The 40s News Express

  • Microsoft says it will stop supporting Windows 10 in 2025
  • Hackers exploit the Chrome and Windows zero-day vulnerability chains to target systems
  • Nvidia partnered with Valve to bring DLSS to Linux
  • The Android 12 Beta is the most downloaded Beta in Android’s history
  • AMD officially confirmed that the next generation of computing cards will be dual-core packaging
  • Bytedance makes a full foray into cloud computing IaaS services
  • Tencent registered distributable trademark, may launch WeChat version of “Hua Bei”
  • Chrome OS plans to shorten the update cycle to four weeks
  • Electronic Arts has admitted to a cyber attack that leaked 780GB games, engine source code and internal development tools
  • CentOS 8.4 release
  • Intel releases CPU optimization code examples
  • OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 is officially released
  • WSL supports running AI training tasks as well as Linux GUI applications
  • Visual Studio Code 1.57 was released, integrated with Edge development tools
  • Vue V3.1.0 (Pluto) was released

Industry information

Microsoft says it will stop supporting Windows 10 in 2025

With all the buzz surrounding the upcoming release of the next generation of Microsoft’s Windows operating system, Microsoft officials are adding fuel to the fire. Microsoft plans to end support for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025, according to the Windows 10 Home and Pro life cycle pages.

The banner labeled “Important” at the top of the official page states: “Microsoft will continue to support at least one Windows 10 Semi-Annual Channel through October 14, 2025.”

The page details show that support for Windows 10 Home and Pro will end on October 14, 2025. That means Windows 10 will no longer receive any security or quality updates, and users will no longer be able to contact Microsoft for advice if the operating system has problems. During an earnings call in April, Microsoft revealed that Windows 10 had 1.3 billion monthly active users.

However, there is speculation that Microsoft may decide to extend support for Windows 10 at some point in the future, as it did with Windows 7.

In addition, unexpected leaks from Microsoft suggest that, at least for now, Windows 10 will run with new versions of the operating system, giving users a reasonable amount of time to transition from one operating system to the other, rather than being forced to upgrade early as it did in 2016. Back then, Microsoft created a lot of trouble by upgrading some Windows 7 users to Windows 10 against their will.

Hackers exploit the Chrome and Windows zero-day vulnerability chains to target systems

Security researchers at Kaspersky recently discovered a malicious attacker called Puzzlemaker, who used a chain of zero-day vulnerabilities in Google Chrome and Windows 10 to launch highly targeted attacks on companies around the world.

According to Kaspersky’s report, the attack by Puzzlemaker was first discovered in mid-April, and the first vulnerability in the chain was CVE-2021-21224, a V8 vulnerability in Chrome before version 90.0.4430.85. The malware exploits a remote code execution vulnerability in the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine to access the target’s system.

Later, the PuzzleMaker attackers used a custom permission boost vulnerability, To break the latest version of Windows 10 by abusing the Information Disclosure Vulnerability in Windows Kernel (CVE-2021-31955) and the Windows NTFS Permission Promotion Vulnerability (CVE-2021-31956), The former is typically used to disclose the address of the eProcess structure kernel that runs the process, while the latter can be used to obtain higher system permissions.

When combined, these vulnerabilities allow an attacker to jump out of the sandbox and execute malicious code with system permissions on the target machine.

In addition to the above exploits, the whole attack chain also includes four other malware modules, namely Stager, Dropper, Service and Remote Shell. The Stager module is used to notify the user of successful extraction, and the more complex malware Dropper module is also downloaded and executed from a remote site.

Each Stager module distributes to the target a BLOB with a custom configuration that includes the C&C URL, session ID, key to decrypt the next malware phase, and other information.

The Dropper module installs two executable programs that masquerade as Microsoft’s official Windows operating system files. One of these programs (wmiprvmon.exe, % SYSTEM) can be registered as a service and used as the launcher for the second executable. The second executable (% SYSTEM % wmimon.dll) has the functionality of a remote shell and can be considered the main payload of the attack.

The remote shell module has a hard-coded URL to the command and control server ( All communication between the C&C server and the client is authenticated and encrypted. The remote shell module can download and upload data, start and stop programs, sleep for a specified period of time, and remove itself from the infected machine if necessary.

Google released a software update on April 20 that addresses a vulnerability in Chrome V8 called CVE-2021-21224, Microsoft has also fixed the CVE-2021-31955 and CVE-2021-31956 vulnerabilities in a June patch released on Tuesday. All unupdated users are advised to update these patches to avoid malware attacks.

Nvidia partnered with Valve to bring DLSS to Linux

Nvidia and Valve, two of the biggest players in the gaming industry, have announced a partnership to dramatically improve the Linux gaming experience by bringing DLSS to Linux.

The full name of DLSS is Deep Learning Super Sampling, which is an image upgrading technology developed by NVIDIA for NVIDIA graphics cards. This technique makes it possible to upgrade low-resolution images to high-resolution ones, and therefore to get better results on high-resolution monitors.

This technology will greatly improve the gaming experience for users, but previously it was only available on Windows platforms. Nvidia and Valve will use the partnership to bring DLSS to Steam Proton on Linux (Steam Proton is Steam’s open source project, which is a second development of Wine, another open source project). Using Tensor Cores on RTX GPUs to speed up game performance that supports this technology means that games such as Call of Duty, Cyberpunk 2077, Fortnite and Rainbow Six: Siege will soon be playable on Linux via Steam.

This technology also requires the graphics card to support DLSS at the hardware level to work best, as with the previous GeForce RTX 20 Series and the latest 30 Series graphics cards.

In its keynote, Nvidia said:

We’re working with Valve and the Linux gaming community, Bring NVIDIA DLSS to Proton — Linux players will be able to use the dedicated AI core on the GeForce RTX GPU to increase the frame rate of Windows games on the Linux operating system.

The Android 12 Beta is the most downloaded Beta in Android’s history

Dave Burke, vice president of engineering for Android, said the Android 12 beta is “our most downloaded/installed beta to date.” But he didn’t give any numbers so we could compare them to previous test sizes.

Android 12 went into beta for the first time in May, and it brought the first major interface redesign in a long time. This new iteration is called “Material You”. This helped spark interest in the new version.

With several manufacturers getting Beta 1 ready earlier than usual, it’s not just Pixel users who are downloading it, which is a major reason for the high installs.

Google started rolling out Android 12 Beta 2 for Pixel devices yesterday, with new privacy features and other changes (i.e., some changes to the way Wi-Fi quickly switches work, though some testers had some qualms about it).

AMD officially confirmed that the next generation of computing cards will be dual-core packaging

In a recent Linux kernel update, AMD engineers finally confirmed that the next generation of CDNA2 architecture for accelerated computing cards will be dual-core packaging. The Instinct MI100, released last November by AMD, is the first of its kind to use a new cDNA architecture designed for HPC high performance computing and AI, as distinct from the game-oriented rDNA architecture.

Dr. Su Zifeng, CEO of AMD, previously confirmed in an interview with the media that the next generation cDNA architecture will be launched later this year, which is naturally CDNA2.

The new generation of the CDNA2 architecture, expected to be called Instinct MI200, has already been revealed many times. Development codenamed ‘Aldebaran’, will introduce the first MCM multi-chip package design, a bit like the Ryelong and Xiaolong small chip package, the stream processor can easily be doubled to 15,000.

In the latest Linux update, AMD engineers wrote that Aldebaran will have two kernels (Die), but only the main kernel will fetch and display (overall) power data, the power value of the other kernel will be displayed as zero, and power limits cannot be set through the second kernel.

However, it is not clear whether the power consumption of the integrated HBM2 video memory is controlled by the main kernel at the same time, or by the new I/O module.

As for how to connect and communicate between the two kernels, it is not sure at present. It may be the Infinity Fabric high-speed bus channel similar to Ryelong and Xiaolong.

In addition, Intel XE HP/HPC, NVIDIA Hopper computing card, are also expected to use MCM multi-core package.

As for when the game – level graphics card dual – core packaging, may have to wait until RDNA3 architecture.

Bytedance makes a full foray into cloud computing IaaS services

Byte’s Volcano Engine division will launch a cloud computing IaaS service encompassing computing, storage and networking in September and October. The business will be led by Zhang Xin, founder of container cloud service provider Caiyun Technology, which Byte acquired in August last year, and reported to Tan Du, a former Baidu T11-level technical expert who is now general manager of Huo Engine. At a higher level, Volcano’s overall operations are overseen by Yang Zhenyuan, a vice president in charge of Byte Technology R&D. In addition to the completed data center in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, Byte is also planning to build large data centers in or around Shanghai, Shenzhen and other cities to provide external IaaS services.

Tencent registered distributable trademark, may launch WeChat version of “Hua Bei”

Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. applied for the registration of the trademark “Dividend”, which is classified as financial property management, communication services, etc., and the trademark status is in application. According to the report, WeChat users can borrow money from the “share pay” for purchases and purchases. “Pay by installment” and Alipay Hua Bei similar, but they also have differences in charge. For now, splitting is still in the testing phase.

Chrome OS plans to shorten the update cycle to four weeks

Google said in a statement that the Chrome OS update cycle will be shortened to four weeks, starting with M96 in Q4.

Back in March, Google announced that Chrome would be releasing new versions every four weeks to speed up the rollout of features, and that Chrome would add a new Extended Stable option that allows users to change to update the new version every eight weeks. Now, it says Chrome OS will also be updated every four weeks, starting with M96 in Q4, in order to deliver new features to consumers more quickly, while continuing to maintain the security, stability, speed and simplicity of Chrome OS.

According to the released schedule, the M96 version will be available in late November this year, slightly later than Chrome. At the same time, Chrome OS will skip the M95 version in order to bridge the gap between the M94 and M96. In addition, for corporate and educational users, Chrome OS is rolling out a new channel via M96 with a six-month update cycle that will help ensure the stability of the large number of Chromebooks that are managed by administrators, with more details to come later.

Electronic Arts has admitted to a cyber attack that leaked 780GB games, engine source code and internal development tools

Electronic Arts was recently hit by a cyber attack that compromised and compromised a huge pool of data, including source code for games and engines, and internal development tools. EA confirmed the attack to Vice after it detailed a 780GB data breach on its website.

According to Vice, hackers are selling the stolen data on the dark web. While the data itself is not widely distributed, hackers are sharing some screenshots as evidence of their possession. The data included FIFA 21, the Frostbite Engine, which powers Battlefield, FIFA, Madden, Star Wars, and other EA franchises, as well as source code for proprietary frameworks and SDKs.

While confirming the cyber attack, EA also noted that the attack did not access player data:

We are investigating a recent breach of our network in which a limited amount of game source code and related tools were stolen. Without access to player data, we have no reason to believe that there is any risk to player privacy.

Since the incident occurred, we have made security improvements that do not expect to have an impact on our game or our business. As part of our ongoing criminal investigation, we are actively cooperating with law enforcement officials and other experts.

Latest Technical Information

CentOS 8.4 release

CentOS Linux 8 latest version CentOS 8.4 has been officially GA, version number 2105, rebuild from RHEL 8.4.

Image download:…

Major changes

This version adds the following new version packages to the optional Module Stream:

  • Python 3.9
  • SWIG 4.0
  • Subversion 1.14
  • Redis 6
  • PostgreSQL 13
  • MariaDB 10.5

Multiple rolling updates of Appstream re-adopt the new underlying version:

  • LLVM Toolset 11.0.0
  • Rust Toolset 1.49.0
  • Go Toolset 1.15.7

The release notes also read: “Since the first release of CentOS Linux 8, there have been some issues with Boot ISO that have caused users to manually enter the mirror URL. The development team says it recently fixed this issue in CentOS Stream 8 and has brought the same fix in CentOS Linux 8 (2105).” Therefore, in this version, Boot ISO will now default to the most recent image and no longer need to manually enter the image URL.

Vue V3.1.0 (Pluto) was released

Vue.js v3.1.0 (Pluto) has been released, and the current version is 3.1.1.

The new release adds a number of new features, improves performance, and fixes bugs, as well as some disruptive changes.

New features

  • Migration Build: Provides a VUE 3 Build that is compatible with VUE 2 behavior. The Migration Build is designed to help migrate existing Vue 2 applications to Vue 3
  • Compiler-core: Support for whitespace character processing policy (DEE3D6A)
  • Component level compilerOptions(ce0bbe0) is supported when using the Runtime compiler
  • Config: support via pilerOptions configuration runtime compiler (091 e6d6)
  • Support for converting normal elements to components with is=”vue: XXX “(AF9E699)
  • DevTools: Improved KeepAlive Support (03AE300)
  • DevTools: Introducing Performance Events (F7C54CA)
  • Introduce onserverPrefetch (#3070) (349eb0f)

Performance optimization

  • – Updates to $attrs will be triggered only if the actual change is made (5566d39)
  • Compiler: Skip unnecessary checks when parsing the closing tag (048AC29)
  • Avoid DEOPT for props/emits normalization when using global mixins

Intel releases CPU optimization code examples

Intel has released the latest CPU tuning reference manual and uploaded sample code on GitHub.

Intel has long maintained a lengthy “optimization reference manual” to help developers understand how to optimize code for its latest CPU microarchitectures. Recently, Intel has updated the manual and opened source a number of code examples on GitHub to better help developers learn Intel optimization techniques to take advantage of their latest processors.

These code examples include Intel 64-bit and IA-32 architectures, mainly involving AVX/AVX2/FMA optimization, INT8 deep learning reasoning, and the use of AVX-512, For optimal performance against the latest Intel CPUs such as Xeon Scalable Ice Lake, Tiger Lake, and Rocket Lake. At the same time, the examples provide assembly source code using GCC, Clang, and MSVC, and unit tests are provided for each example.

In addition, these code examples need to run on the Haswell processor or later and do not perform runtime checks on the Haswell instructions (such as FMA or AVX-2) that they use. So if you run some code examples on a device that does not support these directives, a crash may occur. However, these code examples check the post-Haswell instruction set before running, so they skip certain tests when the relevant instruction is not supported by the CPU. Building unit tests requires GCC 8.1 or higher.

OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 is officially released

OpenSUSE Leap 15.3, a community distribution based on the Enterprise distribution SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE), has been officially released.

“As a new addition to the rock-solid OpenSUSE 15.x family, it inherits all the great features of its predecessors,” reads the official release release. OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 is not only compiled from SUSE Linux Enterprise like the previous version, but is also built using the exact same binary package as SLE. Thus, LEAP and SLE can be as opposed to and unified as Yin and Yang.”

Users upgrading to OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 should note that it is not officially recommended to upgrade directly from versions prior to OpenSUSE Leap 15.2. Because of the upgrade path, it is highly recommended to upgrade to LEAP 15.2 before upgrading to LEAP 15.3. This release only supports upgrades from OpenSUSE Leap 15.2 to 15.3, as highlighted in the release notes.

Download the ISO image of LEAP 15.3

Go to

Major changes

  • XFCE 4.16: Brings new ICONS and color palettes
  • GNU Health 3.8: Added new dental module and dental chart
  • Package Manager DNF was upgraded to 4.7.0
  • Added support for IBM Z and LinuxOne (S390X) architectures

It also provides updates to container technology, such as updating all software packages.

WSL supports running AI training tasks as well as Linux GUI applications

WSL now supports running applications on Windows using the GPU, allowing users to run Linux AI and machine learning scenarios directly inside the WSL.

According to Microsoft, data science professionals in machine learning are in desperate need of the best tools to improve their productivity. WSL support for graphical processing unit (GPU) computing workflows enables data scientists to seamlessly access the GPU on a Windows host to speed up training of ML models.

In addition, through WSL, users can run ML training jobs in Linux using familiar ML tools, while taking advantage of the best productivity and collaboration tools provided by Windows. WSL supports all of the major CUDA-based tools for ML acceleration on NVIDIA GPUs, including frameworks that implement the CUDA-based backend, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. It also supports the TensorFlow-DirectML toolkit, which extends TensorFlow* by providing cross-vendor hardware acceleration for ML Student Workflow, supporting training and reasoning ML models on a variety of DirectX 12 compatible hardware.

In addition to the above changes, WSL also introduced WSLG, which provides support for Linux GUI applications. So developers can run their favorite Linux editors, tools, and other applications in Windows. This can be a great help in speeding up the pace of building, testing, debugging, and running Linux applications.

The operation principle of this function is as follows:

Visual Studio Code 1.57 was released, integrated with Edge development tools

Visual Studio Code 1.57 stable release has been released.

Major update highlights:

Workspace Trust

Workspace Trust is a security fortification for the Workspace that allows users to decide whether their project folder should allow or restrict automatic code execution.

A new introductory tutorial experience

A new welcome page opens by default to all users to help them quickly set up and learn VS Code.

Remote Repositories

The Remote Repository extension allows developers to instantly browse, search, edit, and commit Code directly from VS Code to any GitHub repository without having to clone or own the repository locally.

Terminal tabs

Terminal Tabs allows developers to easily create, manage, and group multiple open terminals. This feature is now enabled by default.

Some of the highlights of this feature update in 1.57:

  • Support for changing the color of tabs for quick navigation and differentiation between them
  • Drag and drop tabs are supported for rearrangement
  • Drag a TAB in a terminal group into a blank area to remove it from the group

Integrated Edge browser debugging tools

Integrate Microsoft Edge development tools directly into VS Code

Support the JSDoc @ the link

Add the @Link tag to your comments for quick navigation.

“Go to Definition” for non-code files

Quick jump to image resources and style sheets.