When importing Eclipse from Java projects in other environments to your own computer, you often encounter error causes.

  1. Put the project you want to import into your Own Eclipse workspace, and then import it. Click File->Open Projects From File System on Eclipse… -> Select your own project path to import. You can also select import under File or import.
  2. Right-click the imported project, choose Properties-> Java Build Path, remove the incorrect JAR package, and configure the Tomcat and JDK in it. Generally, choose Workspace default JRE.
  3. Select Resource under Properties and set the encoding format
  4. Select Targeted Runtimes under Properties and select your version of Tomcat.
  5. The most important thing is to set your project’s root directory, Web Project Settings under Properties. If this parameter is set to /, you can access the project directly when you access Tomcat: http://localhost:8080/. / in the project is the same as/after 8080. If it is/XXX, the path must be added when accessing.