Carbon neutrality has undoubtedly been the hottest topic in recent months, with various industries discussing how to go carbon neutral in order to mitigate global warming. So far, more than 120 countries have proposed carbon neutral targets, and the global carbon neutral target for 2050~2060 has become a global consensus. But this global consensus is in big conflict with another global consensus: the Bitcoin consensus.

Most people think that the value concept of Bitcoin refers to this: the people who are involved in Bitcoin transactions think that Bitcoin is a very valuable future value, so it becomes very valuable, and everyone is willing to pay hundreds of thousands for something that can’t be seen or touched, and that’s where the value of Bitcoin lies.

Friends who are familiar with blockchain technology know that consensus mechanism is the core of blockchain technology. To put it simply, it refers to the verification and confirmation mechanism of each interest node to the trading block in a decentralized system.

If the blockchain is likened to a chain of information composed of individual data packets, then in a decentralized system, who can package and connect their own data to the chain. In order to ensure the uniqueness of the chain, everyone must obey a rule, and the data packet selected from this rule is the information packet with the right to connect the chain. This mechanism of fighting for the accounting right is the consensus mechanism.

Take Bitcoin as an example. The consensus mechanism of Bitcoin is PoW. What are its rules? In a nutshell, it’s like asking you to guess a very large number, and there’s no shortcut to guess that number, except by mindless enumeration. In fact, it is a brainless spell force, in the case of the same mining machine, it is a brainless spell power. You don’t have to worry about the price tag. There’s a big bug with the Bitcoin consensus mechanism, which automatically resizes the numbers so that it takes about 10 minutes to find the right answer, no matter how powerful the computing power is. That said, Bitcoin’s consensus mechanism is a power-hungry black hole that would take 10 minutes to figure out if the entire universe’s current were applied to that number. ipfs9090

Currently, Bitcoin consumes more than 93 TWh of electricity per year, and there is still plenty of room for mining owners to make a profit. This carbon footprint may be acceptable for now, but there is no doubt that when Bitcoin stays at $60,000, a large number of players will invest in mining machines and consume a large amount of electricity to mine. Even I won’t deny it: Bitcoin will go up, so electricity will undoubtedly go up dramatically. See whether electricity is enough to use first! Simply do the math. If Bitcoin reaches $1 million, it could consume more electricity than the entire generating capacity of China. That’s carbon neutral farts!

China has put forward a long-term plan to be “carbon neutral”, aiming to reach a carbon peak by 2030 and a carbon neutral target by 2050. IPFS/Filecoin mining is different from computational mining, such as Bitcoin. It is a process of energy mining, in which miners obtain incentive tokens (FIL tokens) by storing data in the storage space of the mining machine. The process is the pursuit of a stable, stable environment, it is less power consumption, environmental impression. It is consistent with the national concept of “carbon neutral”.

This paper starts from the essence of IPFS, which is a distributed storage system, the underlying protocol of the Internet and a technology of updating the Internet. IPFS will replace HTTP to become the cornerstone of the future Web3.0, 5 gigabytes of big data era.