China’s Internet can’t be so reckless, really if we do?

This afternoon, Coffee jun found that the code cloud website could not be accessed, and then saw that the open source China webmaster, Sweet Potato, published a post titled “Ali Cloud stopped the code cloud domain name resolution !!!!”. In the article

From the four exclamation marks in the title of the article, you can see how angry and shocked the webmaster is, and the red line at the end: “China’s Internet can’t be so reckless!!” It seems to be an indictment of aliyun’s arbitrary blocking of domain names

Gitee Code cloud) is open source China code based on the Git hosting service, role similar to the famous dead simple, because of its powerful functions, the network stability and are widely used by developers, and small and medium-sized companies, for such a website ali cloud without any prior notice to the domain name to stop parsing, coffee in the js mi ammy is also very panic, I was afraid that this would happen to the project I was maintaining

Although I believe that legitimate domain names will not be arbitrarily banned, but in the event of an accident how to deal with? It’s important to know as an operations person

1. Domain name as the entrance of the whole website, if the resolution of the domain name is restricted, the first time to communicate with the domain name provider to determine the problem, strive for the fastest lifting ban

2. At the same time, it is also necessary to provide other ways for users to access the website through the announcement of the third party. There are two ways for users to access the website. The primary domain name of the code cloud is, and there are alternate domain names such as When the primary domain name is blocked, users can access it through the alternate domain name. This method is recommended

3. If the service provider can’t ban in a short period of time domain name, for sure, you need to domain name transfer to other service providers as soon as possible, the domain name transfer service is more simple, only need to modify the domain name of the NS records is ok, but need all the domain name record data in advance to export, import to the new DNS service system, This process takes time, subordinate strategy

Finally, it is recommended that competent teams establish their own DNS service and point the NS records of domain names to the self-established DNS service, thus eliminating the blocking of domain names by third parties

As of the time of publication, code cloud access has been restored

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