To celebrate the fact that my fans are about to break the 100 mark, I'm going to share with you how to quickly build my own company's testing platform as a test novice, including but not limited to the following features: Data structure, interface automation, Web automation, APP automation, custom script, message board, Settings, help, statistics, pressure test and other functions. In line with the idea of lifting one against ten. Let's start by selecting some newbie friendly technology stacks. 1.python 2.django 3.appium 4.selenium 5.requests 6.Mysql 7.sqllite 8.html 9.js/jquery 10.cssCopy the code

Many colleagues like to use open source front-end frameworks. Change the backend interface, parameters, and so on. While this is fast, it may not feel like a fully customized front end, and some front-end scripts, functions, and controls are useless. It’s better to write django yourself. It also connects the front-end code level.