Project introduction

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A bookstore system based on JSP+Servlet+Jdbc. Involve less technology, easy to understand, suitable for JavaWeb beginners to learn to use. I can test the normal start.

Technology stack

The editor

The Eclipse Version: 2019-12 (4.14.0)

The front-end technology

Basic: HTML + CSS +JavaScript framework: Jquery and BootStrap

The back-end technology

JSP +servlet database: mysql 5.7.27 connection pool: DBCP2 JDK version: 1.8.0_181 Tomcat version: 8.5.34

Run locally

Preparing the Eclipse Environment

1. Eclipse added JDK 2. Eclipse added Tomcat

Import the project

  1. Git clone…
  2. Use Eclipse to open the project and configure the JDK version and the required JAR packages. The jar packages that the project depends on are in the WebContent/WEB-INF/lib folder.
  3. Create a new myBookshop database and run the mybookshop.sql file in the project import instructions.
  4. Move context. XML from the project import instructions folder into the WebContent/ Meta-INF folder and modify the database connection configuration in that file.
  5. Published to tomcat, http://localhost:8080/BookShop/ homepage for buyer. http://localhost:8080/BookShop/admin/ for the administrator home page. Default account: admin Default password: 123456

Pay attention to

  • This project does not declare the use version of mysql, JDK and Tomcat. The above version numbers are used for personal testing.
  • Because the built-in database connection pool in Tomcat8 is DBCP2, the configuration maxActive of context.xml in this project is changed to maxTotal and maxWait to maxWaitMillis. If a version earlier than tomcat8 is used, no change is required.

Project screenshots

The statement

  • This project is collected from Gitee. I just explain the use of technology, attention points and start-up methods to help everyone learn and communicate.

  • Project screenshots are obtained from…

  • If the project cannot be downloaded through gitee address or cannot run normally, please send me a private message and I will provide free assistance.