This document describes how to migrate existing applications to the Choerodon Pigtooth platform. It is mainly divided into the following parts:

  • Application environment construction

  • Database Migration

  • Application migration

  • Use the Choerodon toothfish

The following details how to migrate a general application to Choerodon and use Choerodon as a support platform for development, distribution, and deployment, using the example of migrating an asset cloud platform to a Choerodon toothfish.

Note: The version of Choerodon used in this manual is the Toothfish
Version 0.9

In addition, before performing the migration according to this document, please be sure to learn Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Gitlab-CI and other knowledge and try to master it.

Application system environment construction

Choerodon is a PaaS platform that does not provide an application environment. Users need to install the Kubernetes cluster. Generally speaking, an application system requires a development environment, a test environment, and a formal environment (as shown below). Each environment is a separate Kubernetes cluster. Of course, users can also adapt to specific needs, such as the development environment and test environment sharing a Kubernetes cluster.

Therefore, the first task of leveraging Choerodon’s PaaS capabilities is to build the operating environment for the application.

Preparing the server

Choerodon pigfish supports local deployments as well as public cloud deployments. The hardware requirements of the Kubernetes cluster are consistent with the requirements of the application system, of course, considering that the application system has been fully containerized, so users can dynamically customize the size of the Kubernetes cluster according to their own needs (using the public cloud can be very convenient to do this).

The following table is a minimum configuration requirement.



The number of



CentOS7.2 +

2Core 4 gb memory 512 gb hard disk


NFS File Server

CentOS7.2 +

4Core 16 gb memory 64 gb hard disk


K8s cluster

Add or reduce the number of nodes based on the application scale

In addition, the server network must be able to connect to the external network and be able to connect to the Choerodon toothfish system. Also, the operating system is required to be Centos 7.2 or later.

Install the Kubernetes cluster

  1. Choerodon has compiled a detailed and convenient Kubernetes installation document.
  2. During the installation, read the installation documents in detail, including pre-requirements and conventions, firewall and port detection, and synchronizing the time zone and time of the server.

The Kubernetes cluster is installed in a standard way, and Choerodon has compiled a detailed and convenient Kubernetes installation document for reference. There are three installation modes: local VM installation mode, server installation mode, and cloud installation mode. You can select the installation mode based on your own requirements.

Database Migration

If the original environment does not have data, skip this section.

If the new cluster can connect to your old database, you can choose to use the old database connection information without doing anything to the database. If the original database cannot be connected, back up key data such as database configuration and data.

Specific operations are as follows:

  1. Determine the data to be backed up, such as configuration and data. The memory size can be adjusted based on the actual database.
  2. Deploy the new database to the new cluster. You are advised to use the helm for deployment. For details, see mysql Deployment.
  3. Use the tools provided with the database to restore data to the new database.
  4. Check whether the database is running properly.

Application migration

Application migration mainly involves the migration of application system code to Choerodon tootfish, and the development and deployment of application system through Choerodon tootfish development pipeline, deployment pipeline, etc. Application migration includes creating a project for the Choerodon system, creating an application, modifying the original code base, migrating the original code base to Choerodon, generating a new version of the application, creating the application environment, deploying the version, creating the network, creating the domain name, and testing access. You are advised to follow these steps.

If the SaaS version of the user needs to apply to the organization.

Create a project

Projects are the lowest level of granularity of management. When you create a project under an organization, the project you create belongs to that organization.

For more information on the Choerodon project and related operations, please refer to project Management.

  1. Log in to the system as an organization administrator
  2. Click on the organization, such as “Hander R&D”, to enter the management menu of the organization layer

3. In the management menu of the organization layer, click “Hande R&D” -> menu in the upper left corner -> “Organization Settings” -> “Project Management”. The project management and Creation page is displayed.

4. On the Project Management page, click Create Project. In the dialog box that is displayed, enter the project number and project name.

For example,

Project code: Hand-RDC-HALM

Project name: Hande Asset Cloud Platform

5. Click Create to complete the creation. Once the project is created, users can use Choerodon’s system features such as knowledge management, agile management, development pipeline, test management, deployment pipeline, and more.

Create an

An application is a collection of program codes that meet certain requirements of users. An application can be a single application or a service of a microservice system. Server-side applications such as Java, Python, C/C++/C#, Go,.net, etc., and front-end applications such as ReactJs, VueJs, AngularJs, etc., are theoretically unlimited.

For more information on how to create an app, see the Choerodon website
Application management.

1. Switch to the project layer, such as “Hande Asset Cloud Platform”.

2. In the management menu of the organization layer, click “Hande Asset Cloud Platform” -> menu in the upper left corner -> “Application Management” -> “Application” to enter the interface of application creation.

3. In the dialog box for creating an application, enter the application code and name, and select Application Template.

For example,

Code: halm – dev

Name: Asset Cloud application

Select application template MicroService

For Choerodon application templates, see Application Templates. If you are migrating code from the original library, just pick one.

4. After the application is created, Choerodon creates a closed code base in Gitlab.

For example:

Note: It is strongly recommended that you do not operate on Gitlab libraries directly. Choerodon has already encapsulated operations on Gitlab libraries, such as creating libraries, creating branches, deleting branches, merging code, etc., so try to do these operations on Choerodon.

Apply containerized configuration

Choerodon is cloud-native, and platform-based applications need to be containerized before they can be developed and deployed using Choerodon. In this section, you will learn some of the concepts of Choerodon containerization, how to build a base image of your application, and how to configure the original code base to meet Choerodon containerization requirements.

Important: The container configuration of the application is the most difficult part of the migration process, so you need to be familiar with Kubernetes, Helm, etc.

Choerodon: Using the containerization concept

The Helm is to Kubernetes what yum is to RHEL, or apt-get is to Ubuntu. Helm manages applications using Charts, which, like RPM, describes applications and their dependencies.

Therefore, it is important to include the Charts folder in Choerodon’s standard application code structure, as shown in the screenshot below, which is a standard structure for a back-end project.

  • Templates is a template file, which is rendered into an actual file and sent to Kubernetes.

  • Values. Yaml is a predefined variable of the template.

  • Chart.yaml contains the Chart version information description, which you can access from the template.

  • Deployment.yaml: Creates a basic listing for a Kubernetes deployment.

  • Service.yaml: Create a basic listing of service endpoints for your deployment.

  • Helpers.tpl: a place to put the template helper that you can reuse throughout the chart.

▌ Creating basic application images

What is application base mirroring? To start with, an application base image is usually pre-installed with the basic dependency tools and system configurations for building, testing, and running applications, such as utility classes, dependency packages, and system consistency Settings.

The asset cloud application is a PHP project, so the application base image should be the PHP running environment. First, go to DockerHub to search whether there is an official public image, which can be further customized to generate the required image, or it can be customized from a basic system-only image.

1. When writing Dockerfile custom base image, try to make the image size smaller and write the image layer as little as possible. Only add relevant components necessary for application running, do not add unnecessary things to enter. Create a file named dockerfile. base in the project root directory and write the information defined by Dockerfile to the file, for example:

 1# Use Ubuntu as the system2 the from ubuntu: 16.04 3Set environment variables
 4ENV NODE_HOME=/usr/local/node8
 8ENV USER=root
 9ENV SASS_BINARY_PATH=/opt/linux-x64-57_binding.node
11Add the source and install the required software
12RUN echo "deb-src xenial main restricted #Added by software-properties" > /etc/apt/sources.list \
13    && echo "deb xenial main restricted" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
14    && echo "deb-src xenial main restricted multiverse universe #Added by software-properties" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
15    && echo "deb xenial-updates main restricted" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
16    && echo "deb-src xenial-updates main restricted multiverse universe #Added by software-properties" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
17    && echo "deb xenial universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
18    && echo "deb xenial-updates universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
19    && echo "deb xenial multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
20    && echo "deb xenial-updates multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
21    && echo "deb xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
22    && echo "deb-src xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse #Added by software-properties" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
23    && echo "deb xenial partner" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
24    && echo "deb-src xenial partner" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
25    && echo "deb xenial-security main restricted" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
26    && echo "deb-src xenial-security main restricted multiverse universe #Added by software-properties" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
27    && echo "deb xenial-security universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
28    && echo "deb xenial-security multiverse">> /etc/apt/sources.list \ 29 30 && apt-get update \ 31 && apt-get install -y gcc g++ make xz-utils axel libsass-dev libmcrypt-dev curl supervisor rpm libaio1 libaio-dev \ 32 && apt-get install -y nginx \ 33 && apt-get install -y php-fpm  php-pdo-mysql php-pdo-sqlite php-curl php-redis php-mongodb \ 34 php-gd php-mcrypt php-mbstring php-xml php-ldap php-imap php-zip php-dom php-soap php-dev phpunit \ 35 36 && apt-get autoclean \ 37 && apt-get clean \ 38 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ 39 &&echo "daemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
40    && sed -i "s/^user\swww-data; /user root; /g" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
41    && sed -i "s/^user\s=\swww-data/user = root/g"The/etc/PHP / 7.0 / FPM/pool. 42 && d/www.conf \ sed - I"s/^group\s=\swww-data/group = root/g"The/etc/PHP / 7.0 / FPM/pool. 43 && d/www.conf \ sed - I"s/^; daemonize\s*=\s*yes/daemonize = no/g"/etc/php.7.0/fpm /php-fpm.conf \ 44 && sed -i"s/^; mbstring\.internal_encoding\s*=.*$/mbstring\.internal_encoding = UTF-8/g"/etc/php.7.0/fpm /php.ini \ 45 && sed -i"s/^; mbstring\.internal_encoding\s*=.*$/mbstring\.internal_encoding = UTF-8/g"/ etc/PHP / 7.0 / cli/PHP ini \ 46 &&echo "[program:nginx]\ncommand=/usr/sbin/nginx" >> /etc/supervisor/conf.d/nginx.conf \
47    && echo "[program:php-fpm7.0]\ncommand=/usr/sbin/php-fpm7.0 --nodaemonize -- FPM -config /etc/php-7.0/fpm /php-fpm.conf -r" >> /etc/supervisor/conf.d/php.conf \
48    && mkdir /run/php \
50    && sed -i "s/\[supervisord\]/[supervisord]\nnodaemon=true\nuser=root\n/g"The/etc/supervisor/supervisord. Conf \ 51 52 && axel -n 20 \ 53 && mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer \
54    && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/composer \
55    && composer config -g repo.packagist composer \
57    && cd /usr/local58 && \ axel -n 10 \ 59 && xz-dXz \ 60&& tar XVF node-v8.2.1-linux-x64.tar \ 61&& unlink /usr/local/node-v8.2.1-linux-x64.tar \ 62&&mv node* node8\63&&chown -r root:root node8\64&&npm install CNPM -g --registry= \ 65 && npm install nrm -g -registry= \ 66 && nrm use taobao 67# Exposed port
68EXPOSE 80 443
69Set the default startup command
70CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"."-c"."/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf"]
Copy the code

2. In the project root directory command executed application base image building, built after push mirror image to the warehouse, such as warehouse (note: This repository will be created automatically when Choerodon creates a project:

1 docker build -t Dockerfile.base .
Copy the code

3. Push the constructed image to the image repository:

1 docker login 2 docker push -t the code

Dockerfile and Helm Chart were added to the original codebase


It is easy to write an application Dockerfile on the basis of the application base image, just put the program into the base image specific directory, set up the image to run pre-processing and start the command.

In this case, the application runtime needs to link to the database, but the database information is only known by the runtime. The solution is to configure this information as environment variables, and the mirror runtime retrieves this information from the environment variables and replaces it with the corresponding configuration file.

Step 1: Modify the configuration file and write the startup script

Create the auto_devops folder in the root directory of the project and copy the configuration file to the folder. The following is the database configuration fragment in the configuration file. Replace the changed values with uppercase letters and ensure that they are unique in the file.

 1'dbconfig' =>
 2    array(
 3        'db_host_name'= >'DB_HOST_NAME'4,'db_host_instance'= >'SQLEXPRESS'May,'db_user_name'= >'DB_USER_NAME'6,'db_password'= >'DB_PASSWORD'7,'db_name'= >'DB_NAME'8,'db_type'= >'mysql'9,'db_port'= >'DB_PORT'10,'db_manager'= >'MysqliManager'11),Copy the code

Then create a new file in the auto_devops folder and write a startup script that replaces the capitalized variable names in the configuration file.

1#! /bin/bash
3sed -i "s DB_HOST_NAME $DB_HOST_NAME g"  /var/www/config.php 
4sed -i "s DB_USER_NAME $DB_USER_NAME g"  /var/www/config.php 
5sed -i "s DB_PASSWORD $DB_PASSWORD g"  /var/www/config.php 
6sed -i "s DB_NAME $DB_NAME g"  /var/www/config.php 
7sed -i "s DB_PORT $DB_PORT g"  /var/www/config.php 
9exec "$@"Copy the code

Step 2: Write the application Dockerfile

Create a new file named Dockerfile in the project root directory

 1# Application base mirroring2 the from 3Copy the program to the /var/www/ directory
 4COPY . /var/www/
 5Copy the configuration file to the corresponding directory
 6COPY ./auto_devops/config.php    /var/www/config.php
 7Copy the script that replaces the environment variable to the image
 8COPY ./auto_devops/      /
 9This command is used to run the image by default
10ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh"."/"11]# start service
12CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"."-c"."/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf"]Copy the code

Helm Chart

You need to understand the objects and concepts in Kubernetes before writing Helm Chart. In this case, you only need to define a Deployment object to run the application.

Step 1: Create a directory

Create the following directory structure in the root directory of the project, first create a folder named chart, then create a folder with the same name as the application, in this case Helm Chart, and then create a templates directory in the halm-dev folder.

1chart 2 ├── ├── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ──Copy the code

Step 2: Write the _helpers.tpl file

Define some common lables or values in the templates folder into the _helpers.tpl file:

1{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
2{{- /*
3service.labels.standard prints the standard service Helm labels.
4The standard labels are frequently used in metadata.
5*/ -}}
6{{- define "service.labels.standard" -}} {{ .Release.Name | quote }}
8{{- end -}}
Copy the code

Step 3: Write the deployment.yml file

In the Templates folder, create a file called deployment.yml with the following contents:

 1apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
 2kind: Deployment
 4  name: {{ .Release.Name }}
 5  labels:
 6{{ include "service.labels.standard" . | indent 4 }}
 8  replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }}
 9  selector:
10    matchLabels:
11{{ include "service.labels.standard" . | indent 6 }}
12  template:
13    metadata:
14      labels:
15{{ include "service.labels.standard" . | indent 8 }}
16    spec:
17      containers:
18        - name: {{ .Release.Name }}
19          image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Chart.Version }}"
20          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
21          env:
22{{- range $name.$value := .Values.env }}
23{{- if not (empty $value) }}
24          - name: {{ $name | quote }}
25            value: {{ $value | quote }}
26{{- end }}
27{{- end }}
28          ports:
29            - name: http
30              containerPort: {{ .Values.service.port }}
31              protocol: TCP
32          resources:
33{{ toYaml .Values.resources | indent 12 }}
Copy the code

Step 4: Write the chart.yaml file

Write chart. yaml file in the halm-dev folder. This file contains information about the application.

 1# API version
 2apiVersion: v1
 3# App Version
 4appVersion: "1.0"
 5# Application description
 6description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
 7# app name
 8name: halm-dev
 9# Apply chart versionVersion: 0.1.0 fromCopy the code

Step 5: Write the document

Write values. Yaml in the halm-dev folder, which contains the variables and default values that will be used in the deployment.yml file in the templates folder.

 1# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
 3replicaCount: 1
 6  repository:
 7  pullPolicy: Always
10  SITE_URL: http://localhost:8081/
14  DB_NAME: 
15  DB_PORT: "3306"
18  parser: nginx
21  # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
22  # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
23  # resources,such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources,uncomment the following
24  # lines,adjust them as necessary,and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
25  limits:
26    # cpu: 100m
27    # memory: 2Gi
28  requests:
29    # cpu: 100m
30    # memory: 1Gi
Copy the code

For more details on how to Charts, see the Documentation on the Choerodon website from YAML to Helm.

CI continuous integration configuration

In the previous section “Application Container Configuration,” it was mentioned that the Choerodon standard application source code structure must include the Charts file. Also, Choerodon uses Gitlab-ci as a CI tool, so you need to add a.gitlab-ci.yml file to the application source code.

The main work in CI is to build image and generate Chart package, and finally upload Chart package to Choerodon for integration with Choerodon.

Create a. Gitlab-ci. yml file in the root directory of the project and paste the following contents:

 1Set the CI runtime environment imageImage 2:, 3, 4# setup phase, where only image building and Chart package generation are carried out, so define it as a phase
 6- docker-build
 9  stage: docker-build
10  Commands that need to be executed in the phase
11  script:
12  - docker_build
13  - chart_build
15A global script is defined. Before each stage is run, the following code is executed to retrieve the corresponding variables and encapsulated shell functions from the Choerodon platform.
16.auto_devops: &auto_devops |
17    http_status_code=`curl -o -s -m 10 --connect-timeout 10 -w %{http_code} "${CHOERODON_URL}/devops/ci? token=${Token}"18 `if [ "$http_status_code"! ="200" ]; then
19      cat
20      exit1 the 21stfi
22    source
23    # rewrite the docker_build function
24    function docker_build(){
25        docker build --pull -t ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${GROUP_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}:${CI_COMMIT_TAG} .
27    }
30  - *auto_devops
Copy the code

For more information on how to configure to comply with Choerodon standards and requirements, please refer to the. Gitlab-ci. yML file on the Choerodon website.

Replace the original code base with the Choerodon code base

After going through the “application containerization configuration” and “CI Continuous Integration configuration” steps, you will have a new code base containing charts and.gitlab-ci.yml files (the charts folder and.gitlab-ci.yml files must be at the root of the code base), Now synchronize the code base to Choerodon’s corresponding code base, replacing the generated standard code base.

Git commands are as follows:

1Git command: 2git commit -m"Change repo." Package all saved changes as a COMMIT
3git remote remove origin # Delete git source
4git remote add origin [YOUR NEW .GIT URL] Write the new source address to the local repository configuration file
5git push -u origin master # Submit all codeCopy the code

Build a new version

When submitting code to Choerodon’s remote new library in the previous step “Replace the original repository to Choerodon repository”, Choerodon will automatically generate a development version on the master branch, i.e. “2018.8.27-234043-master”. This version can be deployed to run, of course, often generated the first version will be due to various bugs, etc., after repeated debugging can be.

To view the generated version, go to The Choerodon system: Hander R&d (Organization)-> < Your Project > > Application Management -> Application Version. As shown in the figure below.

Create an environment

Once you have a deployable version, you can deploy that version into your environment. The Kubernetes cluster environment for the application system has been installed in step “Application Environment Setup” and the database has been installed and deployed in step “Database Migration”.

1. Go to Choerodon to create the environment page, system path: “Hander R&D” (organization)-> “< your project >” -> Deployment Pipeline -> Environment Pipeline.

2. Click Create Environment. In the dialog box that is displayed, enter the environment code, name, and description.

For example,

  • Environment code: halm-dev

  • Environment name: Development environment

  • Environment Description: Development environment

3. When saving, another dialog box will pop up, as shown below. You need to run this command in Kubernetes environment created in step “Setup application System Environment” to install Choerodon Agent. This step is mandatory. For details about Choerodon Agent, please refer to the official website Choerodon Agent.

4. Commands vary from application to environment. Therefore, the following commands are produced in the author’s environment.

1helm install --repo= \ 2 --namespace=halm-dev \ 3 --name=halm-dev \ 4 - version = 5 - set config.connect=ws:// 0.9.7 \ \ 6 - set config.token=a932598f-8945-449a-9dc7-7a2db489eff6 \ 7 --set config.envId=162 \ 8 --set rbac.create=true \
9    choerodon-agentCopy the code

5. If the execution in Kubernetes is successful, you can see that “Development Environment” is “running”, otherwise it is not successful.

Deploy the newly generated version

The deployable version is ready, the environment is ready, and now you need to deploy the deployable version into the environment.

1. Go to the Choerodon application deployment page, system path: “Hande R&D” (organization)-> “< your Project >” -> Deployment Pipeline -> Application Deployment.

2. Select the application and version.

For example,

  • Application selected: Asset Cloud Application (Halm-dev)

Select version: 2018.8.27-234043-master

3. Select an environment and modify the configuration information.

For example,

  • Select environment: Development environment

Also, the following configuration information can be modified to suit your needs.

4. Select a deployment mode.

For example,

  • Select a deployment mode: Create an instance

For the first deployment, select New Instance.

5. Confirm information and deployment.

6. After verifying the information, deploy it. You can view the deployment status on the Instances page. The final instance name is halm-dev-9fc8.

Create a network

After applications are deployed, they cannot be accessed by external users. You need to create networks and domain names. Now create the network.

1. Go to the Choerodon Web page, system path: “Hander R&D” (organization)-> “< your project >” -> Deployment Pipeline -> Network.

2. Click Create Network. The Create network page is displayed. Fill in the relevant field information.

For example,

  • Environment: Select Development Environment.

  • Target object: Select Select Instance.

  • Application Name: Select Asset Cloud Application.

  • Select an instance: Select halm-dev-9fc8, which is the instance generated in the previous deployment.

  • Network Configuration: Select ClusterIP

  • External IP: NULL

  • Port: 80, port of the internal application of the mirror

  • Destination port: 80, used by K8s applications to provide services

  • Network name: halm-dev-3491

Create a domain name

Have a network but also have a domain name.

1. Go to the Choerodon domain name page, system path: “Hander R&D” (organization)-> “< your project >” -> Deployment Pipeline -> Domain name.

2. Click Create Domain name. On the page that is displayed, enter related information.

Test access

Once the domain name is created, use to access it.

Choerodon Collection of learning and introduction resources for toothfish

With the migration completed, here’s how to use Choerodon for your daily development and deployment. This section contains operations such as project management, development, release, deployment, etc. There are no specific steps, but related learning and introduction resources are brought together for users to find and learn.

Knowledge management

Knowledge management mainly provides the functions of Wiki. Users can use knowledge management to do project approval, requirements analysis, application design, etc., and also record Scrum review meetings. In short, it can be used as a media for daily document editing and sharing of projects.


Quick start on knowledge management

Knowledge Management User manual

[Official website video]

[Video on Knowledge Management]

Agile management

Agile management mainly provides project management functions, including requirements management (stories, user story maps, issues), planning (backlog, sprints), execution (activity sprints, kanban), and data analysis related to project management, such as cumulative flow charts, burnout charts, etc.


Quick Start on Agile Management

Agile Management User Manual

[Official website video]

[Agile Management Video]

The development of

The corresponding functions of development include development pipeline and application management. The main function is to create management applications, as well as the use of branch model and version control when developing applications. Software engineers’ daily development process operations are carried out here.


Create a project

Create an Nginx application

Create a back-end application

Create a front-end application

Application Management User Manual

Develop pipeline user manual

[Official website video]

[Development video]


Test management provides users with agile continuous testing tools, including test case management, test cycle, test analysis and so on, which can effectively improve the efficiency and quality of software testing, and improve the flexibility and visualization level of testing.


Using Test Management

Test Management User manual

[Official website video]

Continuous release and deployment

Using deployment assembly line, users can easily manage all sorts of use customer Choerodon application development and deployment of services, including application of start-stop, condition monitoring, and use the corresponding version control, container management, etc., at the same time also includes the application involves a variety of resource management, such as Internet, domain names, database services, cache service, etc.


Deployment pipeline user manual

[Official website video]

[Continuous delivery of video]

About the Choerodon toothfish

Choerodon is an open source enterprise services platform that builds on Kubernetes’ container orchestration and management capabilities and integrates DevOps toolchains, microservices and mobile application frameworks to help enterprises achieve agile application delivery and automated operations management. It also provides IoT, payment, data, intelligent insights, enterprise application marketplace and other business components to help enterprises focus on their business and accelerate digital transformation.

You can learn about the latest developments of toothfish, product features, and participate in community contributions through the following community channels:

  • choerodon. IO
  • BBS: forum. Choerodon. IO
  • Choerodon toothfish
  • The Choerodon toothfish

Welcome to join the Choerodon Toothfish community to create an open ecological platform for enterprise digital services.