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Q 1: What changes will Jetpack Compose bring to the architecture of Android apps?

A: Jetpack Compose is designed to minimize the impact of building content with architectural components, and to ensure that the UI aspect of Jetpack Compose helps developers create an experience that is consistent with the high quality of architectural components. Please check out the developer preview and submit your feedback via Github!

Developer preview developer. The android. Google. Cn/jetpack/com…


Q2: Is it possible to use CameraX independently of other Jetpack libraries?

A: CameraX currently relies on Jetpack Lifecycle but does not rely on other components such as ViewModel and LiveData. We will gradually introduce more Jetpack compatibility features in CameraX.

Q3: What will be the next development of Wear OS? A: Google is taking Wear OS and its partner ecosystem very seriously, and many of its partners have just released their new fall watch lineup. On the software side, we continue to invest in better user experiences, such as tile interaction and swiping into full-screen messaging. We didn’t have anything new for developers at this developer Summit, but we’re always thinking about how to bring more compatibility to Wear OS. Please stay tuned.

Q 4: Does Google have any examples showing Kotlin coroutines and Android architectural components, such as using MVVM patterns?

A: We have quite A few examples. Github, for example, has several examples showing architectural components and LiveData, as well as Codelab. These examples are also presented in our Udacity courses and articles.

Examples on GitHub…

Will Kotlin coroutines used with architecture components developer. The android, Google. Cn/topic/libra…

Q5: I set up a cycle that runs every 15 minutes, with the constraint that you have access to the network. Why didn’t the second run show up for an hour even though the network was always available?

A: It is difficult to determine the exact cause without providing more details. It could be that the application was forced to end by the device, or that the constraints were not met for some reason.

Q6: Is there any way to change the default phone number and country code of the Android emulator? A: There is no way to modify it at present.

Q7: When will the stable version of ViewPager2 be available?

A: Stable version of ViewPager2 is available in November 2019. You’ve been waiting. Developer. The android. Google. Cn/jetpack/and…

Q 8: Is Kotlin suitable for enterprise developers?

A: Kotlin is not limited to Android development, but actually has A wealth of use cases and strong support on the back end, Web and even desktop.

Q 9: Has The Speed of Android Studio improved?

A: yes. We’ve been able to further improve Android Studio’s performance and stability in a number of areas, including but not limited to UI lag, memory consumption, and incremental annotation processing speed. In addition, we recommend the amount of memory allocated to the Studio for the developer’s development environment and project to further improve its performance.

Q 10: As Android Studio becomes more and more complex, are there any plans to reduce or optimize its memory requirements?

A: We are taking that into consideration.

Q 11: Which is better for a single Activity or multiple activities?

A: We recommend that developers adopt A single Activity for A better user experience. Multiple activities can also be considered if the developer intends to provide deep links.

Q 12: Why does Android release a version every year? Is it too soon?

A: The pace of technology evolution around us has been rapid, and with the emergence of new hardware and changing user experience requirements, we need to keep the Android platform abreast of these trends. But we also work hard to ensure that developers have plenty of time to catch up with the evolution of the platform, and we engage developers in the evolution of the platform at the earliest possible point.

Q 13: What is the difference between Project Mainline and Project Treble?

A: Considering the length of the FAQ, here is A brief overview. Project Treble can be thought of as a line between the Android OS and the underlying hardware that will ensure faster and smoother support for Android device developers. Project Mainline, on the other hand, can be understood as vertical lines on Treble that make up the OS, and with Project Mainline we can update operating system components without releasing the entire OS.

Q 14: When can we use CameraX in production?

A: CameraX is still in Alpha. We recommend that developers use at least a Beta version of the library in production, so keep an eye out for further releases of CameraX.

Q 15: I am using Camera 1 now. Should I migrate to Camera 2 or CameraX? On what grounds should I make a decision?

A: CameraX has A friendlier learning curve than Camera 2. But if you’re looking for more customization or full Camera functionality, Camera 2 offers more flexibility. Also, use Camera 1 for API 19 or older users, and CameraX for other users because CameraX can cover the vast majority of users.

Q 16: How does CameraX handle data streams from multiple cameras?

A: Starting with Android 9 we introduced A new logical Camera API, which wraps multiple physical cameras into A single logical camera for developers to use.

Q 17: Is Compose preferable to LiveData binding?

A: These are two approaches to the same goal, and we encourage you to make your own experiments and choices.

Developer. The android. Google. Cn/dev summit -…

A: We have A special section on our developer website. Be sure to check it out.

Jetpack Compose developer. The android. Google. Cn/Jetpack/com…

Examples on Github…

Q 19: Does Jetpack Compose support using constraint layouts to build dynamic UIs?

A: We are working on adding constraint layout support.

Q 20: When switching to dark mode, is it recommended to use a dark grey background or a solid black background?

A: Dark gray background can save power and make it more soft visually. Please try it according to your own visual effect of your application.

Q 21: How do I get a user’s IMEI on Android 10?

A: Starting from Android 10, applications must have the READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE privilege to access the device’s non-reset identifier (including the IMEI and sequence number). Many usage scenarios do not require a non-resettable device identifier. For example, if your application uses non-resettable device identifiers for AD tracking or user analytics purposes, use Android AD ids for those specific usage scenarios. For details, see Best practices for Unique Identifiers.

A unique identifier best practices developer. The android. Google. Cn/training/ar…

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