Java related

Regardless of the level of Android practitioners, Java is the basic Language for Android development. Java is a must in both jobs and interviews. If you don’t know Java, your salary will be at a disadvantage.

Java generics, annotations, concurrent programming, data transfer and serialization, efficient IO, container collection, reflection and class loading, as well as JVM key knowledge thread, memory model, JVM runtime memory, garbage collection and algorithm, four reference types in Java, GC generational collection algorithm VS partition collection algorithm, GC Garbage collector, JAVA IO/NIO, JVM class loading mechanism.

Too many detailed knowledge points and too long copy can be seen in Android Core Knowledge System.

Chapter 1 Why Flutter is the ultimate cross-platform development choice

Cross-platform development is one of the most popular and widely used frameworks today. There are also a bewildering variety of frameworks available for cross-platform development.

Some of the most popular cross-platform frameworks are Xamarin, PhoneGap, Ionic, Titanium, Monaca, Sencha, jQuery Mobile, React Native, Flutter, and many more. But the performance of these tools varies.

Many of these popular frameworks have also been lost to history and gradually forgotten. But the React Native and Flutter frameworks remain strong and popular.

They are backed by the biggest tech giants, Facebook and Google.

Chapter 2 builds the Flutter development environment on Windows

  • Using a mirror
  • System requirements
  • Access to Flutter the SDK
  • Editor Settings
  • The Android Settings
  • Get started: Configure the editor
  • Getting started: Experience
  • Experience thermal overload

At the end

  • Tencent T4 Level Android architecture technology brain map; Check and fill up the gaps, systematic in-depth study and promotion

  • First line Internet Android interview questions with detailed explanation (elementary to advanced topics)

These questions are the questions that group friends were asked when they went to interview with Tencent, Baidu, Xiaomi, LeEco, Meituan, 58, Cheetah, 360, Sina, Sohu and other first-tier Internet companies this year. And most of them have organized their answers. Familiarity with these points greatly increases your chances of passing the first two rounds of technical interviews

Are there free learning materials for Android architects?

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If you set a threshold, many developers will miss out on this advanced architecture material and the possibility of becoming an architect. That defeats our purpose; Let more people through efficient and high-quality learning, improve their own technology and pattern, promotion and salary.