
Keep a record of the Mac software you use. If you need it, you can download it and try it out.

There’s an address on GitHub:…

Here is only to introduce the software I have used, and have been using, and think it is very good to recommend to partners.

The development tools

As a developer, you have to put the food guy first!

IntelliJ IDEA

Related address: IntelliJ IDEA

I have no IDEA what you’re going to do.

Here is an extra recommendation for my IDEA plugin:

Toolkit: Support Mybatis, JSON, XML, Base64 and other operations Toolkit.

Doc View: A plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA that generates Markdown documents directly from comments.


Related address: DataGrip

Although IDEA has built-in database tools, but in comparison, prefer to use a separate client Datagrip, especially when writing SQL, various shortcut keys, real-time templates, code reminders are very convenient.

Navicat Premium

Related address: Navicat Premium

Datagrip is easy to write SQL, but Navicat is also good, although sometimes you like to use Navicat to view the database.


Relevant address: iTerm2

Super easy to use on the Mac terminal tools, as for color matching, a search on the Internet, a lot of tutorials.


Related address: RedisDesktopManager

Sometimes I will connect to Redis to check the value inside, and it is more convenient to use RDM, which I liked to use in WIN before.

But later I charged for it. I could find someone else’s compiled version, or I could buy it once in the AppStore.


Occasionally, I don’t know how to use this.


Postman’s common interface testing tool also has a lot of advanced functionality, but I won’t use it yet, and haven’t used it yet.


SwitchHosts is a tool for managing and switching multiple hosts schemes.

The focus is open source, free and easy to use.

Drawing tools

There are only two drawing tools.


Related address: XMind

This is usually used when drawing mind maps, which is very convenient when sorting out knowledge points and taking notes.

As mentioned in the previous article, not only can you draw a flowchart, but you can also modify it in a hand-drawn style.

To introduce to you, this is my flowchart software — Draw. IO

Desktop Edition address: Drawio-Desktop

Note taking tool

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code

I know VS Code is powerful, but my niche here is as a note-taking app for writing Markdown notes. You can also open files in other formats such as.sql.text.img.

Plug-ins installed: One Dark Pro, Markdown All in One, Markdown Preview Mermaid Support, Markdown Table Maker, Project Manager, Paste Image.

Installing these plugins already makes VS Code a good Markdown software, while others are formatting plugins. Not to be introduced.


Related address:



BEAR is a very simple and easy-to-use note-taking software, which takes labels as the dimension to organize and record notes. Tags can be nested to organize them into multi-level directories.

Panda is a beta version that will refactor Bear’s editor and support GIFs, spreadsheets, etc. Looking forward to the new version that will be released after Panda is merged into BEAR.

Other tools

UPIC: Open source free map bed tool, support to upload pictures to map bed, and back to the picture link. The link can be a regular URL, HTML, or Markdown.

Bob: Mac side translation software, support word underlined translation, screenshot translation and manual input translation. Open source free, need to configure their own translation services, generally I use Tencent Translator Jun and Ali Translator API.

Paste and Pastepal: Both are clipboard tools and have the same UI style, except that Paste is a subscription and Pastepal is a purchase.

XNIP: Screenshot software. I started with WeChat screenshots, but I couldn’t scroll through the screenshots. I continued to use XNIP for screenshots.

OOM: Window management tool, very convenient to arrange Windows.

Keycastr: Key-echo tool. When recording video, you need to Key-echo, similar to the following figure.

GIF Brewery 3: Video to GIF tool.

There are some other tools, such as Office, WeChat, QQ and so on, these do not have what introduction is necessary, we download, trick-trick-play will understand.

Related to recommend

  • To introduce to you, this is my flowchart software — Draw. IO
  • Big update to the Toolkit: better UI and easier to use!
  • Idea DocView: Support for editing document comments