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What is Serverless Architecture?

What are the characteristics of the Serverless architecture?

Core concepts of the Serverless architecture

What are the applications of Serverless?

Front-end development mode based on Serverless

Six, about (SSVM) Serverless WebAssembly technology practice

General Serverless architecture analysis

What is Serverless Architecture?

The Serverless App Engine (SAE for short) is an application-oriented Serverless PaaS platform. It helps PaaS users avoid IaaS operation, use on demand, charge by volume, and realize low-threshold microservice applications in the cloud. Effectively solve cost and efficiency issues. Support popular development frameworks such as Spring Cloud, Dubbo and HSF, truly realizing the perfect integration of Serverless architecture and microservices architecture. In addition to microservice applications, you can deploy applications in any language using Docker images.

Serverless does not mean that servers are no longer needed, but rather that developers no longer need to think about servers so much, and the concept of computing resources as services rather than servers emerges. Serverless is a complete process for building and managing microservices-based architectures that allows you to manage your application deployment at the service deployment level rather than the server deployment level. You can even manage the deployment of specific functions or ports, which allows developers to iterate quickly and develop software faster. About Serverless’s official website: Website link

Take Amazon’s AWS Lambda for example. Lambda allows you to not think about any server, that is, you don’t have to deal with deployment on the server, server capacity and server scaling and failure tolerance, what OS to choose on the server, language updates, logging, and so on. Your application only needs to deal with multiple third-party apis or services, or it can create its own serverless API. This greatly reduces the amount of time and effort developers spend on server deployment and development.


What are the characteristics of the Serverless architecture?

Based on the usage features of Serverless, Serverless has the following features:

Serverless means no maintenance. Serverless does not mean the complete removal of servers. Serverless means the removal of concerns about the health of servers, whether they are working, whether applications are running properly, etc. Serverless means you don’t care about operations and maintenance. With Serverless, there is almost no Devops.

Serverless does not represent a specific technology. Some people will name their language framework Serverless. Serverless removes maintenance concerns.

3. The services or functions in Serverless represent only micro-functions or micro-services. Serverless is a change in the way of thinking from the past: “Build a framework to run on a server and respond to multiple events.” To: “Build or use a microservice or microfunction in response to an event.” , you can use Implementations like Django or Node.js and Express, but Serverless itself goes beyond these framework concepts. Frames become less important.

4. Serverless scale expansibility Makes full use of the characteristics of cloud computing, so its expansion is smooth. Meanwhile, Serverless is based on micro-services, while some micro-functions and micro-services are free of charge, which helps to reduce the overall operating costs.


Core concepts of the Serverless architecture

There may be a lot of people ask, there is no server, how to run the program, the application? Serverless contains two core concepts: Function as a Service, Function as a Service FaaS, back-end as a Service, and Backend as a Service BaaS. Let me give you an introduction to these two concepts.

Function as a service FaaS

Function-as-service FaaS, as a new computing capability provision method, enables users to abandon server configuration and management, and only need to write and upload core business code, which is delivered to the platform to complete deployment, scheduling, traffic distribution, elastic scaling and other capabilities. The emergence of FaaS will change the form of computing resources from the bottom up, provide a new way to provide computing resources, and also bring new design ideas to software architecture and application service deployment, further reduce the threshold of cloud computing, and promote the innovation pace of service architecture in the whole industry.

Backend as a service BaaS

The backend is the service BaaS, which has been used for a long time. The backend here refers to various cloud products and cloud services, such as object storage COS, message queue CMQ, cloud database CDB, TDSQL, cloud cache CRedis, CMemcached, Even to a variety of SERVICES provided in the form of API, such as Vientiane Map CI, video processing VC. These products or services can be directly opened and used by users, without considering deployment, expansion, backup, optimization, security and other o&M work. Out of the box, there is no need to maintain and manage servers or applications. Therefore, they are also part of Serverless.


What are the applications of Serverless?

In the process of digitization, the “technology debt” between the increasing IT needs of enterprises and the ability to deliver sustainable IT is growing. How can YOU make YOUR IT architecture more flexible, agile, and lightweight? How can legacy systems operate efficiently, new and old systems interact efficiently and accelerate innovation? These are the problems that many Internet enterprises are thinking about when they are developing. Therefore, many serverless solutions based on serverless architecture are born.

Serverless has three most prominent application scenarios

1. Small and medium-sized enterprises quickly build cloud micro-service applications

SAE helps users to shield low-level IaaS purchase, operation and maintenance details, as well as low-level mirror warehouse and Kubernetes details, and deploy micro-service applications through WAR/JAR with low threshold, which greatly improves operation and maintenance efficiency and enables enterprises to focus on core business itself.

2. The application environment can be flexibly started and stopped on demand to save cost

Enterprise applications usually have multiple environments. Except for the online environment, the idle rate of other environments is high, but the cost of rebuilding a set of environments is also high. SAE provides one-click start-stop test environment development capabilities that are out-of-the-box, cost-effective and easy to operate.

3. Use elastic expansion to deal with uncertain burst flow

The peak traffic of Internet and game application promotion activities is uncertain, and it is difficult to find the balance between SLA and machine cost. SAE provides automatic elastic scaling capabilities that help applications automate peak traffic with ease, ensuring SLA while saving machine costs.

As well as static website management, alternative WordPress(Serverless Blog Project), personal media server (less! Internet of Things (Iot), or home automation frameworks or projects (using AWS Iot) are the scenarios most likely to apply the Serverless architecture.


Front-end development mode based on Serverless

What are the practical advantages for true Serverless development? Take traditional front-end development and serverless architecture-based front-end development as an example.

1. In the traditional development process, if we want to separate the front and back, we need the front end engineer to write the page, and the back end engineer to write the interface. After writing interfaces on the back-end, deploy interfaces, and then perform front-end and back-end synchronization. After the joint investigation is completed, it will be tested and put online. After the system is online, o&M engineers need to maintain the system. The whole process involves many different roles, the link is long, and communication and coordination is also a problem. At the same time, this is a disadvantage of traditional front-end development.

2. Based on the Serverless architecture, the back end becomes very simple. The back end applications are divided into functions one by one. The bar for back-end development has dropped dramatically. As a result, you only need a front end to do all the development work. Of course, this does not mean that the position of back-end engineers is weakened, front-end Serverless to write back-end, also need to have a certain back-end knowledge. Scenarios involving complex back-end systems or where Serverless is not suitable still require backend development to be written.


Six, about (SSVM) Serverless WebAssembly technology practice

What is a WebAssembly? WebAssembly is a new format that is portable, small, fast to load, and web-compatible. WebAssembly is an ideal choice for application security sandbox solutions because of its high security, portability, efficiency, and lightweight capabilities. Today WebAssembly has received a lot of attention from the container, functional computing, and Internet of Things and edge computing communities.

Regarding WebAssembly’s position on the server side, on the server side, we can generally divide the container, virtual machine, or runtime environment into three different levels of abstraction

At the bottom is the hardware Hypervisor VM, or like AWS Firecracker, which is called microVMs and can directly deal with the hardware.

2. The next layer is called Application Containers, on top of which you can make Application containers like Docker. The Application Container is still at the operating system level, and you need to import the entire operating system.

3. The next layer is called High Level Language VMs, which starts with the Jvm. WebAssembly is then abstracted out at the operating system level. This is where WebAssembly is on the server side.


General Serverless architecture analysis

From the introduction of the Serverless architecture above, a general serverless architecture can be summarized.

At the lowest level is Backend, which implements complex services. The FaaS layer then implements the business logic through a series of functions and services the front end directly. For front-end developers, the front-end can implement server-side logic by writing functions. At the same time, we can call the BaaS service provided by the cloud computing platform no matter in the back-end, FaaS or the front-end, which greatly reduces the difficulty and cost of development. Applets cloud development is an example of calling BaaS services directly on the front end.

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