
Both school and social recruitment can not avoid all kinds of interviews, written tests, how to prepare for these things is particularly important. Both written examination and interview, there are ways I the meaning of the “rules-based” said just says the technology to deal with the interview can be prepared ahead of time, the so-called not dozen not ready to battle, that is the reason why the following for everybody, describes the offer from the interview preparation to final provides a very detailed catalogue, Suggestions can from scratch is a look at a few times, If the foundation is good, you can also pick your own chapter to view.

Java related

1. Differences between HashMap, HashTable, and CurrentHashMap.

2. Differences between synchronized and volatile, ReentrantLock, CAS.

3. Comparison of JVM class loading mechanism, garbage collection algorithm, Java VIRTUAL machine structure, etc.

4. Java’s four big references

5. Java generics, <? Super T > and <? Extends T>.

6. What states do Java threads have? What locks do they have?

7. Final, finally, Finalize difference.

8. The difference between interfaces and abstract classes.

9. The difference between sleep, wait, and yield, and how the wait thread wakes it up?

10. Java == vs. Equals and hashCode

11. Difference between String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder

12. The meaning of interfaces

13. The difference between processes and threads

14. What about common coding methods?

Serializable and Parcelable differences

16. The method and principle of converting string into INTEGER

17 What is the difference between static proxy and dynamic proxy?

18. Tell me what you understand about Java reflection

19. Tell me what you understand about Java annotations

20. Talk about generics and give some examples

Due to the large content of the article, the length is not allowed, part of the content not shown is shown in screenshots. If there is a need to obtain complete information document friends can pay attention to + forward background private letter I [study] free access.

Java related interview parsing

Computer network section

1. Differences between TCP and UDP.

2. Three handshakes and four waves. Why three times instead of two?

3. The difference between HTTPS and HTTP. HTTP 2.0, 3.0?

4. Enter a URL and press Enter.

5. What is the packet sending frequency after THE TCP connection is established?

5. OKHttp

6. How do I verify the validity of the certificate?

7. Are you familiar with encryption methods (such as RSA)?

8. How does the client ensure that the message sent by the client is received by the server?

9. Tell me what you understand about Websockets

10. Differences between WebSocket and Socket

11. Tell me your understanding of Android signature

12. Please explain why Android has a signature mechanism?

Computer network interview analysis


1. What is ANR and how to avoid it?

2. What are the Activity and Fragment life cycles?

3. The Activity lifecycle when switching between vertical and horizontal screens

4. Defects and problems of AsyncTask, and explain its principle.

OnSaveInstanceState () and onRestoreIntanceState()

6. What is the priority of processes in Android?

7. Why do Bunder pass objects need to be serialized? The difference between Serialzable and Parcelable?

8, animation,

9. Context related

10. New features of Android versions

11, Json

12, What kinds of XML parsing classes are available in Android? Which ones are officially recommended? How do they work and how do they differ?

13. The difference between Jar and Aar

14. How much memory does Android allocate for each application

15. Update the UI

16. Use method of ContentProvider.

17. Usage scenarios and features of Thread, AsyncTask and IntentService.

Merge. ViewStub. Is the startActivity of an activity different from the startActivity of a context?

20, How to create Dialog box in Service?

21. What is the difference between Asset directory and RES directory?

22. How does Android speed up an Activity?

23. Handler mechanism

24. Can program A receive program B’s broadcast?

25. Data loading involves more pagination, how do you implement it?

26. What are the rules for defining Javabeans when parsing JSON through Gson provided by Google?

27. What are the differences between json parsing methods?

28. Knowledge of thread pools.

Memory leak, how to find, how to produce memory leak?

What is the order in which classes are initialized?

The structure of JSON?

How to set ViewPager to initialize only the current Fragment each time and leave the rest uninitialized?

Why did Android introduce Parcelable?

Have you tried to simplify the use of Parcelable?

37. What should I pay attention to when using Bitmap?

38, Oom can try catch?

Have you met multi-process scenario?

40, when to call () and canvas.restore ()

Adding and deleting tables does not involve data migration in database upgrade, but modifying tables involves migrating the original data. The upgrade method is as follows: 42. Compile time annotations and runtime annotations

43. Bitmap Recycler is relevant

44, Strong reference set to NULL, will be reclaimed?

45. Why does the Bundle transfer data need serialization?

Is there a limit to the transmission of broadcast data, how much, why to limit?

47. Do you know hardware acceleration?

ContentProvider permission management (read/write separation, permission control – down to table level, URL control).

49. Save the Fragment state

51, how to calculate the size of memory occupied by a Bitmap, how to ensure that loading Bitmap does not cause memory overflow?

52. What is done with the application update section? (Grayscale, forced update, regional update)

53. Please explain why Android adds a signature mechanism.

50. What is the difference between creating a thread directly in an Activity versus creating a thread in a service?

54. Why can bindService be associated with an Activity life cycle? How do I configure multichannel packages using Gradle?

56. How do Activty and Fragmengt communicate? How do Fragmengt and Activty communicate?

Is custom View more efficient than XML definition? Give reasons.

There are several kinds of broadcast registration, and what are the advantages and disadvantages?

59. How to conduct unit tests and ensure App stability?

60, How to check the recycle status of an object in Android?

How to compress the size of Apk?

How do I configure multichannel packages using Gradle?

63. Analysis of plug-in principle

Principle of componentization

65. Communication across components

The realization of componentized route and buried point

Hook and pile insertion technology

Android signature mechanism?

69, what is the difference between v3 signature key and V2 and V1

70. Big changes between Android5.0 and 10.0

71. Say Measurepec

72. Please give examples of common layout types in Android, and briefly describe their usage and typography efficiency

73, Distinguish the use of Animation and Animator, and outline their principles

What image loading library have you used?

How do I get around the 9.0 limit?

What network loading libraries have you used?

77, What is done with the application update section?

What are the processing skills of screen adaptation?


Android advanced interview analysis

In this age of information sharing, many resources can be found on the Internet, depending on whether you are willing to find them or the right way to find them

Many friends are not without information, most of them have dozens or hundreds of G, but disorderly, do not know how to look from where to look, or even forget after looking

If you feel that the information you find on the Internet is very messy and not systematic, I also share a set to you, more systematic, I usually myself often read. A total of eight modules learning materials: such as NDK module development, Android framework architecture…

Android Core Knowledge notes

Only systematic and directed learning, in a period of time to quickly improve their own technology.

This knowledge system is suitable for all Android programmers to learn, there are detailed explanations and introductions about the knowledge points in the above directory, master all the content of the knowledge points will have a qualitative improvement for you, which also summarizes a lot of questions encountered in the interview process and have the corresponding answer summary.

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All of the above learning materials, interview materials, free to share with you, for programmers, technology learning is “defensive”, we are learning for the future, in order to apply in new projects, so want to be able to have their own core competitiveness in the future market, occupy a certain position, Insist on learning and constantly improve themselves is the real reason why they can interview undefeated!