When we need to write a VUE project, we first need to create a Vue project, but when we use Vue Create MyProject, there may be no ESLint, then we can manually configure to create our vue project, let’s get started!

Create a VUE project

vue ui
Copy the code

The Vue Project Manager page opens in the browser page. Then click Create project, select the location of the project, and select “Create a new project here” at the bottom.

Enter the create new project interface, enter your project folder name, here I write myProject, other default configuration options can be, proceed to the next step.

Here we enter the project preset screen, select manual configuration project from the following four options, remember it must be “manual configuration project”! Keep in mind that it must be “manual configuration project”! Keep in mind that it must be “manual configuration project”! Important things say three times!

Start configuring the various features we need to develop the project, in addition to some default options, you can also choose according to your actual needs. Here I chose Router, CSS Pro-Processors, and Linter/Formatter. Proceed to the next step.Enter the configuration screen, here still select the current more 2.x version, select Less for the default CSS, finally select the standard ESLint configuration to complete the project creation, click Create Project.

Start your Vue journey!