1. Create a free style task, enter the configuration item General and select the parameterized build process

1. Add option parameters

BUILD_TYPE Sets debug release

2. Add character parameters


3. Project code adjustment

We need to add the parameter we just added in the gradle.properties file of the project

Copy the code

Then modify the app build.gradle to use these parameters such as:

defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 19
        targetSdkVersion 29
        versionCode APP_VERSION_CODE as int
        versionName APP_VERSION_NAME
Copy the code

Assemble ${BUILD_TYPE} in Jenkins

Pass all job parameters as Project properties

Save complete, start packing.

Second, packaging complete automatic upload dandelion

1. Install the dandelion plug-in

Go to Plug-in Management and search Upload to pgyer to complete the installation.

2. Add new archived products

Address Fill in your own packaged address (so that you can display apK after the execution is complete)


Add upload to pgyer with apiV1

Fill in the two keys according to your account number


Copy the code

4. Dandelion display download QR code

Install the Description setter plugin

Go back to the post-build step set build Description

Fill in the following information:

<a href="${appBuildURL}"><img src="${appQRCodeURL}" width="118px" height="118px"></a>
Copy the code

Change the formatter to Safe HTML, and then repackage the project.

After the package is completed, you can see the download QR code and the result of the build in the interface.

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