Webwrite test was carried out through MATLAB, and the result found that an error was returned

The cause is “waiting for the response header”. Maybe the server is not responding, or webOptions.timeout


1. Modify timeout to increase the wait return time

Expect:100-continue Expect:100-continue


When using curl to POST data larger than 1024 bytes, the curl does not initiate a POST request directly.

1. Send a request containing an Expect:100-continue that asks the Server to use the data it wants to accept

2. POST data to the Server only after receiving the 100-continue reply from the Server

This is libcurl’s behavior. RFC description: www.w3.org/Protocols/r… So, the problem is that not all servers will answer 100-continue correctly, such as Lighttpd, which will return 417 “Expectation Failed”.

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(‘Expect:’));

// Disable Expect: header (lighttpd does not support it)

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