Preface: What is fragmented information?

“This is an era of fragmentation: fragmentation of information, fragmentation of audiences, fragmentation of media,” alvin Toffler wrote in his book The Third Wave.

Literally, fragmented information is part of complete information: information is broken up into pieces, simplified or highly generalized. They could be a thought-provoking conversation in a lecture or a blog post that pops up on your commute. On the one hand, these refined and processed information can rapidly expand the breadth of our information in a short time. On the other hand, we are concerned about the lack of rigor and reliability in the highly processed information that has been cut up.

Different from the traditional understanding, IGI Global, an international academic publishing house, defines fragmented information as: Separate sources of data and information that require significant effort and skill to organize in a meaningful way He never bothered in a meaningful way.

What’s most impressive about this paraphrase is that it doesn’t emphasize the nature of fragmented information itself, but rather the logical relationships between messages. This is instructive: although the information-gathering process can be fragmented and discontinuous; But the cognition and reorganization of information should tend to be holistic and logical.

From fragmentation to structured information recording tools

Language has long been finches because the value of knowledge organization and structural, won the love of many users, we are surprised to find that, the directory structure of a language finch clearly as if formed our external palace in the brain thinking, the logical relationship between information point more clearly, our memory for the information point is more profound, calls for information will also be more quickly.

Based on recognition of fragmentation of information value, we hope to be able to get by the use of the features, the finches special structured record will help isolated spots are scattered around, into a contact with each other and even form the strict logical relation information network, make the strength of the network itself to be a reliable external information to the brain.

Therefore, we designed the fragment recording tool, which can be output to the knowledge structure of the finch in a relatively whole form after the content is recorded in fragmentary form. To this end, we summarize a three-step strategy for fragmentation information recording “come-come-come-come-go” ** :

● To create a fast, non-intrusive information entry environment, encourage the recording of original or considered ideas; ● Theory: after the information is recorded, it is necessary to sort out and organize it, and screen out the information with long-term value; ● Go: The filtered information needs to be further integrated, and the relationship between information needs to be established to serve a specific knowledge structure or topic.

Come: Quick notes anytime, anywhere

Jotting down can help you capture information and ideas quickly, especially in the moment of inspiration. It’s more important to remember where than to remember where. In order to be able to record quickly anytime and anywhere, xiaoji has entrance in the language Finch web and desktop. On the desktop, users can also quickly invoke the note-taking window by “Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Y” :

In your notes, you don’t have to worry about where to store the content, how to format the content, or how to set the title. You can freely record text, upload pictures, or attach in a variety of formats.

Notes also enhance the experience of some high-frequency scenarios. For example, if you are accustomed to using notes to record daily to-do items, you can use the Checkbox function in the toolbar to quickly create and screen daily to-do items. When a task is complete, you can directly click the Checkbox in the list and change the item completion status.

Management: Information arrangement

In the process of a large number of discontinuous recording, we find that the types of records in the notes are very complicated: work, emotion, family, travel, food and so on are intricately intertwined, mixing into a mess of information. At the same time, different information also has different life cycles, such as temporary to-do records, which can be deleted after completion. Therefore, in order to screen out truly valuable information and remove invalid content without burden, note the following information arrangement strategies:


The ability to roughly classify different types of information is intended to eliminate information mixing, reduce errors, and improve the efficiency of subsequent steps.

Clean up the

Notes support batch deletion function, convenient to clear the invalid notes.

The noise reduction

However, even the “long life cycle” content does not need to be seen every day. It only needs to be found and called when needed in the future. This part of information is called “low activity information”.

This type of information should not be too much, or it will create information noise for current concerns. Therefore, in order to enable users to focus on the current most active content, notes design archiving function, cold storage of information that is “not needed in the short term but still valuable for storage”, keep the list of commonly used notes fresh and focused.

Go: structured output of fragmented information

The most characteristic of The Notes is that it supports the transformation of fragmented information into a part of the overall knowledge structure.

For example 🌰 : When we read a good book, we often do some excerpts. But reading is not a continuous affair. A book often takes several days to finish, and the transcriptions are not continuous. When the book is finally finished, all notes extracted from the book can be exported into a complete document through the “document generation” function of the notes.

The specific operation mode is as follows:

Step 1: Select the notes under a specific category and select them in batches. Click “Generate Document” to merge the notes into the knowledge base document.

Step 2: Once the content is output as a document, it is saved in a folder-like knowledge base. After the fragmented content enters the knowledge base, a flexible directory structure can be used to sort out the structural relationship between different fragmented information.

Of course, if you’re in the middle of writing a longer document, if you want to look at the original notes for inspiration, or just quote them. You can also invoke the jot sidebar directly in the material library of the document toolbar, view the jot content on the current page, or insert the jot content into the document with one click.

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Jotting is a quiet and friendly fragmentation recording tool, which can not only help users to truly record readily, but also support the precipitation of fragmented content into structured content. In the future, xiaoji hopes to form a stable entry for accepting fragmented information to help us enrich and improve the existing knowledge system, and even motivate us to re-create content and accumulate certain content identity assets.

At present, the quick record part of notes is not perfect, and the use path of “come – reason – go” also has a lot of room for optimization. But the note-taking team continues to polish the product experience, and also keeps track of the fragmented reflections and inputs during these iterations. Xiaoji hopes to grow into what he likes with everyone through every recording and iteration.

The trial reporter

You can also use Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Y to quickly evoke notes

Ali people are here to deposit knowledge