
1, hostyoself

An open source tool that sets up services that connect to local computers and allow others to access local folders and files over the Internet.

2, listmonk

An open source newsletter and mailing list delivery service with admin backend.

3, go to pry

Go language interactive REPL environment, you can run Go scripts directly.

4, his

MacOS menu bar system clock replacement, display calendar and time zone, free software.

5, osgood

An HTTP server dedicated to running JavaScript scripts. You can think of it as a JS runtime with the Express framework built in.

6, BitMatrix

Matrix data structure JavaScript library, using the underlying binary interface, better performance. (Contributed by @CNWHY)

7, Vugu

A Go language to write HTML front-end page tools. You can write front-end pages without JavaScript at all. In the future, the full stack will no longer be limited to JS, and back-end languages can write front-end.

8, video – object – removal

This tool uses machine learning algorithms to remove moving objects from the video.

9 TabNine.

Deep learning-based code completion tool that claims to support all languages. (Contributed by @ifrontend- XYZ)

10, tiny

This library is a collection of JavaScript widgets for Web development and allows developers to load only one library, much like LoDash. (Contributed by @surunzi)

11, civitas

A JavaScript written web strategy simulation game.


1. Statistics on Learning the Julia Language (PDF, English)

Free ebook, introductory statistics textbook for undergraduate students, with examples in simple Julia language.

Alice and Bob: two of the most famous names in cryptography

Alice and Bob are commonly used to explain encryption protocols and refer to users A and B. The site collects historical data on the development of cryptography using these two individuals as examples.

3, astronaut. IO

Many videos uploaded to Youtube are never watched. The site shows you randomly selected videos that few people watch (close to zero).

4, bootlin

Quick view and search for Linux kernel source code. (Contributed by @kele1997)

5, Leetcode multithreading synchronization problem

Leetcode added a topic for multi-threaded synchronization. (Contributed by @doctorLai)

6, family relationship appellation query

Return the correct appellation based on the description of the relative. (Contributed by @doctorLai)