First, set shortcut keys:

1, tools — Options — environment — keyboard:

2. Enter the name of the shortcut key in position ⅰ — select the desired function in the list below — [Remove] current shortcut key — Enter the desired (combination) shortcut key A in II. If A is used, it will be displayed in III and should be replaced as appropriate — [assign] the shortcut key to this function;

Two, common quick functions:

Ctrl+E+S: Quickly enter collapsible code blocks, such as region,if… And so on; PS: If you want to wrap part of the code in region, select the target code first and then use this shortcut key. After the selection box is displayed, double-click the required function block or enter the name of the required function block. The IDE will automatically locate the required name and press Enter.

2. Tab: For example, after entering #region, Tab twice to quickly enter a complete region block, and other code blocks. In addition, after the new for loop block is tabbed again, the cursor will locate to the length position and enter the length of the array.

1) When you Enter a method name HelloWorld() in PageLoad, use this key combination to automatically create a new method. 2) A reference to an undefined namespace, such as Dictionary, adds the namespace to the top of the document. .

4. Alt+ left mouse button: When you need to check multiple lines of text in the same position in the document, hold down Alt and hold down the left mouse button to select this part of text and modify this part of text at the same time when entering.

5. Alt+ up/down: Move the cursor up/down on the line;

6, Ctrl+J: input drop prompt box accidentally lost, can be adjusted out;

7, Ctrl + D:

Ctrl+K+C: Comment the selected content or the line where the cursor is;

9, Ctrl + K + U:Uncomment the selection or the line where the cursor is;

Ctrl+E+D: Set the document format – After entering the code, you find that the code is messy, and the shortcut keys are clean.

11, Ctrl+Alt+P: attach to the process, used for the first debugging;

12, Shift +Alt+P: re-attach to the process, and 叒 to debug;